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This is fairly high for a delt pin after 48hrs. Nice.

Makes all of those vials that I have look more appealing. Can you give me a time range when you ordered? Curious if ours were from around the same time.

This will make me a little bit happier, hoping my purchases were around the same time, too.
I'm on pharmacom test e and eq, and I have noticed my arms are getting noticeable more vascular. So can't wait to see those results tomo on the eq
How many mg's are you pinning of each? How is your strength? Should be increasing nicely also...
Yeah man strength is deff up and size is noticeable this cycle. Like I said even before I got my labs I have been pleased with the results brothers. The labs just justified my feelings. Hilarious just noticed that wasn't directed at me. Oh well!
Ya my strength is up not a huge amount but I can tell it's on its way, my appetite hasn't gone up tho so still waiting I'm only about 4 weeks in to tho. But I'm doing 600 split of the eq and 750 test e so far I'm happy with it What you running @johnnyrotten94 ?
Ya my strength is up not a huge amount but I can tell it's on its way, my appetite hasn't gone up tho so still waiting I'm only about 4 weeks in to tho. But I'm doing 600 split of the eq and 750 test e so far I'm happy with it What you running @johnnyrotten94 ?
I'm just cruising on 200mg/wk. of trt test cyp. And 100mg/eod of the pharmacom NPP. Getting blood work done in 2 weeks, then blast off! At 900mg/wk. of pharmacom test e 300. Up the NPP to 150mg/eod. And run some injectable Dbol for a kicker. This will be a 16 week blast. Of course Dbol will only be first 5 weeks. Then I may add some Tren a in there too.
You started pinning on May 18 and got labs labs drawn when? I know labs was 48hrs after your last pin. Just unclear of how many weeks you were running prior to getting drawn.
3 Weeks on Pharmacom gear and 4 weeks prior to that I was running 500mg of another source. The other source was clear of my system by this blood work or at the very least just trace amount left.
Help me understand what's happening here, DFG.

I don't get why you are having to wait 1 to 2 weeks for replacement dbol to be sent? I thought he was able to have packs here much quicker than that? Does he not have confidence in the dbol that's on the shelf right now, so he is waiting for a new batch to be made, while still sending people the crap dbol? And if so, why is the stuff on the shelf being sent to ANYONE? That is pretty disconcerting if this is the case.

Help me understand the wait, DFG. Thanks.

Not sure whats going on with dfg but D said hes sending my new batch this week. So ill have mine in 1-2 weeks

So then I must have read his post wrong, I guess. I thought he was saying that his replacements weren't even going to be shipped for another week or two. I was confused why it couldn't/wouldn't be shipped out from the current inventory, due to doubts of the quality of the current inventory, if current inventory was being sold to others.

Glad I misunderstood it.
3 Weeks on Pharmacom gear and 4 weeks prior to that I was running 500mg of another source. The other source was clear of my system by this blood work or at the very least just trace amount left.

I appreciate you sharing. But I'm trying to understand.., at 600mg pw of test e or even at 550mg (est of old lab 500mg and pharmacom at 600mg wk for a total of 7 wks) why you're labs aren't in the range of 8X (4400ng) or 10X (6000ng). Yet we are giving it a GTG?
I appreciate you sharing. But I'm trying to understand.., at 600mg pw of test e or even at 550mg (est of old lab 500mg and pharmacom at 600mg wk for a total of 7 wks) why you're labs aren't in the range of 8X (4400ng) or 10X (6000ng). Yet we are giving it a GTG?
Ok holy shit man! The gear I was using was in my opinion bunk or way underdosed! Do the math after 3 weeks to have those numbers is spot on and yes they will only increase from here. If you doubt this that's your deal. If this gear was anything but on point my test levels would be shit! 3 weeks is long enough to be clear of anything but the pharmacom gear.
Ok holy shit man! The gear I was using was in my opinion bunk or way underdosed! Do the math after 3 weeks to have those numbers is spot on and yes they will only increase from here. If you doubt this that's your deal. If this gear was anything but on point my test levels would be shit! 3 weeks is long enough to be clear of anything but the pharmacom gear.

Stop being so defensive brother. We are just trying to make sure that we are interpreting your blood results correctly. There are a lot of moving parts here. You were only on the new test e for less than 3 weeks at the time of blood draw. You were on other gear before that, and it doesn't sound like we have bloods from that gear.

Because we don't have a result of where your blood test level was on the old gear, but before you started the new gear, we can not even begin to extrapolate where you are headed in coming weeks.

Relax brother, Safety isn't attacking you. He is trying to help all of us interpret your results accurately. Trust me, all of us REALLY REALLY hope your gear is fire. That will always be the common theme here - all of us want for our fellow members to have great gear. But you have to see that there are questions here.