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Stop being so defensive brother. We are just trying to make sure that we are interpreting your blood results correctly. There are a lot of moving parts here. You were only on the new test e for less than 3 weeks at the time of blood draw. You were on other gear before that, and it doesn't sound like we have bloods from that gear.

Because we don't have a result of where your blood test level was on the old gear, but before you started the new gear, we can not even begin to extrapolate where you are headed in coming weeks.

Relax brother, Safety isn't attacking you. He is trying to help all of us interpret your results accurately. Trust me, all of us REALLY REALLY hope your gear is fire. That will always be the common theme here - all of us want for our fellow members to have great gear. But you have to see that there are questions here.
No I get that trust me. One of those days man. Gonna be 8 weeks before I draw labs again but we all know and feel when we are pinning good gear and until I made the switch I knew I was pinning crap. All good safety alot going on today and gasket leaked.
Help me understand what's happening here, DFG.

I don't get why you are having to wait 1 to 2 weeks for replacement dbol to be sent? I thought he was able to have packs here much quicker than that? Does he not have confidence in the dbol that's on the shelf right now, so he is waiting for a new batch to be made, while still sending people the crap dbol? And if so, why is the stuff on the shelf being sent to ANYONE? That is pretty disconcerting if this is the case.

Help me understand the wait, DFG. Thanks.
I was told on Saturday that a he will have a new batch in 1-2 weeks. My guess is not that he doesn't have confidence in the old batch but that he wants me to try the new batch and see if I have problems with it as well.
Ok holy shit man! The gear I was using was in my opinion bunk or way underdosed! Do the math after 3 weeks to have those numbers is spot on and yes they will only increase from here. If you doubt this that's your deal. If this gear was anything but on point my test levels would be shit! 3 weeks is long enough to be clear of anything but the pharmacom gear.

You can't be sure that 3 wks is long enough to be clear of the other UGL's gear without labs. I'm not doubting you, just trying to gather data and gain an understanding prior to throwing out this this lab is GTG. Because we all know that's GTG shit is vial to vial. Don't be so damn defensive. I'm on your team and hope that you have some bomb ass gear. If you stick around long enough you'll see we have to ask the questions to gain an understanding prior to making decisions. Again, good job getting the labs.
Also, pinning in the delts can effect the results considerably. I would doubt a delt pin would be readable 48hours later (at least a peak).

If anyone can chime in as to why, or why not, please let me know...
That's 3098 with Dr notes below cuz she shit her pants! Lmfao. Point is this test is GTG! Well done Darius!!!!
Unfortunately, 3 weeks time is not going to give us an accurate # on Pharmacom. However, even if tested according to protocol for test E - am I missing something? 600mg p/wk should yield higher results @ 7-10x's.

How much test were you on prior to starting Pharmacom?
Unfortunately, 3 weeks time is not going to give us an accurate # on Pharmacom. However, even if tested according to protocol for test E - am I missing something? 600mg p/wk should yield higher results @ 7-10x's.

How much test were you on prior to starting Pharmacom?
Form what I gathered he was on 500mg wk for 4wks from the other lab and 600mg pw for 3 wks from pharmacom
Correct gents 3 weeks isn't much but another 8 will tell the tale. Thanks for the input and questions and my earlier mood was caused by a cunt. I will keep up to date on things with you all and may consider new test labs in 4 weeks. Got good insurance so not an issue. My current concern is the dbol issue since I just started today for a mid kick
Correct gents 3 weeks isn't much but another 8 will tell the tale. Thanks for the input and questions and my earlier mood was caused by a cunt. I will keep up to date on things with you all and may consider new test labs in 4 weeks. Got good insurance so not an issue. My current concern is the dbol issue since I just started today for a mid kick
Good luck with the Dbol. Hopefully you got the goods man!
Hopefully someone has good results from the Dbol. I want to ask for something else instead but only ordered one Dbol pack and the tbol and var are more expensive.

Also, who said they are getting their new Dbol sent out this week because I was just told he will restock "probably by the end of the month."
Well I won't bullshit anyone here about my results from this dbol. Fuck we are all in this for the same reasons!! On that note if someone is getting some proper dbol don't hesitate to pm a brother!
Hopefully someone has good results from the Dbol. I want to ask for something else instead but only ordered one Dbol pack and the tbol and var are more expensive.

Also, who said they are getting their new Dbol sent out this week because I was just told he will restock "probably by the end of the month."
Yeah, I asked the same question, and Darius said no one was getting anything shipped out to them as of yet...
Also, pinning in the delts can effect the results considerably. I would doubt a delt pin would be readable 48hours later (at least a peak).

If anyone can chime in as to why, or why not, please let me know...

Im not sure but could you clarify why? Not being a smart ass, just curious. Because the muscle is more dense in the delts and thus slower absorption? I personally dont pin delts anymore, it burns like a mofo.
You can't be sure that 3 wks is long enough to be clear of the other UGL's gear without labs. I'm not doubting you, just trying to gather data and gain an understanding prior to throwing out this this lab is GTG. Because we all know that's GTG shit is vial to vial. Don't be so damn defensive. I'm on your team and hope that you have some bomb ass gear. If you stick around long enough you'll see we have to ask the questions to gain an understanding prior to making decisions. Again, good job getting the labs.

Its not long enough at all and results can definately be skewed. I stopped saying anything was g2g awhile ago for the reason you stated, each vial is different. For instance, I recently got two great vials of tren and two not so great vials of tren from the same lab in the same order. There is no such thing as a g2g lab.
Its not long enough at all and results can definately be skewed. I stopped saying anything was g2g awhile ago for the reason you stated, each vial is different. For instance, I recently got two great vials of tren and two not so great vials of tren from the same lab in the same order. There is no such thing as a g2g lab.
This is what i cant stand. I place a good sized order and you throw in some bunk shit mixed with good? Someone somewhere wrote the book for these sources they all have the same M.O.! "Fuck your clients as often as you can"
Im not sure but could you clarify why? Not being a smart ass, just curious. Because the muscle is more dense in the delts and thus slower absorption? I personally dont pin delts anymore, it burns like a mofo.
Sure, it's simple really, bloodflow.

I believe it's almost 2x faster with glutes than delts, for example.

So, with absorption rates being different, so will the #'s after a particular time period.
Sure, it's simple really, bloodflow.

I believe it's almost 2x faster with glutes than delts, for example.

So, with absorption rates being different, so will the #'s after a particular time period.

I remember reading this before now, thanks for the explanation.
I remember reading this before now, thanks for the explanation.
Sure. Basically blood acts as the solvent. The more solvent you apply, the quicker it's dissolved. :)

I do imagine it's still different person to person. As, my delts are disproportionately large compared to most of my other muscles. Also, I wonder if you work the muscle post-injection, if it would speed up the absorption process. Hmm.
Sure, it's simple really, bloodflow.

I believe it's almost 2x faster with glutes than delts, for example.

So, with absorption rates being different, so will the #'s after a particular time period.
This...Also I use delts almost always because of this and some advise from current doc who told me delts will let your body get and use more due to smaller size and distance from liver. Not sure about the truth to it but sounded good to me and its easier for me to pin delts to be honest.