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Personal all get in the blood regardless of what muscle we are pinning.
This...Also I use delts almost always because of this and some advise from current doc who told me delts will let your body get and use more due to smaller size and distance from liver. Not sure about the truth to it but sounded good to me and its easier for me to pin delts to be honest.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't sound like personal choice, sounds like bad advice. But what you do with that advice, I suppose is personal choice. Why would you personally choose to endure more scar tissue and shittier absorption rate?
The whole spot injection for increased size in a particular muscle has some true to it, it's not bro science. It will work but only if you use it in the same manner as synthol. When you inject the oil contained in the aas it will stretch the fascia, but only if you inject a high amount of aas about
4-8ccs in that particular body part per week. Again preferably the oil used in the aas should be mct witch is what synthol is mostly made of, also the shoulders have 3 heads so that's a lot of aas that's why it only seems to work for guys that are on high amounts of aas.
The whole spot injection for increased size in a particular muscle has some true to it, it's not bro science. It will work but only if you use it in the same manner as synthol. When you inject the oil contained in the aas it will stretch the fascia, but only if you inject a high amount of aas about
4-8ccs in that particular body part per week. Again preferably the oil used in the aas should be mct witch is what synthol is mostly made of, also the shoulders have 3 heads so that's a lot of aas that's why it only seems to work for guys that are on high amounts of aas.

Synthol works bc it stays in the muscle for a long time whereas the oil you pin from gear leaves the depot much much sooner.
The whole spot injection for increased size in a particular muscle has some true to it, it's not bro science. It will work but only if you use it in the same manner as synthol. When you inject the oil contained in the aas it will stretch the fascia, but only if you inject a high amount of aas about
4-8ccs in that particular body part per week. Again preferably the oil used in the aas should be mct witch is what synthol is mostly made of, also the shoulders have 3 heads so that's a lot of aas that's why it only seems to work for guys that are on high amounts of aas.
This is true.. But as you stated it needs to be gear made with mcr oil wich like u said is what synthol mostly consist of.... So yes if you are injecting a high amount of gear that's made with mct oil into a weak body part let's say your bicept it will help stretch the fascia like synthol and perhaps help... Will it work as well as synthol prolly not, but if it's made with mct theoretically it should help.. I mean it deff can't hurt...
Synthol works bc it stays in the muscle for a long time whereas the oil you pin from gear leaves the depot much much sooner.

Yeah that's why I stated that the oil use on aas needs to be mct oil because that's what 85% synthol is made of. But it's highly unlikely some one is gonna pin that much, unless you are a pro.
God blessed me with the delts of a female child, it sucks. However when i do pin them they look swole as fuck, but thats only because I usually have a huge knot. I know guys that workout the muscle they pin the same day and swear by it. I feel like we might be getting into broscience territory now.
I work the muscle the same day because it seems to reduce the PIP. It forces the oil to spread around, and not knot up. Not sure if it actually encourages more absorption, probably a negligible amount.

However, with things like winny depot, it makes sense to me to pin that muscle.
Well in us meth so cheap atm. That would be what u would get more than likely. I don't want either one in mine. Surprise random piss test at work. No biggie I'm good. Next day fired for test positive for meth or coke.
I work the muscle the same day because it seems to reduce the PIP. It forces the oil to spread around, and not knot up. Not sure if it actually encourages more absorption, probably a negligible amount.

However, with things like winny depot, it makes sense to me to pin that muscle.

Fuck winny depot, you have some balls my friend. That makes sense and Im sure it helps with absorption a certain amount since youre engorging the muscle with blood.
The whole spot injection for increased size in a particular muscle has some true to it, it's not bro science. It will work but only if you use it in the same manner as synthol. When you inject the oil contained in the aas it will stretch the fascia, but only if you inject a high amount of aas about
4-8ccs in that particular body part per week. Again preferably the oil used in the aas should be mct witch is what synthol is mostly made of, also the shoulders have 3 heads so that's a lot of aas that's why it only seems to work for guys that are on high amounts of aas.

The only size difference I notice from spot injecting is from a knot that swells up. Yesterday I was like damn, my quad looks huge, but it was just a swollen knot. Short lived gains, short lived gains lol
After 12 or so weeks of pinning my ass I look like I could be in sports illustrated swimsuit edition from behind. A little hairier but whatever [emoji6]
Fuck winny depot, you have some balls my friend. That makes sense and Im sure it helps with absorption a certain amount since youre engorging the muscle with blood.
I didn't say I liked it! LOL, I stopped running it about a week ago. I was running 1cc of that plus 1cc of suspension daily. The pip from 2cc's of water based was ludicrous.
Has anyone had any good news about the test e 300? I just started on Monday and tomorrow will be my second pin. Just looking for some other testimonials. Running arimidex .5mg E3D too. If no one else does, I'll keep you all updated. I plan on throwing in some var from pharmacom at week 7 so I'll be able to let you guys know how that goes too.

Edit: Forgot to mention so I'll throw it in the edit. I got it from the pharmacom dot in store and shipping was fast and both vials of test along with the arimidex were in perfect condition and boxed. Great work on the shipping.

Darius, if you see this please get back to me on email or the pm I sent you.
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@Jason Haas i know its been said already that this does not matter.
But just curious did your test e have the scratch code?

Nvm I just went back and looked and u did have the quality

Sorry to start that back up, but I'd be lying if I said its not bothering me that I don't have a sticker to check on the site. The tests Millard ran on pharmacom gear had codes, and the guy coming back with better bloods than we have been seeing had codes.

Even if it's a 1% increase in peace of mind it's better than nothing.
Has anyone had any good news about the test e 300? I just started on Monday and tomorrow will be my second pin. Just looking for some other testimonials. Running arimidex .5mg E3D too. If no one else does, I'll keep you all updated. I plan on throwing in some var from pharmacom at week 7 so I'll be able to let you guys know how that goes too.
Just curious, have you not been reading any of the posts on this thread, or in the testing section?
Just curious, have you not been reading any of the posts on this thread, or in the testing section?
I haven't. I just wanted to see if anyone else had any experiences with it. And if nobody has, I'll be glad to keep you all posted for the 12 week ride ahead. Haha. Has there already been info about this?