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Hey this is probably a dumb question but when y'all put In a order to darius what do you do about the test question when It comes to western union. I said what the hell his test e and eq did good on Millards testing so I'll give it another shot

Test questions need to be waved.
I would recommend the transfer being done through a local agency or clerk and not online.
Less security questions asked and it has a a higher acceptance probability.

Thank you!
Omg 5k call a day. I was not able to do it. Well I mean I could if I just ate shit all day. But on a good clean diet i can't break 4.3k I honestly feel like I am going to vomit. Not to mention not taking a poop for 3 days. Then like 14k worth of food comes out all at once. I now know what my mother went through giving birth to me.
Nvm I just went back and looked and u did have the quality

Sorry to start that back up, but I'd be lying if I said its not bothering me that I don't have a sticker to check on the site. The tests Millard ran on pharmacom gear had codes, and the guy coming back with better bloods than we have been seeing had codes.

Even if it's a 1% increase in peace of mind it's better than nothing.

Let's do that 1% increase and send one of your vials to a lab testing, Millard, Flenser etc
I'll cover all the testing costs as usual and meanwhile I'll send you another vial with all the stickers and badges. I'll even put some extra stickers on the box "quality control" ... those just arrived and I have thousands now.

E-mail me for further arrangements.
I'll even put some extra stickers on the box "quality control" ... those just arrived and I have thousands now.
Extra stickers! :)

Not sure why a source would put this in writing since it really just underscores how meaningless "quality control" badges, stickers, and "code stickers" truly are when they are something that is simply stuck on a bottle by a reseller.

The damn things could be puffy MLP stickers and have the same effect. None.

One thing I expect to start seeing is that the "batch numbers" from Millard's testing will start appearing on tons more gear from those UGL's regardless of how many batches before or after the product was actually derived from.

Stickers are cheap.
Extra stickers! :)

Not sure why a source would put this in writing since it really just underscores how meaningless "quality control" badges, stickers, and "code stickers" truly are when they are something that is simply stuck on a bottle by a reseller.

The damn things could be puffy MLP stickers and have the same effect. None.

One thing I expect to start seeing is that the "batch numbers" from Millard's testing will start appearing on tons more gear from those UGL's regardless of how many batches before or after the product was actually derived from.

Stickers are cheap.

Those batch numbers are already used across multiple products so that doesn't matter. My test c, NPP and mix 2 all have the same batch #.
Let's do that 1% increase and send one of your vials to a lab testing, Millard, Flenser etc
I'll cover all the testing costs as usual and meanwhile I'll send you another vial with all the stickers and badges. I'll even put some extra stickers on the box "quality control" ... those just arrived and I have thousands now.

E-mail me for further arrangements.

Well the fact you're willing to do that makes me feel better in itself, but if this would put anyone else's mind to rest I would be more than willing to do that. It's about the community. Not just me.

We have all been burned, most of us more than once so you have to understand the frustration. I want nothing more than the product you put out to be 100% legit 100% of the time. Trust me when I say this.

I'm not going to do it if it's just for me however. If I'm the only one who gives a shit it's not worth any of our time really. We are all busy men I am sure of that.

Yes stickers can be faked and this may all be a futile attempt
at trying to make me feel better about running it beforehand. Bloods will come regardless of what's done either way. That's a must.

So I'll leave this one up to the other guys without codes. Hopefully they chime in. If they would like to do this I'm game.

And thank you Darius for the offer. That's what I like to see. No fear attitude. That actually gave me my 1% but if anyone would like to see this done I'm more than willing to do it.
What's not to say uhhmm a reseller to sell those "stickers" to a counterfeit maker of pharmacom and we all now have "stickers" on fake gear but the "sticker" is telling everyone is good

Not very assuring we can't go by the scratch code because they are on every bottle the same #

What's next scratch n sniff
Yo my gear smell like cotton candy it must have cotton candy oil
Extra stickers! :)

Not sure why a source would put this in writing since it really just underscores how meaningless "quality control" badges, stickers, and "code stickers" truly are when they are something that is simply stuck on a bottle by a reseller.

I think that is the point.
That is exactly the point. D is saying as he said in the past the stickers dont matter. But what would matter is sending in one of your vials to the same lab Milard is using to get tested, Because D never knew it was going to be tested before he sent it to you. So what ever the results come back would say a lot.