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That is exactly the point. D is saying as he said in the past the stickers dont matter. But what would matter is sending in one of your vials to the same lab Milard is using to get tested, Because D never knew it was going to be tested before he sent it to you. So what ever the results come back would say a lot.

Exactly. That's the only reason I entertained the idea.
That is exactly the point. D is saying as he said in the past the stickers dont matter. But what would matter is sending in one of your vials to the same lab Milard is using to get tested, Because D never knew it was going to be tested before he sent it to you. So what ever the results come back would say a lot.
Ok so wait they have a bunch of diff products/vials with the same scratch code??? I mean I could understand then having the same batch number implying they came from same batch but shouldn't it have a batch number saying what batch it came from and also a scratch code to that was unique that only that bottle has?? Is that not the case???
That's weird seems like to do it right to where it would actually be beneficial it should have a batch number to say what batch it was produce with wich others of that same product and batch would have the same number but then also a scratch code that was unique and only that one bottle had... Then it would actually serve a dam purpose.. Lol that's hilarious
Ok so wait they have a bunch of diff products/vials with the same scratch code??? I mean I could understand then having the same batch number implying they came from same batch but shouldn't it have a batch number saying what batch it came from and also a scratch code to that was unique that only that bottle has?? Is that not the case???


Different scratch codes for different products.
Same batch number for different products.
just forget the numbers guys, send in the bottle for testing, use the others and report back on your results. Everybody's body reacts different to aas see what transformation your body makes, and when judging be true to yourself, have you been training, eating right, pushing yourself etc... And if you taken the compound before how does this one compare to the others. Did you get the results you were looking for the last time you used - are you getting the same results this time. After all most of us do this to transform our bodies in the end isnt the results all that matter. code, numbers how much impact do they really have on the end results.

In the meantime let Millard do his testing program and the real quality shit will rise to the top but thats going to take a while - So the best judge we have know is the body transformation we make while on the gear.
And i think most of us will find out compounds like test, tren npp will be dosed right by most ugl - the real difference will be in the more exotic gear like var, primo, mast etc... Where the raws are harder to obtain and much more expensive.

Different scratch codes for different products.
Same batch number for different products.
Ok we'll I think that diff vials of same product from same batch should have same bath number.. But only that specific product.. Example.. Thy make a batch of x amount of x they should all have same batch number and no other product even if it's the same product from a diff batch are a diff product made the same day should have the same number it should be unique I just the product as a whole made in that batch.. But either way codes don't mean shit but if used right the company could benefit from them..
just forget the numbers guys, send in the bottle for testing, use the others and report back on your results. Everybody's body reacts different to aas see what transformation your body makes, and when judging be true to yourself, have you been training, eating right, pushing yourself etc... And if you taken the compound before how does this one compare to the others. Did you get the results you were looking for the last time you used - are you getting the same results this time. After all most of us do this to transform our bodies in the end isnt the results all that matter. code, numbers how much impact do they really have on the end results.

In the meantime let Millard do his testing program and the real quality shit will rise to the top but thats going to take a while - So the best judge we have know is the body transformation we make while on the gear.

Bloods are much better than how u feel. But how many of us want to run something 6 weeks only to find out we've been getting half the labeled dose. Or not even that!

Nothing in millards testing tells me it came from Darius. There is more than one reseller for pharmacom. All of them with the same chance to alter the final product.

Mine is more curiosity than searching for truth. This could be completely pointless or "somewhat" useful. Nothing is foolproof with resellers or UGLs.

I'm pissing in the wind either way. It's just that the bloods I've seen were either stacking other compounds that may or may not affect results, or just not following BW protocol at all to get accurate results. Still a lot of unanswered questions with bloods.

Honestly the fact he's willing to submit it for testing makes me feel better than a new bottle With a scratch code. That's enough reassurance for me. But I am willing to do it if anyone thinks this would be beneficial in any way.
If not then just have to wait for those bloods.
Ok we'll I think that diff vials of same product from same batch should have same bath number.. But only that specific product.. Example.. Thy make a batch of x amount of x they should all have same batch number and no other product even if it's the same product from a diff batch are a diff product made the same day should have the same number it should be unique I just the product as a whole made in that batch.. But either way codes don't mean shit but if used right the company could benefit from them..

Ideally yes, that's how batch #s are supposed to work. But...we're still dealing with a UGL so none of it means shit.
The batch of Test E that I got came fully labeled inside its pharmacom box, it looked very professional.

No issue with Darius, though I have never done business with him personally.... His comment just brought the idea that floats around here about packaging and scrath offs as something that indicates actual validity to the fore.

Having been involved in a few internet ventures myself I can assure you that professional looking packaging is simple to come by and not in any way indicative of actual product quality. Heck it isn't even indicative that the person/company you deal with ever touched the merch!

Same thing with scratch off codes. Unless the website you check them with uses them as one time pad equivalents (basically registering the first time the code was used to some sort of index value) and flag all subsequent validations of the same code # as forgeries they really don't do much. Get one vial from the manufacturer, scratch off the code to make sure it is vlaid and then simply order a 1000 labels with that same code under the scratch off. Bingo, instant validation of... nothing really.

I support Millard's testing paradigm but you can bet your top, bottom, or middle dollar that any identifiable characteristics of packaging, batch numbers, etc that appear on the good test reports will be instantly copied and promulgated by less scrupulous dealers.

It beomces simplicity itself to prey on the volume of noobs/rube who will simply say "Hey this tren/test/whatever packaging says all the same things on it as the one that tested well! I am g2g!".

Maybe I am a cynic I guess.
I just dont get it!!! Why do so many new and younger guys like to announce to the world that they have schedule 3 drugs in route to their house ??? How bout you keep that to yourself, and then Maybe if you must tell everyone then wait till after you receive them [emoji57]
Because lots of young folks use tor and vpn or socks5 could be the reason?
No issue with Darius, though I have never done business with him personally.... His comment just brought the idea that floats around here about packaging and scrath offs as something that indicates actual validity to the fore.

Having been involved in a few internet ventures myself I can assure you that professional looking packaging is simple to come by and not in any way indicative of actual product quality. Heck it isn't even indicative that the person/company you deal with ever touched the merch!

Same thing with scratch off codes. Unless the website you check them with uses them as one time pad equivalents (basically registering the first time the code was used to some sort of index value) and flag all subsequent validations of the same code # as forgeries they really don't do much. Get one vial from the manufacturer, scratch off the code to make sure it is vlaid and then simply order a 1000 labels with that same code under the scratch off. Bingo, instant validation of... nothing really.

I support Millard's testing paradigm but you can bet your top, bottom, or middle dollar that any identifiable characteristics of packaging, batch numbers, etc that appear on the good test reports will be instantly copied and promulgated by less scrupulous dealers.

It beomces simplicity itself to prey on the volume of noobs/rube who will simply say "Hey this tren/test/whatever packaging says all the same things on it as the one that tested well! I am g2g!".

Maybe I am a cynic I guess.
Nope you not crazy actually quite the opposite. You entirely correct, unless it's done right and kept up with in a database it's useless! I couldn't agree with you anymore