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Sure. Basically blood acts as the solvent. The more solvent you apply, the quicker it's dissolved. :)

I do imagine it's still different person to person. As, my delts are disproportionately large compared to most of my other muscles. Also, I wonder if you work the muscle post-injection, if it would speed up the absorption process. Hmm.

God blessed me with the delts of a female child, it sucks. However when i do pin them they look swole as fuck, but thats only because I usually have a huge knot. I know guys that workout the muscle they pin the same day and swear by it. I feel like we might be getting into broscience territory now.
God blessed me with the delts of a female child, it sucks. However when i do pin them they look swole as fuck, but thats only because I usually have a huge knot. I know guys that workout the muscle they pin the same day and swear by it. I feel like we might be getting into broscience territory now.

I used to squat every day I was in the gym and at that point I was only pinning glutes and quads. I've also pinned pecs on days I do bench. I enjoy working the muscle I pin but I don't really time it up to happen and don't think it's going to do anything for growth or strength. Just broscience in the making.
Hopefully someone has good results from the Dbol. I want to ask for something else instead but only ordered one Dbol pack and the tbol and var are more expensive.

Also, who said they are getting their new Dbol sent out this week because I was just told he will restock "probably by the end of the month."
They're only like 10 bucks more. Ask him to price match basicstero. He will beat it by 5%...
This...Also I use delts almost always because of this and some advise from current doc who told me delts will let your body get and use more due to smaller size and distance from liver. Not sure about the truth to it but sounded good to me and its easier for me to pin delts to be honest.

That doesn't make any sense to me at all. I pin delts as infrequently as possible, they develop scar tissue faster than glutes.