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Just want to give a follow up post (no pics per request of community) Another member relieved a pack from Darius. it looked nothing like mine from the reseller. It was gtg
@pmac928 no source is good to go they all have issues it's how it's handle everyday is different we all know that but Darius been handling way better than that other dude and I advice everyone to always check there gear and always have there personal source we live and Learn
Not to nut hug here, but can any naysayers list a better source off of meso? 99% of them are shady bastards that handle business in a pre-pubescent manner.
Shred. I think that it is safe to say that as long as a ugl is operating here they will have to address any and all problems that arise. I don't care how long you been on meso or any other board if your old enough to have lived through operation gear grinder, gen xxl, brovel, axio , the rise and fall of British dragon and the list of labs go on and on we can conclude that ugls are only as good as the last tested batch. Darius does seem to be honest but if he is gonna operate here he will have answer for products and bad labmaxes. Neverbeenpinned said to me that he could tell I was censoring my post. He is right. I was a little gun shy of putting my review up because there was some negativity towards the top dog source here. But I threw it out there anyway because what everyone has preached to me since my first post is that meso is about honesty and analytical data. That is what has made this place flourish and stay above fan boy sites like eroids. Every single member that questions sources here and demands they put the proof out there of the products they sell us to inject in our body should be proud that they are taking that stance on things. No source should ever get big enough to where we as members are gun shy of putting an honest review up. That is how I truly feel
Shred. I think that it is safe to say that as long as a ugl is operating here they will have to address any and all problems that arise. I don't care how long you been on meso or any other board if your old enough to have lived through operation gear grinder, gen xxl, brovel, axio , the rise and fall of British dragon and the list of labs go on and on we can conclude that ugls are only as good as the last tested batch. Darius does seem to be honest but if he is gonna operate here he will have answer for products and bad labmaxes. Neverbeenpinned said to me that he could tell I was censoring my post. He is right. I was a little gun shy of putting my review up because there was some negativity towards the top dog source here. But I threw it out there anyway because what everyone has preached to me since my first post is that meso is about honesty and analytical data. That is what has made this place flourish and stay above fan boy sites like eroids. Every single member that questions sources here and demands they put the proof out there of the products they sell us to inject in our body should be proud that they are taking that stance on things. No source should ever get big enough to where we as members are gun shy of putting an honest review up. That is how I truly feel
Very True and well said. I was never much of a presence back in the day but I was one who was scared off because of the nature of my job during operation gear grinder. I jumped right back in helping someone out a few weeks ago during the "other lab" saga. I didn't know where I landed and couldn't understand all the hostility. I do now and truly respect the WKM's and the like on how they protect everyone to the experienced to the noob.
Dude I ain't been here long either but I have read the tales of ge tm. I used to hate CBS for being such a dickhead but after I seen Phurious pharma come in here with their poison and try to plague the community with it and watched him go into action with digging up all the lies and quotes from other boards that they were ran out of. It must of took forever. Odie and volt did the same. They already knew the guy was a fraud from day one. But they still spent major time to show the new guys that Phurious was a scam. I have major respect after that. It is necessary. And Darius operating here proves it can be done. But he will still have to answer to the issues
This is why i love MESO. It's put up or shut up. With that said i think so far Darius has handled himself well and there have been some other members on this board saying that pharmacon is gtg. But it is very true a ugl is only as good as its last batch. And as long as he understands that and is willing to be held accountable and make things right when there are issues. What more can you ask for?
I've learned over the past year meso is the worst board to have a source on. These guys won't last here, just like the rest. Yuck it up while the getting is good... good luck to all.
I've learned over the past year meso is the worst board to have a source on. These guys won't last here, just like the rest. Yuck it up while the getting is good... good luck to all.
My deep thought for today...

Are there truly "great labs" outside of Meso? Or do they just not get exposed on other boards like they will at Meso?

i.e. Mike Strong

Go on and marinade on that for a minute
My question is how come we didn't vet this guy better?
bro, smooth like a mike strong entrance lol
The same thing was said about mike strong. Don't know if you were around for that whole fiasco but it ended badly. Guys this won't last here. Yuck it up while the gear is good. If it even is. The judge is still out
haha yes bro, exactly like mike 'can do no wrong' strong. Fuck him
My deep thought for today...

Are there truly "great labs" outside of Meso? Or do they just not get exposed on other boards like they will at Meso?

i.e. Mike Strong

Go on and marinade on that for a minute

There are no "great" labs IMO. There are good labs with better powder connections than others and those labs probably wouldn't come here for good reason, who needs the aggravation?

Mike Strong was a conniving piece of shit with a huge following of idiots that have no clue about testing.

I've looked around, a lot actually, and no boards come close to Meso when it comes to testing. We're leading the way folks!!

As far as pharmacom, this Frank guy is an arrogant moron. At least Darius seems to have somewhat of a head on his shoulders.
There are no "great" labs IMO. There are good labs with better powder connections than others and those labs probably wouldn't come here for good reason, who needs the aggravation?

Mike Strong was a conniving piece of shit with a huge following of idiots that have no clue about testing
True JB, but let's not forget MS got himself a nice cult following here also. That was until testing started and he had no idea how to respond
There are no "great" labs IMO. There are good labs with better powder connections than others and those labs probably wouldn't come here for good reason, who needs the aggravation?

Mike Strong was a conniving piece of shit with a huge following of idiots that have no clue about testing.

I've looked around, a lot actually, and no boards come close to Meso when it comes to testing. We're leading the way folks!!

As far as pharmacom, this Frank guy is an arrogant moron. At least Darius seems to have somewhat of a head on his shoulders.

And who would be more likely to have better connections higher up the ladder? Pharmacom who built an entire factory in the source country with production lines making 50k+ dollar orders or some guy in a trailer buying 400$ bags of powder for his bathtub brew from a public vendor to the states. Fuck it im done with all these hundreds of small bathtub brew ugls. If a million dollar posh ugl isnt getting it then no one will.
A factory? Really? If you buy into that video of them shuffling a bunch of vials around, I don't know what to tell you.
A factory? Really? If you buy into that video of them shuffling a bunch of vials around, I don't know what to tell you.

What do you call it? Do you think they just started up only on messo. Pharmacoms been around for almost 10 years everywhere. Call me a nuthugger but like i said, if they dont have it then no one does and i give up. Especially one of these small time bathtub brews or the "private" ones to sound more exclusive.