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Bro I will be getting some picks of a guys pack he got today. They are from Darius as well. I will post pics

I must say I completely disagree with posting pictures of packs. I don't see how that is in any way a safe practice for anyone, the end users or the sources. But feel free to correct me anyone if you think I'm being paranoid.
Loperdk. i won't go into detail about his methods of tab packing. But I will tell you the only way you would know they were tabs is by opening them and checking. It's a legit way to pack tabs
Well if you don't include address it is safe.

2. If a pack job sucks the community deserves to hear and see it.

3: given dariuses history here if my pack was an isolated incident it is only fair to reassure the rest of the community that his method is Gtg. I guess your point is well taken. If the pack job is good I will just comment on it and not post pic. Good enough for you friend?
Anyway been following this thread for awhile. Shit I started it. I am disappointed about the labmax results to say the least. But at the same time I dont know how much we can really trust labmax. I have done a lot of reading on labmax and dont really know what to believe. I have never used pharmacoms injectables but I did use their Tbol. It worked great for me and I had no issues with it.

I have also done a lot of reading about darius. And I honestly have seen no complaints up until the recent labmax flenser did. But I have seen him act very respectable in terms of being a rep. More than once. He has also been around for awhile and from what I have read most sources dont even make it half as long as he has on this board. So that being said I think we at least owe him the respect to let him make things right if and when there is a problem. And hopefully he will. Its in everyones best interest that he does so especially his. And I cannot think of one reason he wouldnt. Just my 2 cents
The same thing was said about mike strong. Don't know if you were around for that whole fiasco but it ended badly. Guys this won't last here. Yuck it up while the gear is good. If it even is. The judge is still out
@pmac928 nope wasnt around for that. But have read a few old threads about it. I dont know man pharmacom is a huge ugl at least from their videos I have seen they are a lot bigger than strong ever was. Bigger than most ever will be. I dont think they would waste all that money on such a massive production if they wanted to just start screwing people. It really makes no sense. But yes ur right the judge is still out so lets hope this mass spec testing goes through and we see some good results and if not good results lets hope for some good changes. And hope they make things right. As I said its in everyones best interest. Especially pharmacoms.
Well if you don't include address it is safe.

2. If a pack job sucks the community deserves to hear and see it.

3: given dariuses history here if my pack was an isolated incident it is only fair to reassure the rest of the community that his method is Gtg. I guess your point is well taken. If the pack job is good I will just comment on it and not post pic. Good enough for you friend?

I would say it is a risk regardless. But yes, especially with a good pack, that is the most current method of packing, it would be very foolish to post a picture of it. A one time fuck up pack that will not be repeated is a different story. But good packs should never be posted.
Wasn't wanting details but I should of clarified that. Hard to find a good source. Would of course like domestic but it seems like there are no good ones anymore. This is a great thread much appreciated especially the "no drama".
Second day with prop hits me like a truck, feel like I'm shot by a gun in the glutes. Since I'm mixing the trenA and prop in the same syringe, should I heat up both vials before drawing?
Down by .5 pounds with a wee gain in strength

Since you're mixing 2 short esters and injecting ED or EOD it would be indicated to warm up the vial before pinning, it will seriously reduce the pip. Also, make sure to inject only in the gluts, slowly. In the last batch there was up to 10% medical ethyl oleate used to reduce the soreness.

There's n wrong with a guy wanting his pack at all. That being said, the tracking numbers and what not, is something to be handled via email...IMO

I agree with more cautiousness regarding this matter and also about the things discussed through PM.
Please address all sensitive info like order number, payment info, delivery address to my e-mail and not to PM.

Man as much as I wanna try pharmacom I don't think its worth the risk of getting my address fagged lol and Gettin a suspicious looking box.

International shipments from our location are 100% secure and discreet. There are thousands of reviews on many boards, pics submitted and my delivery time discussed many times. 6-7 days to US + the stealth packaging option, free of charge.
If that's your conclusion about PharmacomStore from all the reviews written here and on other boards, I'll respect it and wish you good luck in finding a better supplier.

Darius Pharmacomstore Is there a special packaging for just Tabs?

Orals are usually sent in the original blisters. If stealth packaging is required, the blisters will be removed. The aluminium tin foil is an alert for the X-ray scans.
I think one was some primo and the other was var maybe. It was two compounds that are known to be fake usually. Jury is still out on it.
@pmac928 nope wasnt around for that. But have read a few old threads about it. I dont know man pharmacom is a huge ugl at least from their videos I have seen they are a lot bigger than strong ever was. Bigger than most ever will be. I dont think they would waste all that money on such a massive production if they wanted to just start screwing people. It really makes no sense. But yes ur right the judge is still out so lets hope this mass spec testing goes through and we see some good results and if not good results lets hope for some good changes. And hope they make things right. As I said its in everyones best interest. Especially pharmacoms.
Naps runs a Big operation. Tons of garbage gets sent out all the time. We must be cautious cause the raws still come from china and we are still dealing with an ugl. When bad gear gets sent out (and it will) will replacements be Sent? I know I've read everything is tested bla, bla,bla. But at minimum a labmax should be a pass. It picks up a pass with even a small percentage of compound present. The primo was a fail so all that testing and guys bought bad primo?
The same thing was said about mike strong. Don't know if you were around for that whole fiasco but it ended badly. Guys this won't last here. Yuck it up while the gear is good. If it even is. The judge is still out

Yea but Mike used that I'm Christian bullshit talked shit about meso left without making anything right I think he even closed his VIP board
Darius is trying to make things right not once bad mouth the community
Not on his dick but facts if he leaves then so be it we all seen this happen before Astro,titan, etc...
I understand but naps gets gear from all different labs. So they cant test the raws from that specific lab. Pharmacom makes all their own shit. And as I said I dont know what to think about labmax. Im at the point where all I trust is mass specs.
TD. Got my orals last week. (7 days). The others took a little longer than expected but when I contacted Darius he explained what was going on and why and he did more than make it right in my book for having to wait a little longer. Great communication the whole time. Ordered dbol, arimidex, proviron, mix4, and tren a. Will be running a log and getting bloods halfway through.
sounds like you got a nice little stash. Would really like to know what you think of that mix 4. once you're done with it. I'll be on the look up bro
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Yea but Mike used that I'm Christian bullshit talked shit about meso left without making anything right I think he even closed his VIP board
Darius is trying to make things right not once bad mouth the community
Not on his dick but facts if he leaves then so be it we all seen this happen before Astro,titan, etc...
Ive seen so much happen the past year I will never trust any source... Ever! I GA e a few endorsements To my gh source that's it. And they definitely aren't here. He hasn't even been here a month and issues are coming up.