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What do you call it? Do you think they just started up only on messo. Pharmacoms been around for almost 10 years everywhere. Call me a nuthugger but like i said, if they dont have it then no one does and i give up

No, I get your point... Just not buying into the video..
What do you call it? Do you think they just started up only on messo. Pharmacoms been around for almost 10 years everywhere. Call me a nuthugger but like i said, if they dont have it then no one does and i give up. Especially one of these small time bathtub brews or the "private" ones to sound more exclusive.
It's still an ugl. Plain and simple. They are probably not getting raws from a gmp faciliTy. Are they cleaning the raws? Probably not. I know guys don't believe in labmax but failed eq and primo? Already?
flenser and i got two fails with labmax on pharmacom gear , now normally a rep would say your an idiot and labmax sucks , but instead of that darius said lets get some better tests and is working with flenser and i to get a lab to do independent tests, i have never heard of a lab that encourages testing.
It's still an ugl. Plain and simple. They are probably not getting raws from a gmp faciliTy. Are they cleaning the raws? Probably not. I know guys don't believe in labmax but failed eq and primo? Already?

What's the difference to a good high tech raw factory in *China* if they get paid the same? Unless Bayer itself built the factory then whos keeping tabs and why limit yourself to one customer?
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At this point all we can do is speculate and make assumptions. I'm just giving my opinion that could be a possibility to a bunch of pessimists (understandably so and for good reason). We've all been burned. Im 100% for getting some testing done and these guys seem cooperative
And who would be more likely to have better connections higher up the ladder? Pharmacom who built an entire factory in the source country with production lines making 50k+ dollar orders or some guy in a trailer buying 400$ bags of powder for his bathtub brew from a public vendor to the states. Fuck it im done with all these hundreds of small bathtub brew ugls. If a million dollar posh ugl isnt getting it then no one will.
Same was said years ago about scrioxx/axio. Their still around and still jerking people for there money
Dude vermodije has videos floating around the net that portray them as a beautiful sophisticated lab. I ain't buying that shit. Not a chance. These are illegal ugl"s. Plain and simple. That is not to say that some are not far more superior than others. But still ugls. And its advertising. At any rate Darius and I first discussed my situation and he was very encouraging about getting bloods six weeks out to check my baselines. This was not for meso. It was from my conversation with him about how I arrived at pharmacom. The only other ugl that I've seen does this is a small domestic guy here. Either way. I think Darius wants to put out a good product. If the tests came back from the gear that failed labmax I would suspect Darius would take full responsibility and deal with the quality issue within pharmacom. He appears to be that kind of guy.
This is the reason everytime i open my wallet for a purchase of expensive oils. I shut it quicly and buy test or npp. Those are safe bets and even if the npp turns out to be prop. I didnt loose much.
This is the reason everytime i open my wallet for a purchase of expensive oils. I shut it quicly and buy test or npp. Those are safe bets and even if the npp turns out to be prop. I didnt loose much.
I love npp and prop. I get a nice lean bulk going with those two compounds. Is the eq and primo still being sold or has it been pulled until more testing can be completed?
Dude vermodije has videos floating around the net that portray them as a beautiful sophisticated lab. I ain't buying that shit. Not a chance. These are illegal ugl"s. Plain and simple. That is not to say that some are not far more superior than others. But still ugls. And its advertising. At any rate Darius and I first discussed my situation and he was very encouraging about getting bloods six weeks out to check my baselines. This was not for meso. It was from my conversation with him about how I arrived at pharmacom. The only other ugl that I've seen does this is a small domestic guy here. Either way. I think Darius wants to put out a good product. If the tests came back from the gear that failed labmax I would suspect Darius would take full responsibility and deal with the quality issue within pharmacom. He appears to be that kind of guy.

Advertising is nice but my opinion is that leaving the qc and testing aside, these factory lines are real simply to keep up with the volume that these big ugls push out. Although there is a difference between making a factory line and making sure that the product you put out is good, in my opinion, and most can probably agree, if you've made it that far why not put some hormone in it to sustain your investment? But hey, who knows, it makes sense though.

I can't be the official defender of all these posh ugls for free lol, but for example, I will say that the best gear I've had yet was from balkan despite what people on the internet say about them but that's just my experience. On the other hand, I've been burned by tons of small time ugls that are quick to open and quick to leave.

Vermodje i have never tried though. Pharmacom I've just started a few days ago
Cbass it is funny you say that about balkan. I heard so much bad shit. But recently a rep was telling me that out of all the larger ugls he seen. Pharmacom, vermodje and balkan to name a few. He claims that balkan and there manufacturing plant in moldova was so over the top and sophisticated that it would blow my mind. He even offered to buy my plane ticket to Moldova just so I could see it (sounds crazy right). He says if you got authentic Balkan gear from the official plant there that you will get top quality with spot on dosage no matter what. It is so odd to me cause I have heard so much bad shit
Cbass it is funny you say that about balkan. I heard so much bad shit. But recently a rep was telling me that out of all the larger ugls he seen. Pharmacom, vermodje and balkan to name a few. He claims that balkan and there manufacturing plant in moldova was so over the top and sophisticated that it would blow my mind. He even offered to buy my plane ticket to Moldova just so I could see it (sounds crazy right). He says if you got authentic Balkan gear from the official plant there that you will get top quality with spot on dosage no matter what. It is so odd to me cause I have heard so much bad shit

Honestly it was before i got involved on forums and really started reading and although it's been good in some aspects, it does fuck with your head and i kinda wish i hadn't. That's when i tried all these "harder to find" small ugls to get a taste and ended up wasting a lot of time.

I've fallen for two exit scams/peanut oil before ditching tricks to name one example and I'm alive after pushing it to 1.5g tren a week to name another lol. Now i just started some tren for a t3 cut that one guy just got estro blood work on that came back as bunk from another lab and now here i am
That is exactly the point. How the hell do you know you are getting good shit right from the balkan plant? Answer - you don't. It's a roulette wheel. There are reports everywhere of guys getting some decent gear along with a fair amount of guys saying they got garbage. If they sell fake pharma amps that test out at 50 mg per amp instead of 250 mg i really wouldn't want to do business with them. If people would quit taking chances with them perhaps they would shape up a bit, and i wish they would.

Once upon a time they had really good products and were consistent in delivering it. Now that time is gone. 50/50 shot of pissing money into the wind nowadays.
Devil dog. This is what I have heard about Balkan for a long time. Up until the last few days. Am I correct in thinking alin is involved with balkan or is that another brand?