MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008

Its a shame that all the good is often over looked. As you said, human psychology, probably... More so people are just fucking impatient and ungrateful, especially with gear. Its just how it is. I work in medicine, too many self entitled people and patients... SMH

It sounds like you are trying new things as far as shipping. That is good. I know that Ive never personally had a problem with you. Hell, you've even price matched my last order for me.

You run a good show and put up with a lot of bullshit, yet you still reimburse people and ship people who are most likely reverse scamming. Anyhow.... You got a solid customer here. Ill be placing another order this week for some of that winny and sust.

You Tbj I'm taking your post like your referring to my situation. If I'm wrong then disregard but in response to you saying that's good your trying new things shipping I say that he and every other source has a responsibility to be discreet with the packs they send. I could of went to jail over this little fuck up. I didn't. Me and Darius worked it out but I read your post and feel you are on the wrong side of this situation. Please tell me I am taking this wrong as I often do.


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Figured I would throw some of these pics up. I do hang heavy on the side of thinking that pharmacom has added a lot of security features to the gear they sell. I would think quality of product goes hand in hand. I know that a pretty bottle doesn't always tell the story. But if gear excites you like it does me. That's a damn pretty bottle. :)
Cbass it is funny you say that about balkan. I heard so much bad shit. But recently a rep was telling me that out of all the larger ugls he seen. Pharmacom, vermodje and balkan to name a few. He claims that balkan and there manufacturing plant in moldova was so over the top and sophisticated that it would blow my mind. He even offered to buy my plane ticket to Moldova just so I could see it (sounds crazy right). He says if you got authentic Balkan gear from the official plant there that you will get top quality with spot on dosage no matter what. It is so odd to me cause I have heard so much bad shit
Ive heard alot of bad shit about balkan also. But, i could be shills for other labs.
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Figured I would throw some of these pics up. I do hang heavy on the side of thinking that pharmacom has added a lot of security features to the gear they sell. I would think quality of product goes hand in hand. I know that a pretty bottle doesn't always tell the story. But if gear excites you like it does me. That's a damn pretty bottle. :)
Looks can be decieving but it looks good
Figured I would throw some of these pics up. I do hang heavy on the side of thinking that pharmacom has added a lot of security features to the gear they sell. I would think quality of product goes hand in hand. I know that a pretty bottle doesn't always tell the story. But if gear excites you like it does me. That's a damn pretty bottle. :)
They are improving those things they can control which is good, but it doesn't mean they have access to reliably pure raw hormone powder. The production of that is not within their control.

They can only use what is available and what customers are willing to buy. History has shown, especially recent history, availability is a serious issue with ALL black market producers and that customers are overwhelmingly willing to buy very low quality products.
He (Darius) hasn't run yet I don't think anyone should have there hope up over any ugl
Needless to say how many times.ppl go to the Dr cause they are sick doc give them some.medicine doesn't work the medicine is good just your body reacts different
Maybe some compound react different to certain oils shit I don't know but all and all UGL are as good as there last batch it's a.chance we take us as an aas user that's. On us ugls should compensate us on losses and pull and failed product of there line
That's how I feel
Flenser, I want to take the time to tell you I appreciate your posting labmaxes and being honest with this community about the results. You are what makes this community what it is. It took some balls to throw it out there with the fanboy aspect of this whole situation. I know I am one person but I assure you I speak for the better part of this community.
just on the note of giving everybody a chance. let's just wait and see what . Lets wait till all the results are in . Then we can make judgements. ..
I don't know if you guys are aware of this but the manufacture of mucinex which is a flu and cold remedy and also a decongestant was recall a couple of weeks ago due to the fact that it was overdosed. So what I'm saying even huge pharmaceuticals /labs are making mistakes.and it's not the first time the big drug companies have made huge mistakes.
If the ugl makes a mistake in dosing one of its batches, that is one thing. But if it is consistently under dosing or switching compounds out for cheaper raws that is a whole different ball of wax. But i do agree lets see how everything is handled. I think i am going to pick up some var and will test it to see if we have consistency there.
@flenser & @ironwill1951 thank you guys for really stepping up and help find a solution to all this
Good or bad must be posted up
Thank you both and all other WKMs and Awesome members for doing watching you do best and that is look out for our safety