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50mg/Ed thinking of bumping it up to 100mg/ed for the last 40 days of my cycle.

Only sides so far have reduced appetite, increased feeling of body temp, really mild sleep interruption and rarely do I get sweats. Oh and heavy breathing.

Well those are all the sides your looking for bud [emoji123][emoji106]
Box, I know where you've ordered before, talk about long wait times....

A week or so is pretty standard with Darius, based off member's here. A week is nothing bro. Also, at least the source is offering solutions to our problems, and trying to work with us. I'm willing to give him a try based off of his actions on this board alone.
Ah but $500 for $300 I'll wait my pkg hit american soil already its only been a week I believe... I'm going to snatch up some pharm gear from big D tonight.I'm loosing it I've got about 50 bottles by I love a good sale
Well guys, I was going to do a cycle log as soon as the dbol kicked in but it's day 8 and absolutely nothing. No strength, no weight gain, no pumps. I do want to say though that my transactions with Darius are more than exceptional and he has been a stand up guy. He has done more than enough to make sure that I was satisfied. I'm glad he is looking into testing his products. I just started other compounds from Darius but as far as the dbol goes it's not looking too hot.
Well guys, I was going to do a cycle log as soon as the dbol kicked in but it's day 8 and absolutely nothing. No strength, no weight gain, no pumps. I do want to say though that my transactions with Darius are more than exceptional and he has been a stand up guy. He has done more than enough to make sure that I was satisfied. I'm glad he is looking into testing his products. I just started other compounds from Darius but as far as the dbol goes it's not looking too hot.
That SUCKS! I just got some in the mail yesterday...Dammit! Thanks for the update though.
You Tbj I'm taking your post like your referring to my situation. If I'm wrong then disregard but in response to you saying that's good your trying new things shipping I say that he and every other source has a responsibility to be discreet with the packs they send. I could of went to jail over this little fuck up. I didn't. Me and Darius worked it out but I read your post and feel you are on the wrong side of this situation. Please tell me I am taking this wrong as I often do.
First, relax. Second, let me re read my post. Sorry if I came off the wrong way. Also let me re read your post, apparently I've missed something.
Well guys, I was going to do a cycle log as soon as the dbol kicked in but it's day 8 and absolutely nothing. No strength, no weight gain, no pumps. I do want to say though that my transactions with Darius are more than exceptional and he has been a stand up guy. He has done more than enough to make sure that I was satisfied. I'm glad he is looking into testing his products. I just started other compounds from Darius but as far as the dbol goes it's not looking too hot.
im doing 70mgs and nothing. Whats your dosing like. I thought it was just me because his dbol has some good reviews
im doing 70mgs and nothing. Whats your dosing like. I thought it was just me because his dbol has some good reviews
Yeah, 70mgs you should definitely be seeing something. Im only at 40mg. Figured if it was any good 40 would do the trick.
Well I was doing 30 for around 3 days, bumped to 40 for another 4-5 days and felt nothing. So I said fuck it and at 70 now till I run out, first run with dbol so I have nothing to compare it to. Ill report back in a few days, only have a few days worth left anyways
I've never ran dbol before either but I have ran multiple orals and by day 8 something should be happening. And especially in your case at 70... Definitely no good. Disappointed. Hopefully the other compounds will be good. And I just ordered var from him as well for my girls first cycle since it labmaxed good. Hoping for the best.
I wonder if any of those came from the reseller he used. I like mine. But doesnt mean we got the same ones either so keep everyone updated.
I wonder if any of those came from the reseller he used. I like mine. But doesnt mean we got the same ones either so keep everyone updated.
I think the orals (atleast mine) came from darius because I got them in like 10 days, where as my oils still aren't even here.

I've never ran dbol before either but I have ran multiple orals and by day 8 something should be happening. And especially in your case at 70... Definitely no good. Disappointed. Hopefully the other compounds will be good. And I just ordered var from him as well for my girls first cycle since it labmaxed good. Hoping for the best.
I got var and winny as well for my cut but that I ordered from basicstero. But Id labmax the var again before giving it to your girl