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@xgunx took the words outta my mouth if that's the case his reseller is no good he sent me my dbol order and today I got another dbol order he sent it with the tren a I order I'm thinking his reseller if fucking up
I now have 200 pills of dbol
@Darius PharmacomStore u Need to check up on your reseller or who ever you have sending us our order
Just want to add im not bashing his dbol, just posting my experience with it so far. I still got a few days left
Oh also I have 2 different color one is Orange the other is like almost Orange pinkish
My ol lady is running var and going to add his var and winny into a show . Will be ordering that keep everyone updated on labmax and or results as well as ship times. Havent decided my order but will do a log
Were they in a blister pack?
Mine are pink with maybe some white.
The reseller seems to be trying to fuck him since he is competition. But who knows.
And people should stop using labmax, JFC.

I'm going to respectfully disagree. While labmax is by no means a perfect system, it is still a useful tool, more useful with some compounds than others. And with the Dbol being in question, I would absolutely labmax it. Oral Dbol is one of the easier compounds to identify with a labmax test in my experience. I don't think I have seen anyone LM Darius's Dbol but I would be curious to test it.

And on a separate note, I personally really like labmax, it's just a part of the puzzle I put together on any compound I might use. I believe the longer we use it the bigger database of comparison we will have and with time we can get more accurate with labmax and possibly other reagent style tests. It would also be of help if when we perform LM tests on oils to note the carrier oils if they are known or listed on the product.
I'm going to respectfully disagree. While labmax is by no means a perfect system, it is still a useful tool, more useful with some compounds than others. And with the Dbol being in question, I would absolutely labmax it. Oral Dbol is one of the easier compounds to identify with a labmax test in my experience. I don't think I have seen anyone LM Darius's Dbol but I would be curious to test it.

And on a separate note, I personally really like labmax, it's just a part of the puzzle I put together on any compound I might use. I believe the longer we use it the bigger database of comparison we will have and with time we can get more accurate with labmax and possibly other reagent style tests. It would also be of help if when we perform LM tests on oils to note the carrier oils if they are known or listed on the product.
Valid point, it just bugs the shit outta me for some reason [emoji16]
What wonders me, is that darius dbol seems not to be a pharmacom product...

Btw, the only positive reviews i could found for his dbol, are from eroids...

Guys, i would totally stop ordering from darius, till the bloodworks are in.
Mine are completely pink as well but I also figured mine came straight from Darius as they came rather quickly compared to the rest. Not in a blister pack though. This reseller needs to be checked, that's for sure
They are definitely pharmacom. If not, they are a damn good counterfeit. The logo is stamped in them.


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What wonders me, is that darius dbol seems not to be a pharmacom product...

Btw, the only positive reviews i could found for his dbol, are from eroids...

Guys, i would totally stop ordering from darius, till the bloodworks are in.
I'm hoping they're not pharmacom as I'm holding out hope for that lab. Sucks for you guys that got stuck with bunk pills though.
What the fuck, thats not the first complaint about dbol... I want pharmacom so badly to be a nice ugl, that this thing really make me sad.

Darius you better have a good explanation, because dbol is like one of the most praised orals of pharmacom around the net.

By the way just labmax those pills guys!
One thing... Anavar raw are fucking expensive and their anavar tested good in many occasions.

Dbol raw are not expensive at all, one of the cheapest compound around... What's the point of fucking giving bunk product around? I mean... There must be something going on here. We need to have it tested. Because srsly... If this pills have no dbol in it or very underdosed, I'm gonna lose faith in any future and present ugl.