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I got the usps #, package was in a city right next to mine and didn't move for 10 days. I contacted darius and he explained the whole situation, here's what he said.

Unfortunately, we were out of stock of some products at our European location and decided to ship some orders, including yours, from one of our foreign resellers.
For sure, the last time when we’ll do that. They were overcrowded and not properly organized and my shipments were delayed. It was my mistake to give credit to my reseller instead of accepting the stock problem and stop the sales.
Your order was handed at the local post office on the 20th of April and left that country on the 29th, it was held up for more than 9 days by the post !!!

It was sent with a private Dutch courier that will connect to USPS.
It can be tracked also here: for more detailed info.
I’ll take the full responsibility for this delay and situation.
Please accept 100$ store credit at your next order as a bonus for this inconvenience.

Thank you,
As long as you got tracking your good. My question is how come we didn't vet this guy better?
In the recent years I only had 40 packs shipped from another place than my normal location. 40 recent packs that caused so many problems, delays, wrong products shipped, dubious packaging.

Everything was a mess, my reseller a liar and poorly organized. I'm surprised to see the look of that package, I personally would not pick up something like that and ask for my money back.
Instead of accepting a stock problem and stop the sales on certain items i made a mistake and tried a new thing. It didn't worked out so good apparently.

Anyway, I'm surprised why so many other positive things pass most of the times unobserved or ignored and an isolate incident launches a mass hysteria and suspicions. Years ago, i thought it's just an American thing, but I guess it's just how the human psychology works. Unfortunately, for the ration to kick in some arguments and facts need to be reminded.

There are at least 100 members from MESO who already ordered and received my packs from Europe this year in less than 7-8 days, my average ETA in more than 90% of the cases. All the packages were extremely discreet, things can be confirmed.
Some of them even required my special stealth packaging, an option I offered with no extra cost. I don't think there is another source at this moment to offer the kind of professional cosmetic disguise I developed specially for Pharmacom products, new labels, boxes, badges, authenticity certificates etc.

It was quite a sustained effort to maintain my 100% shipping success rate during these years. I won't use the "one time mistake" as a salvation excuse. For me one mistake is most of the times enough to end a collaboration or agreement, so I don't expect some kind of clemency.
What I do expect from an elevated community like Meso is not to pass the sponge over all the other things I've made in 8 years of activity.

Thank you!
Hey D got my stuff to day bro. I think my ol lady was more excited than I was. I woke up to go to work and she came in sayin your stuff got here... she was hopping around like a rabbit on crack...

Order was shipped on April 27 and got it today. So roughly about 6,7 days.. got deca, sustanon, test e, adex, eq, hgh...

So, the order took 6-7 days internationally.

Thanks for the update!
TD. Got my orals last week. (7 days). The others took a little longer than expected but when I contacted Darius he explained what was going on and why and he did more than make it right in my book for having to wait a little longer. Great communication the whole time. Ordered dbol, arimidex, proviron, mix4, and tren a. Will be running a log and getting bloods halfway through.

Orals were sent from our location, 7 days delivery time is the average time of arrival. Injectables are always separated from the orals, on our expense, for extra security measures.

Touchdown! Got my first pack in today! Thanks D! @Darius PharmacomStore

Thanks for the update!
Nah we don't know that. Atleast I don't, my shits been "shipped" for a month now. He explained the situation and I was understanding, but what the fuck could have possibly happened to delay it this long. Sent darius an email and still nothing so we'll see

All the e-mails are replied within 10-12 hours, including weekends. Please check SPAM.

Ya well that's fucked up. Shit like this is the reason I will NEVER back a source or EVER say a source is gtg. So failed labmax and you paid for something and your pack hasn't landed After a month. Did dude send you tracking?

All my packages are sent with tracking codes. Those delays were isolated incidents which I've explained and I'll face the consequences.
All those delays received extra 15-20% DISCOUNT on future orders or 100$ free store credit.
Some of the orders, were also resent with EMS, 3 days delivery to US due to some urgent PCT needs.

Didn't say this was the case with Darius as he explained why. Which is why I said when I've ordered from most sources. My point is even though he had a delay, the "delay" is actually just a normal international time.

I usually don't have delays. 95% of packages land in 6-7 days to US. I pay extra for a direct priority airmail which is quite accurate. There are thousands of reviews on the boards backing up my statements regarding the ETA.
Internationally from Asia or trusting a reseller was a huge mistake I made but most important after all, a lesson.

C big. Your right. Shit happens. I had 2 packs shipped the same day from same place. One made it to door in 14 days. The other took nearly 60 due to customs. Shit happens man. If you go international then delays are inevitable
I just felt the need to share with the community.

International from Europe, priority airmail, delivers with a precise delivery time in most of the cases. It's the way I ship since 2011.
Darius, not sure if you answered this question or not. I tried to read through and may of missed it. Is it possible whoever had the failed labmaxes could have been an outsourced order and your reseller is selling inderdosed/coumterfeit pharmacom.
The other thing is I am guessing that Stan and the others who got there order outsourced is expecting the same sketchy pack as I got. Fuck man. That freaks me out. How the fuck it got through is anyone's guess. I'm lucky customs was busy that day. :)
In the recent years I only had 40 packs shipped from another place than my normal location. 40 recent packs that caused so many problems, delays, wrong products shipped, dubious packaging.

Everything was a mess, my reseller a liar and poorly organized. I'm surprised to see the look of that package, I personally would not pick up something like that and ask for my money back.
Instead of accepting a stock problem and stop the sales on certain items i made a mistake and tried a new thing. It didn't worked out so good apparently.

Anyway, I'm surprised why so many other positive things pass most of the times unobserved or ignored and an isolate incident launches a mass hysteria and suspicions. Years ago, i thought it's just an American thing, but I guess it's just how the human psychology works. Unfortunately, for the ration to kick in some arguments and facts need to be reminded.

There are at least 100 members from MESO who already ordered and received my packs from Europe this year in less than 7-8 days, my average ETA in more than 90% of the cases. All the packages were extremely discreet, things can be confirmed.
Some of them even required my special stealth packaging, an option I offered with no extra cost. I don't think there is another source at this moment to offer the kind of professional cosmetic disguise I developed specially for Pharmacom products, new labels, boxes, badges, authenticity certificates etc.

It was quite a sustained effort to maintain my 100% shipping success rate during these years. I won't use the "one time mistake" as a salvation excuse. For me one mistake is most of the times enough to end a collaboration or agreement, so I don't expect some kind of clemency.
What I do expect from an elevated community like Meso is not to pass the sponge over all the other things I've made in 8 years of activity.

Thank you!

Darius thats the MO around here. First u got to be treated like a piece of shit. Then most of the bozos cry like babes all the time about deliveries and what not . This new breed of users are F'n assholes. Plus i cant believe the info these guys put up all day long. AMAZING!!!
I'm 4 weeks on Darius' pharmacom tren a. Sweating like a pig, generally hot all the time and strong as fuck.

For me, tren sides hit me after a week. Strength and that "God" feeling are all in by 3-4 weeks.
Second day with prop hits me like a truck, feel like I'm shot by a gun in the glutes. Since I'm mixing the trenA and prop in the same syringe, should I heat up both vials before drawing?
Down by .5 pounds with a wee gain in strength
Darius thats the MO around here. First u got to be treated like a piece of shit. Then most of the bozos cry like babes all the time about deliveries and what not . This new breed of users are F'n assholes. Plus i cant believe the info these guys put up all day long. AMAZING!!!

I 100% agree that some of the shit these clowns are posting about specific dates and such is absolutely ridiculous and just asking for trouble. They will learn when they get popped.
another nut hugger ...

Darius thats the MO around here. First u got to be treated like a piece of shit. Then most of the bozos cry like babes all the time about deliveries and what not . This new breed of users are F'n assholes. Plus i cant believe the info these guys put up all day long. AMAZING!!!
bullshit iron, the whiny pricks on this board drive me nuts as well. posting where's my tracking number, why does it take so long to get illegal substances in the mail wah wah wah
There's n wrong with a guy wanting his pack at all. That being said, the tracking numbers and what not, is something to be handled via email...IMO
Darius thats the MO around here. First u got to be treated like a piece of shit. Then most of the bozos cry like babes all the time about deliveries and what not . This new breed of users are F'n assholes. Plus i cant believe the info these guys put up all day long. AMAZING!!!
Me posting an email that gives out no personal info is sketchy, but picking up a pack that looks like a kilo of coke is no problem??
I know man. My girl asked me if I seriously ordered some heroin or what? Lmao. I promised no more international orders.

Next time ask for stealth shipping it's free and it's totally different but I did receive a pack like that then first time mailman didn't even care
Anyway been following this thread for awhile. Shit I started it. I am disappointed about the labmax results to say the least. But at the same time I dont know how much we can really trust labmax. I have done a lot of reading on labmax and dont really know what to believe. I have never used pharmacoms injectables but I did use their Tbol. It worked great for me and I had no issues with it.

I have also done a lot of reading about darius. And I honestly have seen no complaints up until the recent labmax flenser did. But I have seen him act very respectable in terms of being a rep. More than once. He has also been around for awhile and from what I have read most sources dont even make it half as long as he has on this board. So that being said I think we at least owe him the respect to let him make things right if and when there is a problem. And hopefully he will. Its in everyones best interest that he does so especially his. And I cannot think of one reason he wouldnt. Just my 2 cents
Bro I will be getting some picks of a guys pack he got today. They are from Darius as well. I will post pics