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I know man. My girl asked me if I seriously ordered some heroin or what? Lmao. I promised no more international orders.
How about if I PM you before I post anything else, just to make sure you approve...
You se any vets here telling the whole community how happy they are that they finally got A Package? I know since you've been here a whole 2 weeks you know everytthing. Joke
Ok so my pharmacom gear finally came in today. I will be as brief and honest as I can. Ordered gear nearly 2 months ago. A couple bottles of test and some clomid. Sent money. Darius said his receiver got flagged so I would have to pick up my money and resend. When I called wu the automated system said money was picked up. I thought he scammed me and gave him some choice words after a few days back and fourth. Turns out he was right. When I called back and got a person on the line they gave me a mtcn to pick it up. I resent and he got cash no problem. Gave me tracking the next day. Threw a free bottle in for my troubles and gave me
Discount on my next order. I was impressed with this. I posted about it briefly before. So three weeks later I get a pack. As soon as I see it I know there is no liquid in it. Open it and it's just clomid. I email D and he breaks me the bad news. Apparently he got too busy and outsourced some of his orders to another reseller. This reseller never sent my shit. He was very apologetic and said he would ship private courier right away. He did. The method he used took forevvvveeeerrrrr. He said he wouldn't use them ever again. All in all it took about 2 months to get my test. Don't get me wrong. He answered every email. Admitted his faults and I respect him and his patience with me. But on the other side of things I think I need to say a few things I'm feeling. I chose pharmacom gear strictly on the reputation of Darius because I wanted to deal with him exclusively. I don't know the reputation of the resellers he is using and I wouldn't order pharmacom through anyone but him at the time. The other thing is the package that came today made my heart drop when the mailman handed it to me he was looking at me and it shady as fuck. I wouldn't order internationally again because I'd be scared of this pack being suspicious as fuck. I will post a pic of it when I am done. The other question I have is with the questioning of the failed labmaxes is it possible this was an order filled by a reseller that Darius outsourced to when he was slammed and they may have fucked someone? Darius can elaborate on this. At the end of it all I did get my gear and he was honest about the mistakes and you can't ask for more than that. He has already told me that he won't again use outsourcing in light of what happened. This is an honest review fellas. And thank u for the extra test Darius
No way bro thats not how it came. I expect better than that from Darius. Look suspicious as fuck. Dont scare me like that
You se any vets here telling the whole community how happy they are that they finally got A Package? I know since you've been here a whole 2 weeks you know everytthing. Joke
In no way am I, nor would I ever imply that I know everything. On the other hand, I've seen quite a few posts on this thread, indicating someone had received their package, and that they were happy/excited about receiving it, and getting started. That's sim all I was doing. So for you to call me out for saying the same thing, was kind of a dick move. IMO I'm not trying to argue with you man, I'm absolutely here to learn, and contribute where I can...that is all
It's cool bro. I get it. The amount of dick riding in this thread is sickening. Im not trying to argue I've just seen this many many times Over the past year here.
Double leg. If I am lying I'm dieing. I suspect it had something to do with his private carrier he chose or something. I have another member with oils he has to go pick up at the post office tomorrow from Darius. Hopefully his pack is more discreet and mine is a fluke. He is gonna sends the pics. But the picture you see here is exactly as it looks. Four sided ghetto looking taped up "kilo coka" style. I am just trying to be honest with everyone here.
Never been pinned. The truth is your right on the money. The fact is I did some cock riding with this whole situation early on and I also sent business his way. My intentions were good and I believe he is an honest guy. Bbut at the same time I fee I owe it to the community to tell the truth. With that being said the censorship comes with me knowing he has proven himself here. I eventually got my gear and his comms through the process were excellent. I just hope when he reads all this he takes it constructively because I am not trying to slander him or his business. But I promised a review. The isn't eroids. I gave an honest one
Dope. No complaints from me. Just don't count the chickens before they hatch next time, a lesson im sure you've learnt. Keep posting honest reviews as them come my dude.:)
we know dude ships packs. That's not a question. Post up some bloodwork if you wamt to be of help.
Nah we don't know that. Atleast I don't, my shits been "shipped" for a month now. He explained the situation and I was understanding, but what the fuck could have possibly happened to delay it this long. Sent darius an email and still nothing so we'll see
Nah we don't know that. Atleast I don't, my shits been "shipped" for a month now. He explained the situation and I was understanding, but what the fuck could have possibly happened to delay it this long. Sent darius an email and still nothing so we'll see
Ya well that's fucked up. Shit like this is the reason I will NEVER back a source or EVER say a source is gtg. So failed labmax and you paid for something and your pack hasn't landed After a month. Did dude send you tracking?
It seems multiple people have had a delay. Darius explained this to me and apparently others and stated it would never happen again. I received half my order extremely quickly and had to wait a few weeks on the other. But guess what, it's still international... I'm sick of seeing people complain about waiting so long for international. Buy domestic if you're so impatient. Can't complain just because a pack didn't land in two weeks internationally. Plus, USPS is fucking retarded most of the time anyways and from the times I've ordered from sources... It has been their fault it arrived late.
Ya well that's fucked up. Shit like this is the reason I will NEVER back a source or EVER say a source is gtg. So failed labmax and you paid for something and your pack hasn't landed After a month. Did dude send you tracking?
I got the usps #, package was in a city right next to mine and didn't move for 10 days. I contacted darius and he explained the whole situation, here's what he said.

Unfortunately, we were out of stock of some products at our European location and decided to ship some orders, including yours, from one of our foreign resellers.
For sure, the last time when we’ll do that. They were overcrowded and not properly organized and my shipments were delayed. It was my mistake to give credit to my reseller instead of accepting the stock problem and stop the sales.
Your order was handed at the local post office on the 20th of April and left that country on the 29th, it was held up for more than 9 days by the post !!!

It was sent with a private Dutch courier that will connect to USPS.
It can be tracked also here: for more detailed info.
I’ll take the full responsibility for this delay and situation.
Please accept 100$ store credit at your next order as a bonus for this inconvenience.

Thank you,
It seems multiple people have had a delay. Darius explained this to me and apparently others and stated it would never happen again. I received half my order extremely quickly and had to wait a few weeks on the other. But guess what, it's still international... I'm sick of seeing people complain about waiting so long for international. Buy domestic if you're so impatient. Can't complain just because a pack didn't land in two weeks internationally. Plus, USPS is fucking retarded most of the time anyways and from the times I've ordered from sources... It has been their fault it arrived late.
Based off of what darius said, I would say no its not usps' fault the pack is late
Ok so my pharmacom gear finally came in today. I will be as brief and honest as I can. Ordered gear nearly 2 months ago. A couple bottles of test and some clomid. Sent money. Darius said his receiver got flagged so I would have to pick up my money and resend. When I called wu the automated system said money was picked up. I thought he scammed me and gave him some choice words after a few days back and fourth. Turns out he was right. When I called back and got a person on the line they gave me a mtcn to pick it up. I resent and he got cash no problem. Gave me tracking the next day. Threw a free bottle in for my troubles and gave me
Discount on my next order. I was impressed with this. I posted about it briefly before. So three weeks later I get a pack. As soon as I see it I know there is no liquid in it. Open it and it's just clomid. I email D and he breaks me the bad news. Apparently he got too busy and outsourced some of his orders to another reseller. This reseller never sent my shit. He was very apologetic and said he would ship private courier right away. He did. The method he used took forevvvveeeerrrrr. He said he wouldn't use them ever again. All in all it took about 2 months to get my test. Don't get me wrong. He answered every email. Admitted his faults and I respect him and his patience with me. But on the other side of things I think I need to say a few things I'm feeling. I chose pharmacom gear strictly on the reputation of Darius because I wanted to deal with him exclusively. I don't know the reputation of the resellers he is using and I wouldn't order pharmacom through anyone but him at the time. The other thing is the package that came today made my heart drop when the mailman handed it to me he was looking at me and it shady as fuck. I wouldn't order internationally again because I'd be scared of this pack being suspicious as fuck. I will post a pic of it when I am done. The other question I have is with the questioning of the failed labmaxes is it possible this was an order filled by a reseller that Darius outsourced to when he was slammed and they may have fucked someone? Darius can elaborate on this. At the end of it all I did get my gear and he was honest about the mistakes and you can't ask for more than that. He has already told me that he won't again use outsourcing in light of what happened. This is an honest review fellas. And thank u for the extra test Darius
NO FUCKING WAY!! thats how it came? How did that pack get through????
Maybe customs looked at it and thought ' No fucking way someone is that stupid to ship drugs like that' SMFH!!
Didn't say this was the case with Darius as he explained why. Which is why I said when I've ordered from most sources. My point is even though he had a delay, the "delay" is actually just a normal international time.
C big. Your right. Shit happens. I had 2 packs shipped the same day from same place. One made it to door in 14 days. The other took nearly 60 due to customs. Shit happens man. If you go international then delays are inevitable
I just felt the need to share with the community.