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It looks like the color difference is the issue. I posted good close ups of mine in darius dbol thread. Theres a link a few pages back. The ones not in blister are supposedly for bulk, i was informed before i ordered so wasnt disappointed that they werent. Im getting some good results so far check that thread.

They seem pretty legit. BP, pumps, strength, and apetite are all up.

Yeah im still running it. I can work around it.
Blood pressure has been up in the mornings causing me to feel like shit but it wasnt as bad today.

Workouts were going great i just had to limp around a little and not fuck with my knee.

Also I noticed my vascularity has improved greatly. And i have been hungry as hell.

Xgunx received the exact same BULK Dbol some claim would be different than the one from the blisters.
It seems to be working ...

It's from the same batch as the one received by C_bigsby and Stan24.
They all ordered around the same date, last month.

All items shipped from the European location.
Trying to get my finances in check. Can someone tell me roughly how much it cost to actually send your money to ...well we know where.
Okay was just wondering I've had some times where it was like more then the gear to send it to joe blow in east bumble fuck
Bigdee973. Your paying way too much. I'd say if you set a baseline of 5 dollars extra for every 100 you send it will be close to right. So to send $500 it will cost around $525 WU. This will get you close. If you follow this rule and add an extra twenty in your pocket you will have enough without question my friend
Into my second week of tren a now. Scary and really weird dreams every night. Dont know if thats from the tren. But the sweats and night get heavier with every day. This night, my whole shirt was wet. The only time i experienced this was at my dnp run months ago.
@Nitrobuste Hows the strength? I'm having the same sides as you. Without a doubt more aggressive too. Looking a little more full as well. I'll see how much my strength is up tonight.
Dreams are definately from the tren. Mine start out scary and got straight to sexual.

Anyone running the tren e and test e or c
@Nitrobuste Hows the strength? I'm having the same sides as you. Without a doubt more aggressive too. Looking a little more full as well. I'll see how much my strength is up tonight.

Strenght is insane. Higher weights with every training. But i am eating really much at the moment, strenght increase can be expected.

You know i am a little bit skeptical when it comes to review a source. I just had to much bunk gear. But we could really have a good source with pharmacom this time. Will keep you up to date.
Strenght is insane. Higher weights with every training. But i am eating really much at the moment, strenght increase can be expected.

You know i am a little bit skeptical when it comes to review a source. I just had to much bunk gear. But we could really have a good source with pharmacom this time. Will keep you up to date.

Good to hear. Im so tired of shitty tren.
Fwiw from a semi rookie

My experience with Darius was pretty good. Had a few hang ups with order and shipping but Darius was always quick to respond. Customer service was outstanding.

Gear wise I ordered sus and var and overall I'm happy. No bloods as my cycle was seriously interrupted by a flu bug that turned into worse and I lost a lot weight but been back in gym last two weeks and I'm up 10lbs. Strength is up but nothing crazy. Pumps are really good.

overall I'm happy with everything, not jumping out my seat with joy but happy. That's probably a good thing considering all the bs scammers out there lately. Hope things continue well with this source.

I'm looking forward to seeing more labs done on pharmacom.

Just my 2 cents
Thanks for sharing that. I'm curious to see what these labmaxes come back saying. As I'm sure they will come back positive for dbol so what else can we really say? That it's underdosed? Kinda hard I say when other people with the same batch are making progress while only a handful of us arent
Thanks for sharing that. I'm curious to see what these labmaxes come back saying. As I'm sure they will come back positive for dbol so what else can we really say? That it's underdosed? Kinda hard I say when other people with the same batch are making progress while only a handful of us arent

Its is weird. Personally i do not understand it myself.
Thanks for sharing that. I'm curious to see what these labmaxes come back saying. As I'm sure they will come back positive for dbol so what else can we really say? That it's underdosed? Kinda hard I say when other people with the same batch are making progress while only a handful of us arent

You don't trust your own experience? It's been interesting watching you try to discredit your experience in order to give this source the benefit of the doubt. Unusual, but still interesting nonetheless.
@CensoredBoardsSuck If you were selling a product and 5 people out of the 100 said they weren't getting good results while the rest were wouldn't you tell them to fuck off? Because I would. He isn't even saying "fuck off", he is actually encouraging the testing and saying he will take care of the costs. I respect that. The reason I am giving Darius the benefit of the doubt is because he has taken care of each and every problem and has been a stand up guy. He has done what he can to ensure satisfaction. I understand where he is coming from. Obviously I trust my own experience but what argument do I really have if it comes back as dbol and the rest of these people are getting results? I don't have one.
@CensoredBoardsSuck If you were selling a product and 5 people out of the 100 said they weren't getting good results while the rest were wouldn't you tell them to fuck off? Because I sure would. I understand where he is coming from. Obviously I trusty own experience but what argument do I really have if it comes back as dbol and the rest of these people are getting results? I don't have one.

Who cares what everybody else says? Your lack of results strongly suggests that the dbol you received is bunk. The fact that others are reporting the same thing confirms it.

It's not your responsibility to construct an argument that the dbol is bunk or not bunk, that's the sources problem. You reported your lack of results. The source sold you a product with which you're not satisfied and you deserve a refund or exchange. Period.