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@CensoredBoardsSuck If you were selling a product and 5 people out of the 100 said they weren't getting good results while the rest were wouldn't you tell them to fuck off? Because I would. He isn't even saying "fuck off", he is actually encouraging the testing and saying he will take care of the costs. I respect that. The reason I am giving Darius the benefit of the doubt is because he has taken care of each and every problem and has been a stand up guy. He has done what he can to ensure satisfaction. I understand where he is coming from. Obviously I trust my own experience but what argument do I really have if it comes back as dbol and the rest of these people are getting results? I don't have one.
In my opinion the only person who should have their experience trusted at 100% is your own. If I ran dbol in the past and tried someone's dbol and knew it was fake I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF A THOUSAND MOTHERFUCKERS SAY IT'S GOOD. I ran into this very problem in the past. I got bad orals with a longtime trusted source, hundreds of people all said they were great (including some fucking assholes who told me in Pm that the orals sucked and then lied on me publicly). I was threatened, my family threatened, otherfuckers said i was a child molester, harassed on every board I was and wasn't on. A couple months later guess what? The source admitted the orals were bad.

Who gives a fuck if 100 people say they are great. What else are they running? What batch? Do they even know what dbol does or how it is supposed to feel? Placebo is some real shit. You don't know any of the 100 people so fuck em- they probably don't even exist.
I can see where you guys are coming from. I agree as that's why I stated my experience. I will further it by testing but my word is only my word. I wanted to inform others of my experience which I did but I also am not trying to ruin someone's business, I'm not out to get him. Don't ask me why I have any compassion because I honestly don't know, guess I'm just a nice individual. My thing right now is I have other products from pharmacom that I'm running. Too soon to tell the quality. We will see how it goes. I have mix 4, the dbol, halo, tren ace, injectable anadrol and var on the way, as well as some arimidex and proviron. If the rest of these turn out good I really don't have much room to complain I don't think. If they don't... Well let's just say you will never see me defending or giving a source the benefit of the doubt again. Maybe I'm just too new to this and going about it the wrong way...
Maybe I'm just too new to this and going about it the wrong way...

You're new and then you're seeing enough dick riding in the Pharmacon threads to make any normal person nauseous, so it makes sense that you don't want to go against the grain. The biggest problem with source dick riders is they discourage noobs from posting legitimate complaints. Unfortunately, it's usually the noobs that get shafted by sources. Ignore the dick riders and stand your ground.
Who cares what everybody else says? Your lack of results strongly suggests that the dbol you received is bunk. The fact that others are reporting the same thing confirms it.

It's not your responsibility to construct an argument that the dbol is bunk or not bunk, that's the sources problem. You reported your lack of results. The source sold you a product with which you're not satisfied and you deserve a refund or exchange. Period.

In my opinion the only person who should have their experience trusted at 100% is your own. If I ran dbol in the past and tried someone's dbol and knew it was fake I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF A THOUSAND MOTHERFUCKERS SAY IT'S GOOD. I ran into this very problem in the past. I got bad orals with a longtime trusted source, hundreds of people all said they were great (including some fucking assholes who told me in Pm that the orals sucked and then lied on me publicly). I was threatened, my family threatened, otherfuckers said i was a child molester, harassed on every board I was and wasn't on. A couple months later guess what? The source admitted the orals were bad.

Who gives a fuck if 100 people say they are great. What else are they running? What batch? Do they even know what dbol does or how it is supposed to feel? Placebo is some real shit. You don't know any of the 100 people so fuck em- they probably don't even exist.

You are both right. Other experiences are irrelevant and most important is the personal one.
Even if C_bigsby is running the Dbol for first time and has no comparison, he seems to be a serious guy with some experience in AAS.

Even if the Labmax will pass I'll reship your Dbol order when the new batch will arrive just for you to share the feedback again.

The other products seem to be working so please keep us updated, share the Labmax results and get the 100$ free store credit ( my "keep a log/labmax/bloods promo" )
Into my second week of tren a now. Scary and really weird dreams every night. Dont know if thats from the tren. But the sweats and night get heavier with every day. This night, my whole shirt was wet. The only time i experienced this was at my dnp run months ago.

That sucks dude. At worst the collar of my shirt is wet :)
@Darius PharmacomStore Greatly appreciated Darius. I'll get that labmax up by the end of this week hopefully and make sure to start a log once this cycle kicks off. I'll be getting bloods but not for about 5 more weeks. Going to be dropping the dbol today and throwing halo in at a low dose. Should know pretty quick how that's going.
You don't trust your own experience? It's been interesting watching you try to discredit your experience in order to give this source the benefit of the doubt. Unusual, but still interesting nonetheless.
I don't think hes discrediting his experience. I feel the same way, I was actually hesitant to post my results cause I knew people would get butt hurt and call me a shill for a different lab because there are so many people currently riding pharmacoms dick.

Update: Still at 70mgs and nothing
I don't think hes discrediting his experience. I feel the same way, I was actually hesitant to post my results cause I knew people would get butt hurt and call me a shill for a different lab because there are so many people currently riding pharmacoms dick.

Update: Still at 70mgs and nothing
Never hesitate to post your experiences. There will always be a few dipshits that will call anyone out that has something negative to say about their suck off source of the month. This board would not be helping anyone if people only posted positives and were too intimidated to post any negatives. If anyone has a issue with any source and you are hesitant to post in the open then pm me or a member you feel can give you some advice on how to handle situations.
@Darius PharmacomStore Greatly appreciated Darius. I'll get that labmax up by the end of this week hopefully and make sure to start a log once this cycle kicks off. I'll be getting bloods but not for about 5 more weeks. Going to be dropping the dbol today and throwing halo in at a low dose. Should know pretty quick how that's going.
Please review the pharmacom halo I just picked some up for my upcoming contest
I don't think hes discrediting his experience. I feel the same way, I was actually hesitant to post my results cause I knew people would get butt hurt and call me a shill for a different lab because there are so many people currently riding pharmacoms dick.

You'll get a reshipment from the new batch too.
Waiting for the Labmax and bloods.
First time user or not, 70mg ED of DBOL and no results it's indeed impossible.
In my personal experience,the dbol from Darius is spot on so far. I've been running 50mg ED and it's right on/if not better than other ugl's dbol I've ran in the past. Granted, I don't have blood work. But, just off of knowing my body and previous experience it's good stuff (been running this batch for about two weeks). I just started the Pharma mix 4 as well. Will post results in a few weeks.
giving a review on your very first post means nothing...

In my personal experience,the dbol from Darius is spot on so far. I've been running 50mg ED and it's right on/if not better than other ugl's dbol I've ran in the past. Granted, I don't have blood work. But, just off of knowing my body and previous experience it's good stuff (been running this batch for about two weeks). I just started the Pharma mix 4 as well. Will post results in a few weeks.
In my personal experience,the dbol from Darius is spot on so far. I've been running 50mg ED and it's right on/if not better than other ugl's dbol I've ran in the past. Granted, I don't have blood work. But, just off of knowing my body and previous experience it's good stuff (been running this batch for about two weeks). I just started the Pharma mix 4 as well. Will post results in a few weeks.

Well, if you're willing to put your name on the line then it MUST be good, huh? :rolleyes:
Been running his 600mg Test-E for about two weeks now. First day felt great, dropped off since then. No sides yet, and no significant strength gains or increase in libido. Recovery seems faster, but is most likely placebo. Ran pharmacom arimidex for the first week also before realizing I was crashing my estrogen. Feel sick/fluish today, two days after 4th injection. I'll post more updates later, and get bloods at 6-7 weeks.
Been running his 600mg Test-E for about two weeks now. First day felt great, dropped off since then. No sides yet, and no significant strength gains or increase in libido. Recovery seems faster, but is most likely placebo. Ran pharmacom arimidex for the first week also before realizing I was crashing my estrogen. Feel sick/fluish today, two days after 4th injection. I'll post more updates later, and get bloods at 6-7 weeks.
Bro, you're not going to feel Test E in the first day... Come on.
Bro test e won't even give you one bit of a sign for at least 3-4 weeks and that feeling would be of a well being ,,strength 4-5 weeks. do u get gyno.or you just running cuz u HERD.First day felt great lmao