MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008

I asked him if their was a better anti e he said no arimidix is the best so I said screw and took what I could get, and ya my insurance covers it :)
Aromasin is the easiest on the body and the hardest to crash E2 with. It's just expensive as fuck without a script or I'd always use it. I'm starting to like letro over adex!
I've never used aromasin personally but from researching what it does it definitely looks better. I'll probably just use the scripts I got then switch to aromasin
Dude has an almost 1000 natty test level... there is no reason on earth to go on trt. To avoid pct? Ridiculous. Ride that 1000 natty like a two dollar hooker and don't even think about trt

1000 natty wholly crap
I'm almost 40 and not even 1/4 of that natty
Has anyone really determined the best protocol for sust? I've been curious since it has multiple esters how will you be able to know when the peak is?
I've heard anywhere from eod to 2 week
I just go mon thur it works for me
I'm using Darius sus now
I'm curios to see bloods
I've heard anywhere from eod to 2 week
I just go mon thur it works for me
I'm using Darius sus now
I'm curios to see bloods

I was talking about when to get the blood drawn for peak number so we could use the 10x rule
Without me having to go start a new thread... Anybody have any idea what kind of time frame I need to wait before I go get bloods? I just switched from another labs test e over to Darius's mix 4. I'm now 3 pins in, so about a little more than a week. It's test deconate and test phenyl prop in the mix.
Without me having to go start a new thread... Anybody have any idea what kind of time frame I need to wait before I go get bloods? I just switched from another labs test e over to Darius's mix 4. I'm now 3 pins in, so about a little more than a week. It's test deconate and test phenyl prop in the mix.

3 to 4 wks in but don't quote me and 24/36hr after last pin
There is an old thread try using the search so u can confirm
Any strength or weight gains?
I said earlier in this thread Im on his sus and var. It seems pretty good not going to jump up and down and ride the sources dick over it but for today's stsndards I'd say I'm satisfied.

Strength is good not great but good
I'm up 10lbs but wasn't eating or training to good as I was sick as all hell. Last two weeks though I've felt great. All in all no complaints and I'd order again as long as I keep in the loop and no new bad news.
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I will jump on the band wagon though and say Darius customer service was great. Let's just hope things don't go south so soon on this source.