MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008

Idk how to properly use quotes without quoting whole post on this forum so...

"Now, regarding the oral packaging. I normally ship in original blisters if stealth packaging isn't required. Anyway, if we receive info of a possible custom control we remove the blisters, tin foil is an alert for the Xrays.
Several orders last month were indeed sent with no blisters. They're the same pills, same concentration, same quality."

Theres a post on another site he says all international orders (appears to b misinformation) I internet stalk him cause well ... its my body.
Darius sends in blister packs unless you request them in stealth all my orals came in there original pharmacom blister pack
Clomid came in a baggy with the carton on the inside
I wouldn't mine paying for a different shipping method like ups/dhl what are your thoughts
Yeah, he sends in blister packs, unless you request stealth, or in cases where customs is cracking down, then it comes in stealth.
when you receive anavar from darius does it come in original packaging or packed lose in a bag ?

My Var from darius came in boxes and blister packs. I posted pics of them in the steroid pics section.. I received mine last week. He said they were sent by a reseller because it came from an Asian country.
My tbol came in a baggy I pmed darius he said that was how they shipped tbol that batch as a bulk shipping method but the next order of tbol I order will come in a blister pack
Yeah i guess theres just a lot of stories/myths? Of ppl signing for packages and be arrested but i guess they just send a seizure letter
Yeah no need to worry when ur already in cuffs
Ah come on now they don't give 2 shits about some little hoodwink and his small single cycle order. They just take it keep record and move on. One day I do see a senator or congressman making a name for himself. By finding a way to shut down the international order all togather. When all the baseball steriod use was going through congress. I did get a bit concerned about it. Thank god that has kinda blown over.
I'm putting this here for Darius and all others who may be interested. First off I am not a kid and not new to this game or the gear but I am however new to this forum. Having said that and after some disappointing gear sources over the past few years, I decided to give Darius and Pharmacom my business and have received some Test E300 and will pin my first of this tomorrow. I have been running 500mg per week of Test E for the past 6 weeks but I'm certain it is underdosed to be kind. In exacly 2 weeks from today I will have bloods drawn and see where I am after 2 weeks of 600mg per week. If you are aware of the half life and full life of this ester you will know that my bloods will show how well dosed and legit pharmacom is in that short of time. I will update after first pin with pip and other info.
So I guess we are still waiting for any bloods to be posted on darius gear huh, mine won't be posted for another 6 weeks:(
Just got back from the lab. Gave blood to test the Test P from Darius I've been running at 400mg/wk for the past 3 weeks. Should have the results back in 5 business days and I'll post the results in the lab testing forum.