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Ok I have a question I accidentally broke my vial A but I still have a vial B. Is it worth it to just use the vial B and post it or am I wasting mine and everyone's time?
Came to look up review and some info. I had to double check to make sure I was in the right place. Cause all I got was a elementary kid fight over who's turn it was to go down the slide. My head hurts now.
Think next order is going through darius. Test-e, deca dura, dbal, and winstrol tab. I hear great things about product and service. Then see a lab max that didn't look so good. Aparently a label issue so test wouldn't matter then. Anyways I have no go to guy atm. Been searching my butt off. Found some promising places. Then turns out they are selective scammers. Or shipping and delivery time is so fuked up just a giant hassle. He seems to be best I have found so far. What you guys think? Or maybe u have a better experience you would like to share.
How many mgs you taking a day?

Just 40
20 in the morning before work out
Very active at work 20((1 1/2 hr before I leave work
Hit the gym 2 a day morning 20 min cardio and my work out what ever body part I'm working on night time is abs and finish my work out
Tuesday is legal
Quads and calf morning
Hams and the rest night
A lil example 40mgs is great don't think I am going hire
Will drop dbol go on to test p and tren a finish with var
Think next order is going through darius. Test-e, deca dura, dbal, and winstrol tab. I hear great things about product and service. Then see a lab max that didn't look so good. Aparently a label issue so test wouldn't matter then. Anyways I have no go to guy atm. Been searching my butt off. Found some promising places. Then turns out they are selective scammers. Or shipping and delivery time is so fuked up just a giant hassle. He seems to be best I have found so far. What you guys think? Or maybe u have a better experience you would like to share.
I have had a pleasant experience with Darius.
i have found over the years that when someone constantly talks about cock sucking, that someone usually has cum on his lips..

Omg rigs seriously? U are a real douche bag. I say give a new source a chance and I get shit talked to all hell. Fuck u go suck brutus' cock some more faggot.
Think next order is going through darius. Test-e, deca dura, dbal, and winstrol tab. I hear great things about product and service. Then see a lab max that didn't look so good. Aparently a label issue so test wouldn't matter then. Anyways I have no go to guy atm. Been searching my butt off. Found some promising places. Then turns out they are selective scammers. Or shipping and delivery time is so fuked up just a giant hassle. He seems to be best I have found so far. What you guys think? Or maybe u have a better experience you would like to share.

No problems so far. Product seems great.
i have found over the years that when someone constantly talks about cock sucking, that someone usually has cum on his lips..

And I have found that those who constantly suck cock on the internet are just trying to make friends. And those that join conversations that have nothing to do with them are just looking for problems.
It came in blister packs. I didn't request stealth shipping though.

I BELIEVE he said that all international shipments come in stealth shipping even if not requested. He said he takes them out of blisters because of metsl detectors? Im not sure but i think i remember reading this somewhere.
I BELIEVE he said that all international shipments come in stealth shipping even if not requested. He said he takes them out of blisters because of metsl detectors? Im not sure but i think i remember reading this somewhere.
You didn't read that anywhere.
Darius sends in blister packs unless you request them in stealth all my orals came in there original pharmacom blister pack
Clomid came in a baggy with the carton on the inside
I wouldn't mine paying for a different shipping method like ups/dhl what are your thoughts
Ive been following this thread by the hour from start lol.

Im about to recieve dbol.. ill tell u/pics. I know he also said bulker orders will have blisters