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Ahahahaha @redrum720 whatever u say bro. Because everythi g u say is obviously fact even though u copy almost everything brutus says haha u and brutus and rigs follow me from thread to thread to start shit. Whos the troll now moron. I came here to ask a question and sure enough here comes all 3 of u again whining about the same shit. Fucking pussies.

fucking pos all I said was.shut the fuck up stop talking shit and arguing stop making the thread about u and u went off so FUCK YOU
Duck me? Haha ok whatever that means. U tell me to stop but u wont say shit to rigs or brutus right? The ones who started the shit here? Ur a fucking tool
Also u wanna talk about cluttering threads? U didnt have a problem with that on the other thread but now all of a sudden u are a saint sent here to save the thread I started. Lol Total tool material.
But you write nothing positive nothing that contribute to pharmacom nothing at all
Yea I fixed my mistake I man up to it unlike u who just type away shit your bitch in real life I aint to far from philly so when u come to The state again let me know
Ahahaha I contributed nothing? I gave my review on my Tbol from darius so u can eat ur words on that. And Ill be sure to let u know when Im in south philly again. But good luck lasting 2 seconds there haha
Ahahaha I contributed nothing? I gave my review on my Tbol from darius so u can eat ur words on that. And Ill be sure to let u know when Im in south philly again. But good luck lasting 2 seconds there haha

Just like u who ran to another country
Oh your gonna be in for a treat
Hahaha ran to another country? Sorry but moving to another country because of high paying job is not running my friend. And their u go making shit up again to make urself feel better. Thats all u do . I dare u to come to my neighborhood in south philly haha see what a surprise ur in for.
Hahaha ran to another country? Sorry but moving to another country because of high paying job is not running my friend. And their u go making shit up again to make urself feel better. Thats all u do . I dare u to come to my neighborhood in south philly haha see what a surprise ur in for.

Where u at hunting park
Kensington where
Haha yea sure ur a funny guy. I grew up there bro. And we dont take kindly to outsiders. U obviously have never been there. Or u wouldnt be here right now;)
I think you guys should arrange a meeting and settle this like men, maybe even video the whole thing and post it for us to enjoy. At least that would be entertaining to the rest of us because this back and forth bickering is boring the shit out of me!!!!
Haha yea sure ur a funny guy. I grew up there bro. And we dont take kindly to outsiders. U obviously have never been there. Or u wouldnt be here right now;)

Been there with my brothers king homicide you bitch ass nigga king chino king light if you only new u lil ass faggot be gone now enough with ur ass