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Omg rigs seriously? U are a real douche bag. I say give a new source a chance and I get shit talked to all hell. Fuck u go suck brutus' cock some more faggot.
Ahahaha and brutus u are are a fucking tool that does nothing but talk shit to people and has other members suck ur cock for post likes hahaha. U are the problem with meso u and all ur followers love to hear u speak about raping women and how awesome u are because of it. Ur pathetic.
How am I self serving? Because I didnt change my avi when u begged me to through PM? Whining how ur girlfriend thinks ur looking at porn? Hahahaha Im the only one with balls to stand up to ur bitch ass here and call u for what u really are. And so then u make shit up about me with no proof. Ur just like CBS making shit up about people hoping people will be on ur side. And hoping u gain friends from it. Sounds like ur the self serving bitch not me.
Dude shut up stop making every thread about u stop fighting and arguing do you something to contribute to this thread a pack landed a labmax an issue with an order if not stop your bickering
Ahahaha here comes brutus's clan of goons again same as the other thread. I started this thread faggot ass @redrum720 so I can say what I want. So go double team brutus's cock with rigs I didnt start the shit here bitch they did. And of course u jump to their rescue like the awesome member cock sucker u are hahahahaha fucking pussy
Ahahaha here comes brutus's clan of goons again same as the other thread. I started this thread faggot ass @redrum720 so I can say what I want. So go double team brutus's cock with rigs I didnt start the shit here bitch they did. And of course u jump to their rescue like the awesome member cock sucker u are hahahahaha fucking pussy

Your a pathetic lil bastard a turd u started this thread but have not contributed shit
my like did not come from arguments unlike you who became a wkm in less than a couple of month your pos we all know it keep arguing by yourself
Don't not feed this troll
Worked up? No im just telling the truth about u and the rest of brutus's followers but hwy call it what u want no skin off my back. Too bad u cant think for urself and have to follow other member around to get likes lol
Ahahahaha @redrum720 whatever u say bro. Because everythi g u say is obviously fact even though u copy almost everything brutus says haha u and brutus and rigs follow me from thread to thread to start shit. Whos the troll now moron. I came here to ask a question and sure enough here comes all 3 of u again whining about the same shit. Fucking pussies.
Worked up? No im just telling the truth about u and the rest of brutus's followers but hwy call it what u want no skin off my back. Too bad u cant think for urself and have to follow other member around to get likes lol

Let me pull my dick out your wife cunt and I'll give u a free like