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Darius, you mentioned a while back that you were testing some new of which, i believe you said was Mast E. Can you provide a status update on where you're at on the testing and a possible ETA on availability?


Most probably next month. I'll keep you guys updated!

Then you're doing something wrong. I'm pinning 3 CC's of a gear a day (which includes Darius' eq, deca and test E) absolutely as smooth as imaginable with no PIP issues (at least that would be out of the ordinary for 3cc'a of gear).

Try heating the barrel of the syringe under warm water until the oil thins out. Buy a heating bad at Walgreens for your ass, and sit on it 10 minutes prior
Injection. If you're having further issues, investigate further into your techniques.

Exactly, that's how it should be done to have 0 pip.
I'm pinning 2.5 cc eod. 1cc of Test Prop and 1.5cc of Tren A. I also warm it up first and PIP is minimal if any.
Just pinned 2.5 cc of test e and eq. Very smooth no pip at all the test was thick as hell to. Will be doing bloods in a month to find potency.
also I've been using his tbol for the past 12 days. Strength is up for sure and been haven to chase my old lady down to get sum cuz she sore Damn this stuff makes you horny as a rabbit :)
I'm so sick of sitting on this gear I have, and waiting...I'm trying to be disciplined, as I'm waiting for my blood work to be done next month, before I blast. I'm on TRT, and this whole patients thing SUCKS!

So, I said fuck it, and dropped a Dbol this a.m. Hopefully, this doesn't screw me with my blood work, but I'll be fairly conservative, till I can blast! COME ON JULY!! It's all Pharmacom far, from D. Just throwing it in there, so if anyone is wondering why the fuck I posted this here...thanks!
Im a hug fan of inj dbol it has been very good to me. Will see how this anadrol does, I'm one of those few cases were a50 does almost nothing to me. On the other hand orals like tbol and winny are very dramatic to my physique
I wanted the injectable Dbol, but they were out of stock, that's why I got the injectable Anadrol instead. I'm gonna give it a run, and see...
Some orals, and some

Test E
Test C
Pharma Mix 1
Test E 500...

Did a little "stocking up" lol

Yeah, I've got some of that coming, too.
Why not give it a shot?

JohnnyRotten, putting all them eggs in one very large basket!

You'll either be the happiest juicer at Meso, or the angriest guy trying to hunt Darius down.

I guess my biggest concern when running THAT MANY compounds is the difficulty in pinning down (no pun intended) what is working and what is not. Unless you are planning on staging the use of the compounds, it's gonna be hard to tell what is giving results and what is not if you are running most of them at the same time.:confused:
I'm so sick of sitting on this gear I have, and waiting...I'm trying to be disciplined, as I'm waiting for my blood work to be done next month, before I blast. I'm on TRT, and this whole patients thing SUCKS!

So, I said fuck it, and dropped a Dbol this a.m. Hopefully, this doesn't screw me with my blood work, but I'll be fairly conservative, till I can blast! COME ON JULY!! It's all Pharmacom far, from D. Just throwing it in there, so if anyone is wondering why the fuck I posted this here...thanks!
How long (if you know) does it take to get back in range that is suitable for trt bloods? I mean lets say I was 2500 and I had to come back into an under 1500 number how long do you think... give me a ball park from your own experience. Thanks Johnny.