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JohnnyRotten, putting all them eggs in one very large basket!

You'll either be the happiest juicer at Meso, or the angriest guy trying to hunt Darius down.

I guess my biggest concern when running THAT MANY compounds is the difficulty in pinning down (no pun intended) what is working and what is not. Unless you are planning on staging the use of the compounds, it's gonna be hard to tell what is giving results and what is not if you are running most of them at the same time.:confused:
You're absolutely right! But this for several different cycles...that Said, most of what I got, are the simpler compounds, Dbol and Tbol tested already from this batch, as well as the test E. At least there's hormones in them there vials! Lol I'm hoping that nothing else I got is bunk! Like I said, they're the simple stuff, so not very smart business to cheat on that stuff, you know.
JohnnyRotten, putting all them eggs in one very large basket!

You'll either be the happiest juicer at Meso, or the angriest guy trying to hunt Darius down.

I guess my biggest concern when running THAT MANY compounds is the difficulty in pinning down (no pun intended) what is working and what is not. Unless you are planning on staging the use of the compounds, it's gonna be hard to tell what is giving results and what is not if you are running most of them at the same time.:confused:
You're absolutely right! But this is for multiple cycles...the stuff I got, for the most part, are the simple compounds, but IMO the most effective ones! They're all fairly cheap to make, and not very business smart, to fake these, you know? Not that it's not been done before.

But, the Dbol, Tbol, and test E have all been lab maxed, and at least they all have hormones present...hopefully not that badly under dosed...
You're absolutely right! But this is for multiple cycles...the stuff I got, for the most part, are the simple compounds, but IMO the most effective ones! They're all fairly cheap to make, and not very business smart, to fake these, you know? Not that it's not been done before.

But, the Dbol, Tbol, and test E have all been lab maxed, and at least they all have hormones present...hopefully not that badly under dosed...
Sorry about the double post
How long (if you know) does it take to get back in range that is suitable for trt bloods? I mean lets say I was 2500 and I had to come back into an under 1500 number how long do you think... give me a ball park from your own experience. Thanks Johnny.
Honestly man, I don't baseline was really low, before I started TRT, it was 335tt with my free test at 7.6 or so. I've just been cruising on 200mg...that said, this will be my first blast, while on TRT. But I'm going to cycle for 16 weeks, giving me 8 weeks to bring it back down to my cruising levels.
I'm two weeks into my test e/eq cycle. Libido is already up. Smooth as fuck and literally no pip in my glutes. A teeny tiny bit in my quads. Delts are the site this week. Just 3/4 ml of each twice a week. both are 300mg/ml
Haven't ran it yet, but I'll be using a heating pad, and doing everything I can, to make it a smooth pin for sure. I'm expecting some PIP with it, just hope it's not overwhelming. Lol
Idk about the test e 500 but the sust 500 gives some deadly pip. And I heat it up, so be prepared
Idk about the test e 500 but the sust 500 gives some deadly pip. And I heat it up, so be prepared
Yeah, I figured as much. That high concentrated stuff usually has it. I'm going to get some 20g pins I think too. not sure if it will help...what are you pinning with?