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Lol yea thats complete bullshit. I think any lab can be hit or miss, Ive had great luck with orals in the past and terrible luck as well. I took tbol once and had to run it at 70mgs to get desired results. Im not saying with 100% certainty that the dbol is underdosed at this point but should have a better perspective in a few days when I up the dose.
50 MG dbol ed for for more than 2 weeks if properly dosed would have pumps so bad walking would be close to impossible.
Day 16 on dbol 50mgs ed. Take 30mgs morning 20mgs night. I can feel a slight dbol such as very minor back pump and some stength but overall was expecting a bit more from this. Im going to up the dose tomorrow as Im starting to believe the possibility of it being underdosed. I will do 50mgs morning and 30 at night. Will update in a few days.
Hate to switch topics but has anyone had issues sending a moneygram? I received a phone call and they said my payment was declined due to too many reports of scams? From what I have gathered Pharmacom seems to be one of the better sources?

Both WU and MG often cancel transfers if a receiver is picking up many transfers in a short period of time from different countries. They'll reply with a standard line, scam or fraud alert.
It's part of their stupid policies against money laundering and fraud.

You should transfer in cash, from a local agency. It's easier and more secure, less questions asked.

Cmon man dont tell me that. Just goes to show fuck labmax. Have you tried their oils yet? I was about to get some tren and test but am leary now.

Keep us posted how the results are with a higher dose.
I'll send you for free pills from the new batch for you to try and share feedback.
Got my bloodwork results back from the lab today. I'm at work right now and can't post the actual report untill I get home. I'll post it here and on a new thread on the lab testing section.
Was pinning 400mg/wk of Darius Test P for 3 weeks and gave blood about 16 hours from my last injection. My total test level was 1464. I'm no expert but this seems low to me
Got my bloodwork results back from the lab today. I'm at work right now and can't post the actual report untill I get home. I'll post it here and on a new thread on the lab testing section.
Was pinning 400mg/wk of Darius Test P for 3 weeks and gave blood about 16 hours from my last injection. My total test level was 1464. I'm no expert but this seems low to me

Uh oh... Look forward to seeing it, not good if that's correct
I have blood tests too prior to doing this cycle and I'll post those too. My natural test level was net mid 200's so some improvement was made but not what it should be
Uh oh... Look forward to seeing it, not good if that's correct

ouch, this is why I wait for bloodwork, and don't jump on anyones bandwagon. also, I don't give a rats ass about communication, t/a time, and how things are packaged. that's why I'm so thankful for this site, the gtg bro thing on the other sites drives me nuts
and when posting bloodwork, please tell us your dosing schedule and any results that you felt
Hmm its about 7× doesnt seem that bad for only 400mg a week. Usually 10× is for doses over 500mg a week.
Honestly this is why I put the numbers out there along with
giving the Meso members
something to go by. I'm no expert on test results and am glad to learn a thing or two by some people with experience on test numbers
I have blood tests too prior to doing this cycle and I'll post those too. My natural test level was net mid 200's so some improvement was made but not what it should be

i'm really hoping Dr J will chime in on your results. his explanations of peaks and the numbers you should be getting are great
Got my bloodwork results back from the lab today. I'm at work right now and can't post the actual report untill I get home. I'll post it here and on a new thread on the lab testing section.
Was pinning 400mg/wk of Darius Test P for 3 weeks and gave blood about 16 hours from my last injection. My total test level was 1464. I'm no expert but this seems low to me

That's not what I was hoping to see at all! Were u pinning ED? Or EOD? I had my blood drawn (different lab) at 16 hours and got a much higher number than that but I was running 75mg Ed so about 525mg/wk

Still I came back about 7X at 16 hours post inj and only 2 1/2 weeks in. You're 3 weeks in and gave blood at same time and you are less than 4X? Fuck! Please post the report tonight just for confirmation.

Sorry to hear this man. Hope this gets made right somehow.
These are very low numbers!!! Very disappointing.
Meek you need to venture out of the underground once in a while its obvious you have no idea what the 10x rule is. If his gear was on point his numbers should have been 4000.