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You're right, Darius doesn't makethe stuff and he does seem to encourage bloods. Just ddon't know how something like this is ever made right short of a full refund. Comping me gear is questionable if the gear is in question.
Like I posted earlier I could feel the gear working but just not like what I expect to feel. Sad but I see my expectations being lowered based on what I've experienced the past few years
Yeah, it's one thing to get a new pack, with new gear, or something, but bunk for bunk?
That sucks! They're into me for quite a little bit as well, so not really excited right now...
I have blood tests too prior to doing this cycle and I'll post those too. My natural test level was net mid 200's so some improvement was made but not what it should be

going from mid 200's to 1400 doesn't seem disappointing at all. also, i don't know how much i buy into the whole "7x" or 10x" rule...everyone responds differently to meds.
going from mid 200's to 1400 doesn't seem disappointing at all. also, i don't know how much i buy into the whole "7x" or 10x" rule...everyone responds differently to meds.
Sorry brother but i think most vets here are gonna disagree with you, myself included. These are NOT good numbers!!!!
going from mid 200's to 1400 doesn't seem disappointing at all. also, i don't know how much i buy into the whole "7x" or 10x" rule...everyone responds differently to meds.

I used to think the same thing but I was corrected. The introduction of the synthetic hormone takes over and your natural levels are shut down. So what u start with won't make a difference in the end result.

There are guys with a lot more knowledge on this here than me though so hopefully they will chime in.
I have no problem paying top $ for pharm grade but the problem is it seems that even the pharm grade, human grade Shit seems bunk too from what I read.
Unfortunately I also ordered a little more prop myself cuz I didn't want to run out mid cycle so I guess I'll have to double up my doses and run it less time. Always a learning process for me, oh well
So what are the conclusions regarding the real dosage of test per ml ? 50 mg ?
I am on this gear as well looks like I am going to stick to my local ugl it's sad it's smaller and its still better then the rest [emoji111]


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