MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008

You're missing the point.

He's taking test to offset the side effects of his sleep apnea, not to treat the actual apnea. With his sleep cycles being interrupted by the apnea episodes, his hormonal levels are surely being fucked up.
Sorry was just asking if he considers himself disabled veteran because he has sleep apnea?
JohnnyRotten, putting all them eggs in one very large basket!

You'll either be the happiest juicer at Meso, or the angriest guy trying to hunt Darius down.

I guess my biggest concern when running THAT MANY compounds is the difficulty in pinning down (no pun intended) what is working and what is not. Unless you are planning on staging the use of the compounds, it's gonna be hard to tell what is giving results and what is not if you are running most of them at the same time.:confused:
I remember this like it was yesterday! Oh wait, it WAS yesterday...well, it looks like I'm going to be a pin cushion, I danced too close to the fire this time, my friend...but you knew that was going to happen eventually...
I just started week 3 did 1 pin yesterday. Taking two pins weekly of 3/4ml of test - E /eq. If I up the dose now to 1ml of each will the labs show correctly for 600mg/wk of test-?
I remember this like it was yesterday! Oh wait, it WAS yesterday...well, it looks like I'm going to be a pin cushion, I danced too close to the fire this time, my friend...but you knew that was going to happen eventually...
Just don't fall INTO the fire ;)