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The longer I deal with these jack off UGL's, the more I realize that the shitty little mom & pop farmacia (the one I swore I'd never go back to) wasn't that bad after all.
that prop blood work is pretty disheartening as we're paying twice the amount for this gear as any other ugl... I'm making good gains with it plus tren, but I can't imagine the gains I'd be making if it was more accurately dosed... Hopefully, and this is a big hopefully, those first bloods on the prop were a fluke.
Come on JB, haven't you seen the videos. That's some fancy ass oil bottlin machines they got in there :D

C'mon Element, we know the equipment is legit --- they bought it off Astro during his going out of business sale last fall. :rolleyes:
It is important that those of you who are running this gear and are close to getting bloods done STILL DO SO!

As much as you might be discouraged, it is important that we as a community accumulate as much evidence as we can in order to:

A) legitimize these claims, so that the source doesn't pull the usual "I have only seen two bad blood test results, and one of those 2 guys admitted that he __________ (fill in the bank with lame ass excuse here)

B) convince other members in the future that the problems here are wide spread and not just a couple of guys who might have had an agenda

I get it if you are only a week or two into your run wanting to abandon it, but otherwise, it will be real helpful to have as many blood results posted as possible.
Well that moron frank already made his god forsaken reply about gear from his place being under dosed as well. I would like to know what @Darius PharmacomStore has to say about this. And also what he will do to make it right. I dont think more under dosed gear is gonna cut it.
This is why I ignore all the posts about t/a, how things are packaged, the side source being a good guy, verification codes, communication, pretty pictures, and any other bullshit not related to bloodwork.
that prop blood work is pretty disheartening as we're paying twice the amount for this gear as any other ugl... I'm making good gains with it plus tren, but I can't imagine the gains I'd be making if it was more accurately dosed... Hopefully, and this is a big hopefully, those first bloods on the prop were a fluke.
I'm making some gains too but thats to be expected when my T levels are 4 times my natural state plus throw in some Tren dosed at who knows what. Some of you guys were on point with the cost of Pharmacom, more expensive than most ugl's for half the purity. Now thats a great deal
@johnnyBALLZ and @CdnGuy haha u 2 are unbelievable sure blame it on me for starting a thread asking a question. Typical troll work. I have no control over what it turns into. U both are fucking trolls sucking each others cocks. Hey johnny no balls why dont u go back to faking mass spec tests with ur butt buddies brutus and cbs. U all were kicked off every other forum for trolling and lying about shit. Now ur on meso cause its the only place u can get away with it. And u all use ur "awesome member" status to lure others into ur horse shit. All of u are a fucking joke. If anybody does any digging on these fools u will know better than to trust anything these idiots say.
@johnnyBALLZ and @CdnGuy haha u 2 are unbelievable sure blame it on me for starting a thread asking a question. Typical troll work. I have no control over what it turns into. U both are fucking trolls sucking each others cocks. Hey johnny no balls why dont u go back to faking mass spec tests with ur butt buddies brutus and cbs. U all were kicked off every other forum for trolling and lying about shit. Now ur on meso cause its the only place u can get away with it. And u all use ur "awesome member" status to lure others into ur horse shit. All of u are a fucking joke. If anybody does any digging on these fools u will know better than to trust anything these idiots say.

Meek not to be a dick, but come on dude quit cluttering every pharmacom thread with arguing. Start your own thread called "Put it in Meeks butt thread" or whatever and take it over there.