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Hahaha yea sure now ur gonna use someone elses pic to try and justify ur shitty body? A pic thats not even him? Google image search proves its not him so try and google image search mine....u cant find it cause im the only one with it moron. Nice work old man! @MindlessWork
The pic you posted from my media is truly mine...and from the way you been sounding lately I pictured you as a skinny neckbeard who lives on nothing but pizza while pounding away on your keyboard in your basement room ;)
Haha but yea we will see how the community feels about this dude as well I vote for a ban can i get a second
I second that...Meek just been here for 2 months and has been dicksucking every source ever since and not to mention trolling his skinny ass off so that would be worthy of a ban IMO.
So because im on a thread im a dick sucker then I guess everyone here is a dick sucker but no one sucks as much dick as u do u know what im talking about all those members u follow from thread to thread hahaha
So because im on a thread im a dick sucker then I guess everyone here is a dick sucker but no one sucks as much dick as u do u know what im talking about all those members u follow from thread to thread hahaha
You STARTED this thread schill boy. You are a dick sucker because you put dicks in your mouth and suck on them. Two different things.
Haha ok 3 people wow im sooooo worried omg ur gonna ban me and everyone knows brutus agrees cause me and another have been digging up his faked mass spec test that him and johnny ballz and cbs got kicked off other boards for hahahaha fucking amazing known liars and cheats trying to get me banned for exposing the truth. Go figure.
Haha ok 3 people wow im sooooo worried omg ur gonna ban me and everyone knows brutus agrees cause me and another have been digging up his faked mass spec test that him and johnny ballz and cbs got kicked off other boards for hahahaha fucking amazing known liars and cheats trying to get me banned for exposing the truth. Go figure.
You expose yourself to little boys on playgrounds douchebag. You truly, truly add nothing of value to this board. You are a skinny little bitch who shouldn't even be running gear- but at least it's free fag boy
No I'm not running a log I was thinking about it but I'm super busy with work not sure how detailed I could do it. I've been using pharmacom gear for two weeks @Fouts
You STARTED this thread schill boy. You are a dick sucker because you put dicks in your mouth and suck on them. Two different things.
Brutus, this reminds me of a quote my dad used to say:

"You can hammer a nail into a piece of wood and it doesn't make you a carpenter. If you suck one dick, you're a dick sucker forever."