MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008

Oh man, it's my favorite place to pin. I've got a pic somewhere with an x on where to pin. If I can find it I'll post it up.

Where are you getting 27g pins? Been trying to find them all over. Guess I'm not looking hard enough.

After pinning subq with 27g 1/2" going back to 25g has seemed horrible.

Right on bud tag me in it
Disappointed - just picked up Darius pharmacom Dbol. Hope he's back soon to explain and hope it's legit. Glad I just placed a small test order before ordering full cycle from Darius.
Man atleast Frank come here and bull shits, but damn where is DARIUS!!! Million Dollar question.

There's no way he's not reading these post. More than likely he's just not logging in. I'm waiting on Millards lab results, says he has 4 of pharmacoms products getting tested. I'm very curious to see whats getting tested and the results. Could be the nail in the coffin..I'm hoping it's not that under dosed, I knew a ugl wouldn't be 100% but at least 80
There's no way he's not reading these post. More than likely he's just not logging in. I'm waiting on Millards lab results, says he has 4 of pharmacoms products getting tested. I'm very curious to see whats getting tested and the results. Could be the nail in the coffin..I'm hoping it's not that under dosed, I knew a ugl wouldn't be 100% but at least 80
Hopefully that's the end of Pharmacom...they been exposed and Frankie must be furiously thinking up damage control. With the damning evidence he's pretty much laying low. As for Darius bet he's looking to rep for a new lab
Burn me if you want but Darius already made a statement with that and also the testing project at hand let wait and see and stop posting and posting let the test speak for themselves
Also Frank is talking craps about meso but not Darius it's the same shit gear (pharmacom) soooo letting Darius take the blame
Also there are lab.maxes and MS testing on some gear buy the ones that have a positive feedback or don't
If it passes good if not we all loss complaining won't get your cycle or money back
I see a lot of people jumping the gun. I would be pissed too if I got some underdosed shit but most people saying things here don't even have any bloods or just started their cycle. Run it and see what happens. I complained about my dbol, Darius told me he would cover it on the next batch and did even more than that to compensate me. The dbol didn't work for me but the tren works great and the var is working for my girl. Just goes to show that one problem doesn't signify that everything is bunk. If it's underdosed I have no doubt it my mind that Darius will make it right. But do your part, test the products, do your bloods, and run it instead of jumping to conclusions. Or just throw it away... But quit whining about how you just bought a full cycle. It's always a gamble.
There's no way he's not reading these post. More than likely he's just not logging in. I'm waiting on Millards lab results, says he has 4 of pharmacoms products getting tested. I'm very curious to see whats getting tested and the results. Could be the nail in the coffin..I'm hoping it's not that under dosed, I knew a ugl wouldn't be 100% but at least 80
Is it darius or Franks?
Just goes to show that one problem doesn't signify that everything is bunk. If it's underdosed I have no doubt it my mind that Darius will make it right. But do your part, test the products, do your bloods, and run it instead of jumping to conclusions. Or just throw it away... But quit whining about how you just bought a full cycle. It's always a gamble.

The problem is that Pharmacon presented their gear as almost pharm grade quality and charged a premium price for it because it was supposed to be better than everybody else's. They claimed to do extensive testing on their raws, rejecting any powder that tested at less that 98.5% (LMFAO). It was all lies designed to drive sales. The recent events have proven that they blindly trust their Chinese suppliers just like every other ugl.

If Pharmacon lied about testing their raws, it's a pretty safe bet that EVERYTHING they produce is at best underdosed, and quite likely mislabeled or bunk. So yeah, customers should be pissed because they weren't sold the quality they were promised. I wouldn't fault anyone for whining about that.
Let me make this clear since people don't quite seem to understand... They are glorified drug dealers. Back in the day I didn't call my dealer up and say hey, this gram of coke is stepped on, you need to make it up to me. That doesn't fly. In this situation people actually have more rights than they really should from a "drug dealer" so appreciate it. You're right @CensoredBoardsSuck They did lie. So then don't buy anymore if you don't want to. Simple as that. But come with your evidence and inform the community that way, not by crying. What I'm saying is this is not regulated. It's part of it. So don't cry like a little girl because you got burned. Chalk it up as a loss. I bust my ass for every dollar I earn every day but when I get burned I knew the risk.
Let me make this clear since people don't quite seem to understand... They are glorified drug dealers. Back in the day I didn't call my dealer up and say hey, this gram of coke is stepped on, you need to make it up to me. You're right @CensoredBoardsSuck They did lie. What I'm saying is this is not regulated. It's part of it. So don't cry like a little girl because you got burned. Chalk it up as a loss. I bust my ass for every dollar I earn every day but when I get burned I knew the risk.

We are presenting the evidence and informing the community - Pharmacon lied. You're suggesting their customers should just accept that and move on.

Just because this racket isn't regulated and sources are "glorified drug dealers" doesn't mean they shouldn't be held accountable. They most definitely should, and that starts by doing exactly what we're doing now, not telling customers to take the loss and stop whining about it.
@CensoredBoardsSuck Are you gonna go kick their ass? No. Is the complaining and whining gonna get us our money back? No. Are they gonna give more free under dosed gear to compensate? Probably. So please tell me exactly how you plan on winning this fight other than telling people what they will find out on their first cycle. All you can do is make the decision not to purchase again. That's it. Darius is replacing what I had an issue with... I'm happy with that, if he replaces it and I get the same thing as last time then the best thing I can do is to never buy again. All I'm saying. But what he has sent me has been fine so far. And he has done right by me and everyone else. All these threads are cluttered with people jumping to conclusions instead of testing... Which I admit I did too but when I was wrong I said I would keep my mouth shut until I did testing in the future. Which no opinion should be entertained without bloods, pics, or other testing. The bloods have been posted for one product, that does not mean the rest are bad.
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But whose fault is it for believing them? I mean really it's "almost" pharma quality. That's like being sorta pregnant [emoji57]

If a source offers to sell you 100 kits of GH for $150 and you buy it, but later find out it's bunk, whose fault is that? The source for lying or you for believing?

Sources need to be held accountable. If you paid for GH, you deserve to get GH, period.
@CensoredBoardsSuck I think I am giving you the wrong idea. I completely agree with you but what I would like to know is how you plan on holding them accountable... Other than all these complaints without tests
@CensoredBoardsSuck Are you gonna go kick their ass? No. Is the complaining and whining gonna get us our money back? No. Are they gonna give more free under dosed gear to compensate? Probably. So please tell me exactly how you plan on winning this fight other than telling people what they will find out on their first cycle. All you can do is make the decision not to purchase again. That's it. Darius is replacing what I had an issue with... I'm happy with that, if he replaces it and I get the same thing as last time then the best thing I can do is to never buy again. All I'm saying. But what he has sent me has been fine so far. And he has done right by me and everyone else. All these threads are cluttered with people jumping to conclusions instead of testing... Which I admit I did too but when I was wrong I said I would keep my mouth shut until I did testing in the future. Which no opinion should be entertained without bloods, pics, or other testing. The bloods have been posted for one product, that does not mean the rest are bad.
Your to calm , are you sure your running tren?
If a source offers to sell you 100 kits of GH for $150 and you buy it, but later find out it's bunk, whose fault is that? The source for lying or you for believing?

Sources need to be held accountable. If you paid for GH, you deserve to get GH, period.
Yes to a degree, it's shady on the sellers part but gullibility on the buyers. There has to be some personal responsibility around this as well on the buyers part. This isn't There are people selling black market goods. I don't go to NY and think those are real Rolex's on the sidewalk in SoHo for $50. Something like this can't be "kinda" pharma quality it either is or isn't period.