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The point being we are buying illegal drugs not one if you is gonna get your money back stop complaining
Look what happened to Mike strong everyone bitch talk a lot is smack but no one got.shit in return it's a gamble if not this source then the next one will be under dose try to have your private go to guy and even he isn't reliable

Actually there has been one person who was successful in getting some ppl a good amount of money back on other boards from multiple scammers but that's not the norm for sure
The whining doesn't bother me. Adding voices to the general atmosphere of discontent isn't a bad thing IMO. Sure beats reading, "Astro I sent you a PM".
The whining doesn't bother me. Adding voices to the general atmosphere of discontent isn't a bad thing IMO. Sure beats reading, "Astro I sent you a PM".

When you have to search through 10+ pages of bickering to find those few blood test results or labmax results it makes it difficult to find the good info.
When you have to search through 10+ pages of bickering to find those few blood test results or labmax results it makes it difficult to find the good info.
Well, I could have done without Frank's many mile long single paragraph diatribes for sure.
If you believe you have under dose gear with no.proof sounds like.shit to me especially when.It's someone first cycle
But if we have proof by all.Mean make.Your comments and move along we seen this before nobody really wins
The dbol have been working fine for me can't say Shit about the test
Are there ppl with under dose gear yes but it a gamble I think it was said in the beginning it was a.hit or.miss some missed
I can't wait for the testing to be.done so more can participate and catch all bunk sources
The whining doesn't bother me. Adding voices to the general atmosphere of discontent isn't a bad thing IMO. Sure beats reading, "Astro I sent you a PM".

Hahahahahahaha, wait.........
All I'm saying is I made it to where I am today off under dosed gear... So I don't wanna hear the fucking whining. Train right and blast your under dosed gear and pray to Jesus you get some good the next time around.

That is a really shitty defeatist attitude bigsby, and does nothing to help the situation. Your solution of playing roulette just feeds into the current problem. If i get fucked on an order i will do everything i can to make sure someone else doesn't make the same mistake. See my previous posts about Alin and his butt-buddies.
The way this should work, actually the way it has to work to change things is that a few of us have to bite the bullet and take a leap to lead the way for others. Not everyone has to jump off the bridge so to speak. The product gets tested and people can begin to wade in. Continued testing catches any irregularities down the line and we call a halt to things, limiting the amount of damage and problems that we can.

You're right that it isn't regulated or policed, but we can police it ourselves to an extent. Your tactic is sloppy,haphazard, and the complete opposite of tactical. A lot of the suppliers have a game plan that leads to maximum cash in their pocket. They have their little army of shills as pawns in the game to bolster support,increase sales, and do damage control. We should be probing the lines and testing finding a good point to cross, not lining up like fodder to be mowed down with shitty under-dosed, mislabeled, or misrepresented gear. Your way only works with selective scammers, and only a handful get joy in that situation while the rest get burned. Fuck that, i'm done with that approach.

Millard's crowdfunding and testing is the right play i think and mayy change things. Another thing we can do is quit storming the beach before we know what is up there. Members are too ready to jump in the fire for a possibility of 50% gear. Hell, we see guys that are more than content with any amount of real gear, even if it is 30% because that is better than whatever cybergenics/creatine/supplement of the week they happen to be taking. That isn't me and i'm sure i'm not alone. You are just plain asking to be bent over and i wish people would look before they leap. Help seems to be coming in a few forms, so maybe we could be a bit more patient and tactical instead of going all ww1 at things and storming in a line.
When you have to search through 10+ pages of bickering to find those few blood test results or labmax results it makes it difficult to find the good info.
I used to get mad at that as well, and I do believe it has gotten better, but I'm not sure the board would work without it.
That is a really shitty defeatist attitude bigsby, and does nothing to help the situation. Your solution of playing roulette just feeds into the current problem. If i get fucked on an order i will do everything i can to make sure someone else doesn't make the same mistake. See my previous posts about Alin and his butt-buddies.
The way this should work, actually the way it has to work to change things is that a few of us have to bite the bullet and take a leap to lead the way for others. Not everyone has to jump off the bridge so to speak. The product gets tested and people can begin to wade in. Continued testing catches any irregularities down the line and we call a halt to things, limiting the amount of damage and problems that we can.

You're right that it isn't regulated or policed, but we can police it ourselves to an extent. Your tactic is sloppy,haphazard, and the complete opposite of tactical. A lot of the suppliers have a game plan that leads to maximum cash in their pocket. They have their little army of shills as pawns in the game to bolster support,increase sales, and do damage control. We should be probing the lines and testing finding a good point to cross, not lining up like fodder to be mowed down with shitty under-dosed, mislabeled, or misrepresented gear. Your way only works with selective scammers, and only a handful get joy in that situation while the rest get burned. Fuck that, i'm done with that approach.

Millard's crowdfunding and testing is the right play i think and mayy change things. Another thing we can do is quit storming the beach before we know what is up there. Members are too ready to jump in the fire for a possibility of 50% gear. Hell, we see guys that are more than content with any amount of real gear, even if it is 30% because that is better than whatever cybergenics/creatine/supplement of the week they happen to be taking. That isn't me and i'm sure i'm not alone. You are just plain asking to be bent over and i wish people would look before they leap. Help seems to be coming in a few forms, so maybe we could be a bit more patient and tactical instead of going all ww1 at things and storming in a line.
Just a reminder, contribute to Millards lab testing project, it's a real game changer
Don't know why people keep calling black markets unregulated. They are the most regulated markets on the planet. Poor quality is a near certainty due to that regulation.
@devildog93 @rpbb I agree 100%, if there was a way of "holding them accountable". I keep seeing this but nobody ever does anything except what they do now, SAY that it's bunk or under dosed and run the lab off. That is everyone's way of "holding them accountable". That doesn't work. All it does is make people do what I've already been saying, just stop buying if you're not comfortable. And a select few on this board are quite comical... They talk about wanting to help the community and help people save their hard earned money but when it comes to giving out their "go-to" source with great gear... Well, they won't help anymore. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me. I have ran 1 decent cycle. 1. Of properly dosed gear. Believe me when I tell you there is a very very slim to none chance that you are going to get properly dosed gear anywhere and if any of you disagree... Well then share your source if you really want to help.
I don't know why we're expecting a response so soon?

"I will wait for all the tests made here to be concluded and I'll have a talk with the Pharmacom owner for an official position." - Darius.
Bro, meso is a soap opera for men. As surely as the sun rises there will be drama and the measuring of cocks.

Now, where the fuck is Darius?

Man atleast Frank come here and bull shits, but damn where is DARIUS!!! Million Dollar question.

There's no way he's not reading these post. More than likely he's just not logging in.

Hopefully that's the end of Pharmacom...they been exposed and Frankie must be furiously thinking up damage control. With the damning evidence he's pretty much laying low. As for Darius bet he's looking to rep for a new lab

I'm here and for those of you who didn't noticed, yesterday I wrote a pretty detailed opinion about the recent events.
I read all of your posts and already started an investigation. I have never discredited and never will, the tests and bloods made here, but I can't jump to conclusions after only 2 blood tests being made. Many guys have results using the same products and my inbox is full of positive feedback.
More than 80% of my clientele are returning customers with dozens of orders placed. Those are facts, PharmacomStore is 7 years old.
For me that's pretty reassuring concerning the Pharmacom's quality.

From what I heard, thanks to Millard we now have a place where all the things can be tested so we could send more products that way for a concrete analysis. Who's interested in sending the gear there, PM or e-mail me and I'll pay the testing cost through bank transfer.
The same for those of you who can perform any kind of test, I'll cover the costs.

Pharmacom manufacturers a new batch each 2 weeks, for all the line, except the HGH. If a certain batch had a dosing problem, we'll have to identify it. I'll take all blame for it and reship all the products from a new batch, which will be prior tested by Millard, to ensure a proper concentration is present.

I don't expect you guys to believe it or take Pharmacom presentation videos as a proof of a certain manufacturing quality standard, but the owner invested almost half a million in the last 6 months in the brand development, equipment, staff. You just can't put that amount of money, without having serious intentions, in a business that has its success directly correlated with the customer's feedback on the boards.
Feel free to disagree but that's my logic.

Even if your utopian and absurd scenarios that Frank will never answer again and Pharmacom will disappear will come true, I'll still be here and make things right if that will be the case.
Now please let me know if me - Darius, as a reseller, something else I can do to reassure all of you of my total cooperation in this matter and the certainty that I'll be responsible for everything I sell or sold.
Don't know why people keep calling black markets unregulated. They are the most regulated markets on the planet. Poor quality is a near certainty due to that regulation.

The government regulates the white market for pharmaceuticals not the black market.