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It's fucking horrible that it's happened and I would like to string up this dude and torture him for awhile but this scam sounds the same as Astro Labs, nice packaging, pictures of super cool lab equipment....
All I'm saying is if it sounds too good be true then it likely is too good. In the year I've been here I've seen at least 30-40 labs come through and all failed for one reason or another. Every single lab that comes on here claims to be the best. They go to varying lengths to show us how good hey are. Do you know how many of those labs are around??? Zero.
I don't know how many time the longer tenured members on Meso have to warn everybody that it's a snake pit in the UG but most don't listen. They all think they have found the golden cow, because they are different or special. People listen to shills because they want to believe so desperately that they didn't get suckered. It's happened to all of us, I'm no different except that I learn from past mistakes.
We should all be thinking about this when we buy from an UGL...if this lab was so damn good then why are they here peddling their oils? They would by so damn busy and have a closed membership.
Let's not gloss over the fact that there is no such thing as almost pharma. Even if they had all this fancy brewing equipment, if you put shit in you get shit out. There is no such thing as kinda pregnant, I kinda have cancer and these meds are kinda pharma.
I have no dog in this fight, except that I hate seeing guys get burned. But I also hate seeing guys play the victim and letting these sources swindle people. We need to have a much more critical non trusting eye when dealing with this. I mean hell we all hate car salesmen, but at the end of the day at least we get what you paid for. But these sources come along and some of you treat them like its the second coming of Christ.
Wow just wow. So this is all just one elaborate scam...figures
Some of you saying quit whining cause you're buying illegal drugs make me want to start a lab...Hell, if I know my customers just accept that being ripped off is part of the business then I might as well take the easy road since I know you will just cut your losses. Now for a name.. I'm thinking " I'll fuck you but if you bitch I'll call you dirty slipper cells labs"

Hence why they are black markets and called underground labs.
So how did this work out for people like Meek? Very badly I presume. Shame that people fell for the bait by Pharmacom aka whatever scammer.
I think I see what you're trying to say now. Governmental authority is applied to the white market but it's effects are leaked into the black market in certain ways which is technically regulation. I was trying to get across that the normal regulatory bodies like FDA, OSHA, etc have no direct control over the black market.
Yea, we agree more than not. We are just using the terms differently.
As much as D may have good intentions for his customers...bottom line he's at the mercy of pharmacom just like the guy buying the gear. Zero control of raws... so buyer beware!! Shitty for members that are dealing with the problem, no disrespect.
Yessir! ^^^^^
It's fucking horrible that it's happened and I would like to string up this dude and torture him for awhile but this scam sounds the same as Astro Labs, nice packaging, pictures of super cool lab equipment....
All I'm saying is if it sounds too good be true then it likely is too good. In the year I've been here I've seen at least 30-40 labs come through and all failed for one reason or another. Every single lab that comes on here claims to be the best. They go to varying lengths to show us how good hey are. Do you know how many of those labs are around??? Zero.
I don't know how many time the longer tenured members on Meso have to warn everybody that it's a snake pit in the UG but most don't listen. They all think they have found the golden cow, because they are different or special. People listen to shills because they want to believe so desperately that they didn't get suckered. It's happened to all of us, I'm no different except that I learn from past mistakes.
We should all be thinking about this when we buy from an UGL...if this lab was so damn good then why are they here peddling their oils? They would by so damn busy and have a closed membership.
Let's not gloss over the fact that there is no such thing as almost pharma. Even if they had all this fancy brewing equipment, if you put shit in you get shit out. There is no such thing as kinda pregnant, I kinda have cancer and these meds are kinda pharma.
I have no dog in this fight, except that I hate seeing guys get burned. But I also hate seeing guys play the victim and letting these sources swindle people. We need to have a much more critical non trusting eye when dealing with this. I mean hell we all hate car salesmen, but at the end of the day at least we get what you paid for. But these sources come along and some of you treat them like its the second coming of Christ.
Because people are desperate man. I know it sounds ridiculous, but a glimmer of hope and people get so excited.
Because people are desperate man. I know it sounds ridiculous, but a glimmer of hope and people get so excited.
I get it I really do, just wish people would take this for what it is and treat it that way. No UGL had proven to be good for very long if at all. It's not suddenly going to change. In talking with the vets it seems quality is declining over the years not getting better. We're acting like fish in a barrel to these sources, then throwing a fit when the same damn thing happens over and over. That's ridiculous.
I'm willing to be 90% of us wouldn't let this happen in any other dealing we have in life (there's always going to be that 10% that is sucker bait no matter what happens).
I'll get off my soapbox and leave the thread, but I hope some of us learn that this is NOT a buyer market. Buyer beware.
I get it I really do, just wish people would take this for what it is and treat it that way. No UGL had proven to be good for very long if at all. It's not suddenly going to change. In talking with the vets it seems quality is declining over the years not getting better. We're acting like fish in a barrel to these sources, then throwing a fit when the same damn thing happens over and over. That's ridiculous.
I'm willing to be 90% of us wouldn't let this happen in any other dealing we have in life (there's always going to be that 10% that is sucker bait no matter what happens).
I'll get off my soapbox and leave the thread, but I hope some of us learn that this is NOT a buyer market. Buyer beware.
There's no doubt quality has declined.

However, Pharmacom has been around for quite some time. I am pro-Darius, not pro-Pharmacom. I hope that makes sense.
Honestly, if it is confirmed that the test is underdosed, I would be happy receiving replacement vials for the three that I bought. Even if the new shit is underdosed, I can just double the dose and all will be made right. Doesn't make up for all the hassle, but at least I'll get the gains that we are all in this for. That's my mindset.
Honestly, if it is confirmed that the test is underdosed, I would be happy receiving replacement vials for the three that I bought. Even if the new shit is underdosed, I can just double the dose and all will be made right. Doesn't make up for all the hassle, but at least I'll get the gains that we are all in this for. That's my mindset.
Hmm, I get where you're coming from. But, the hassle for people like myself who run a gram a week of test alone, that's 2x the oil man. Not interested in that.

Then, what about people who bought primo? No matter how much you multiple the dose, you're never getting what you hoped for... I believe in Darius as he's demonstrated the character traits I am interested in. Let's standby at this point.
Hmm, I get where you're coming from. But, the hassle for people like myself who run a gram a week of test alone, that's 2x the oil man. Not interested in that.

Then, what about people who bought primo? No matter how much you multiple the dose, you're never getting what you hoped for... I believe in Darius as he's demonstrated the character traits I am interested in. Let's standby at this point.
I hear ya bud. It's annoying as hell. Personally, I'm doubling the dosage and switching to EOD with the Test E to lower the amount of oil per pin. I understand completely that my previous post wouldn't work for everyone, but I would at least be happy lol
I hear ya bud. It's annoying as hell. Personally, I'm doubling the dosage and switching to EOD with the Test E to lower the amount of oil per pin. I understand completely that my previous post wouldn't work for everyone, but I would at least be happy lol
Gotta take care of #1 my man, do what you need to do. My concern is: Darius just said new Pharmacom batches are made every 2 weeks. So, what if your vials are properly dosed, and the batch before were not. Or vice versa. Hmm.
Bottom line no this has happened before and will continue to happen
What can we do test the shit now that there is a place for it put a small order in ask the powers to be to test it a wait for the outcome as for now you bought gear that wAs stepped on move on to the next lab and.on to the next one and.on to the next one
We can bitch till we die but are anyone of us gonna hunt them.down no
Just hope ppl come here type there name and see a red flag
Gotta take care of #1 my man, do what you need to do. My concern is: Darius just said new Pharmacom batches are made every 2 weeks. So, what if your vials are properly dosed, and the batch before were not. Or vice versa. Hmm.
They won't be propperly dosed. They never never are. That's just the way it is
It's all in the raws bud, unless someone has a magical connection it will likely be the same crap or overdosed and cause amazing PIP

If you truly believe there are no good raws out there why buy any UGL product? Why not stick with pharma? I'm cannot vouch for the purity of my raws bc hey weren't mass spec'ed but I'm quite pleased with how my oils turned out. The raws came from china as well.
If you truly believe there are no good raws out there why buy any UGL product? Why not stick with pharma? I'm cannot vouch for the purity of my raws bc hey weren't mass spec'ed but I'm quite pleased with how my oils turned out. The raws came from china as well.
Well doc, send me a small sample....say 10 vials or so I'll pin them and let you know what i think[emoji6]