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Same for me and I brew my gear. I'm at the mercy of my supplier as much as the next guy. I'd be pissed of I was competely ripped off just like anyone else but at the same time I knew the risks before ordering and by ordering I obviously accosted them.

Maybe we should all chip in, charter a jet, and take a gear holiday in the Phillipines or somewhere similar lol.
I would love to do that
Same for me and I brew my gear. I'm at the mercy of my supplier as much as the next guy. I'd be pissed of I was competely ripped off just like anyone else but at the same time I knew the risks before ordering and by ordering I obviously accosted them.

Maybe we should all chip in, charter a jet, and take a gear holiday in the Phillipines or somewhere similar lol.
A MESO meetup haha...sounds good! :cool:
A MESO meet up... I have a feeling that a few of us from this forum together in an airport would definitely attract some unwanted attention from customs.
We did- why do you think his bitch ass dropped off?
His pic that he posted in his cycle log...bad mistake on his part lol but bummer he did not post after cycle pics though. Last time he was logged on was Wednesday. I am sure he has a new handle now...just a matter of time before we find it ;)
I wanted to see him try to defend himself lol, but he just ran like a bitch.
hahaha he knew he was owned so he had no way of defending himself honestly. If we had some Meso members who live in the Netherlands they could pay him a visit LMAO
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Come on man, HE WANTED YOU TO OWN HIM!! Lol :eek:
it was rigs that posted the link to his POF profile as he did a reverse image search on that pic and then Meeksy ran off after the POF page was posted. Epic!

He turned out to be some gay 32 year old masseuse, that did not own a car lol.
And he said he was married...priceless when that lie was exposed!