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All those numbers are bullshit. I'm not going back to look at te thread to quote but he said something along the lines of he squatted 290 for like 20 reps but then like two posts later he says he maxed out squatting at like 320. Wtf?
So are you guys serious when you say meek is a gay masseuse cause if you are it surprises me how often he called people fags and cocksuckers.
All those numbers are bullshit. I'm not going back to look at te thread to quote but he said something along the lines of he squatted 290 for like 20 reps but then like two posts later he says he maxed out squatting at like 320. Wtf?

He also said he did 49 sets. I never followed that dudes log but thats 100% bullshit.
Pretty much a fake IMO. What you think about the lifts he's recorded in his log?

I read all the shit he was trying to talk to you and then bam, meek is a twink. You do alot of good here at meso, Im glad he got what was coming to him. Your brothers here got your back.
So are you guys serious when you say meek is a gay masseuse cause if you are it surprises me how often he called people fags and cocksuckers.

Put it this way - according to his POF profile, Meek liked to go ATM.

Funny because a couple days back i remember you pointing out that he sure talked about sucking cock alot.
I laughed my ass off because i thought you made a funny comment, turns out you called it!!!
Funny because a couple days back i remember you pointing out that he sure talked about sucking cock alot.
I laughed my ass off because i thought you made a funny comment, turns out you called it!!!

Haha. Latching onto a cock like a Lamprey eel on a lake trout wasn't to far off the mark, was it?
I read all the shit he was trying to talk to you and then bam, meek is a twink. You do alot of good here at meso, Im glad he got what was coming to him. Your brothers here got your back.
Thanks, and I was suspicious of him from the beginning. Good to confirm that I was right in the end. Bullshit I can smell miles away lol

I also got you guys' backs as well.
I have a feeling he's gonna come back and make excuses like always.
Hahaha right! He's like, Just set a new pr on dead lifts , curls, and dick sucking.
Hahaha we will be ready for him then. Most likely he is just going to lay low for a while.
I have some of the dbal from them. You guys double up on it. Want to take 50 ed so I guess more like 70 I guess now. My luck mine won't be bad and I take 70 then can't even walk or brush my teeth.
I have some of the dbal from them. You guys double up on it. Want to take 50 ed so I guess more like 70 I guess now. My luck mine won't be bad and I take 70 then can't even walk or brush my teeth.

no idea what you really meant, but in other news I'm I the only one who gets a lil bothered when he says "dbal" lmfao