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Yeah my phone has the worst auto correct system in history. You should see what it puts into text when I use the voice option. Since I'm from Texas the southern draw will fuk it all up. Other day I said let's eat at 6. Instead it put let's eight a sex. My mom was like WTF
@Mofotyler if you have good dbol you can get away with 40mg a day.
I know you're not talking to me, but if he got the Dbol from Pharmacom, it's likely way underdosed. I've never even used Dbol before
(Only test-eq-deca) and I was on 30mg/day for 6 days. Felt nothing so bumped it up to 60mg/day. Starting to get some pumps, but nothing like I've read about, or expected.
And no, I'm not just trying to get my posts up to be a
I know you're not talking to me, but if he got the Dbol from Pharmacom, it's likely way underdosed. I've never even used Dbol before
(Only test-eq-deca) and I was on 30mg/day for 6 days. Felt nothing so bumped it up to 60mg/day. Starting to get some pumps, but nothing like I've read about, or expected.
And no, I'm not just trying to get my posts up to be a

I was talking about personal experience, I got some good dbol for my second cycle, anabol tabs from from a friend. I got ridiculous pump and size from them.
Yeah got it from Pharma will start at 50 and go from there. Got enough for 6 weeks. Might end up doing 100 and only getting 3 weeks out of it.
Should of got the tbol from d. Today was so crazy. I ran tool before from gp and noticed what tbol felt like. But shit, when I was doing gamer curls today, my arms were so fucking pumped it felt like it was breaking my bones.
I'm only on a trt dose of test as well.
That's my .02c.
Hopefully is anavar is decent as well.
Just reiterating what we already know. Bumped up my pharmacom dbol to 100mgs ed and didnt notice any difference at all. Havent gained any weight and strength is the exact same. Extremely underdosed.

I know you're not talking to me, but if he got the Dbol from Pharmacom, it's likely way underdosed. I've never even used Dbol before
(Only test-eq-deca) and I was on 30mg/day for 6 days. Felt nothing so bumped it up to 60mg/day. Starting to get some pumps, but nothing like I've read about, or expected.
And no, I'm not just trying to get my posts up to be a
Just reiterating what we already know. Bumped up my pharmacom dbol to 100mgs ed and didnt notice any difference at all. Havent gained any weight and strength is the exact same. Extremely underdosed.
It sucks! I've got some Balkan Dbol im switching to tomorrow, hopefully that proves to be dosed better! :mad: