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I know you're not talking to me, but if he got the Dbol from Pharmacom, it's likely way underdosed. I've never even used Dbol before
(Only test-eq-deca) and I was on 30mg/day for 6 days. Felt nothing so bumped it up to 60mg/day. Starting to get some pumps, but nothing like I've read about, or expected.
And no, I'm not just trying to get my posts up to be a
Can you please post a batch number for the dbol? I had some ordered before this shit popped up.
Ordered Dbol Test and Deca from Darius a week ago. Am I fucked?

Looking that way.
But who knows maybe he's gonna try to run a little damage control and send out some shit that's not fucking terrible.

It's always a crap shoot so don't trash it just run it and see what happens. U might get lucky.
Looking that way.
But who knows maybe he's gonna try to run a little damage control and send out some shit that's not fucking terrible.

It's always a crap shoot so don't trash it just run it and see what happens. U might get lucky.
Trash it if it gives you an infection after you inject. Poorly sterilized gear is another hallmark of a bathtub brewer :eek:
Ordered Dbol Test and Deca from Darius a week ago. Am I fucked?
The best thing I can tell you, is that THIS BOARD is your friend...research, research, research my dude! I wouldn't pop the caps just yet, when you get it. I would hold off until this gets rectified. You could get a better batch, if there is one. But I would keep it, nonetheless. Just my opinion
Ordered Dbol Test and Deca from Darius a week ago. Am I fucked?

maybe, maybe not. think 2 test came back bad and 1 was good If im not mistaken. so best case the bad test was bad batch. maybe the wife had to take a shower. so he had clean out the bathtub early. may have caused some issues that way
maybe, maybe not. think 2 test came back bad and 1 was good If im not mistaken. so best case the bad test was bad batch. maybe the wife had to take a shower. so he had clean out the bathtub early. may have caused some issues that way
Hahaha that sounds like what happened :D
Just reiterating what we already know. Bumped up my pharmacom dbol to 100mgs ed and didnt notice any difference at all. Havent gained any weight and strength is the exact same. Extremely underdosed.
Ozzy, toss that shit. 100mg of Dbol is nuts. I think you know for sure its shit. Sorry dude
Can you please post a batch number for the dbol? I had some ordered before this shit popped up.
That would be a good starting point... many people seem to have dbol they say is working and many say its not.. Why has nobody stated what batch number is working are not working for them....?