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People bitch about not trusting pharma because its mostly faked...Then they bitch about underdosed/blank ugl .. They bitch moan whine all the while buying from black market illegal and want everything professional... You see where this gets all of you don't it?? Go find a anti age clinic and spend the money and they will take care of your needs.....FFS don't think for a moment you will change how this black market game is played...
Well doc, send me a small sample....say 10 vials or so I'll pin them and let you know what i think[emoji6]

Lol, 10vials is a minuscule sample. How about 40??

And before words get put in my mouth, I'm not claiming I have he best raws ever made, they're not pharmaceutical grade unless you count a Chinese fsctory as pharma, and I'm sure there are better out there. What I am saying though is I'm very pleased with the results I had from my raws, I used them for my meet and I did very well and handled a ridiculous amount of training volume that would have crushed me had I been natty, and my friends who've tried them have had the same feelings.

Next brew I do plan on overdosing the recipe slightly, say 10-20% to see how I respond.
It's fucking horrible that it's happened and I would like to string up this dude and torture him for awhile but this scam sounds the same as Astro Labs, nice packaging, pictures of super cool lab equipment....
All I'm saying is if it sounds too good be true then it likely is too good. In the year I've been here I've seen at least 30-40 labs come through and all failed for one reason or another. Every single lab that comes on here claims to be the best. They go to varying lengths to show us how good hey are. Do you know how many of those labs are around??? Zero.
I don't know how many time the longer tenured members on Meso have to warn everybody that it's a snake pit in the UG but most don't listen. They all think they have found the golden cow, because they are different or special. People listen to shills because they want to believe so desperately that they didn't get suckered. It's happened to all of us, I'm no different except that I learn from past mistakes.
We should all be thinking about this when we buy from an UGL...if this lab was so damn good then why are they here peddling their oils? They would by so damn busy and have a closed membership.
Let's not gloss over the fact that there is no such thing as almost pharma. Even if they had all this fancy brewing equipment, if you put shit in you get shit out. There is no such thing as kinda pregnant, I kinda have cancer and these meds are kinda pharma.
I have no dog in this fight, except that I hate seeing guys get burned. But I also hate seeing guys play the victim and letting these sources swindle people. We need to have a much more critical non trusting eye when dealing with this. I mean hell we all hate car salesmen, but at the end of the day at least we get what you paid for. But these sources come along and some of you treat them like its the second coming of Christ.

Very true, all good points. I too have learned through experience and didn't take the bait on this one. Getting burned in the past (astro, multiple others) really did suck but it sure wisened me up and as you said, something just felt "off" with this one. I was just thinking about the average guy without much experience and how enticing pharmacom would appear to them.
I called a couple anti aging clinics. I have also recently got bloods dun before this pharmacom cycle so I have my base line the anti aging clinics told me my numbers were to high they would not give me test
If you truly believe there are no good raws out there why buy any UGL product? Why not stick with pharma? I'm cannot vouch for the purity of my raws bc hey weren't mass spec'ed but I'm quite pleased with how my oils turned out. The raws came from china as well.

I'll answer that one Doc as i have had several pharma hook-ups in the past. In previous years i had multiple sources for pharma gear. All have spent jail time or disappeared over the years. 15 years ago you could buy good stuff on the net without much of a hassle. Mexican gear, vet gear, euro pharma, all with just a little digging. Now any moron with a computer connection has realized the money they can make putting crisco in a vial, 10% product, or even going to great lengths to counterfeit even the cheapest test amps.

You can't be sure of any source as what is perfect today may be garbage tomorrow. I can attest to this just like many other members. My first few years dealing with Alin many, many years ago was spectacular. I was getting omnadren/sustanon amps that were full bore. Counterfeit? I don't think so at the time. I'm not sure when things went south, but he know puts out garbage that is counterfeit or devoid of anything at all.

Until people start compiling a shit list of bad suppliers/re-sellers this isn't going to change. Hell, most don't even bother changing names now. Alin is still going strong though i know he is a selective scammer at best. The young guys are all too ready to give up money for even the slightest chance of partial product. Sure, the suppliers are definitely the root of the problem, but the eager beavers are fucking it up for the rest of us and helping to create the environment as much as the bad suppliers.

When i say hold people accountable i don't mean hop on a jet to Europe and smoke someone. Obviously that isn't feasible. We can quit giving people slack in dealing with them. Two bad bloods, kick them to the curb. Fails a labmax and a bad blood, same shit. I know i don't jump on a source immediately here for fear of being burned or injecting estrogen because some dipshit mislabeled a vial/tab.

It is possible we may never find good sources through testing. It may turn out they are all bullshit and underdosed. I can tell you this though, i'm not pinning 2 grams+ of long esters a week to make up for some guy not washing his raws and trying to squeeze every little bit of efficiency he can out of things.

I wouldn't give Darius the time of day if he sent me garbage one time. Why the fuck do i want his replacement garbage? He told me they were testing, so what the fuck is up with that then? His word is shit as far as i am concerned and i consider myself lucky that i didn't get involved. As many others have pointed out, this is a tale that has been repeated far too many times here yet people keep jumping in the fire.
You know, I have seen a fair bit of UGL stuff that was properly dosed. Not in a little over a year, though.
I believe you have WP and I hope to one day see some properly dosed gear myself someday soon but I think I'm finally getting how this works. Get some gear and automatically double your dose, that way it not all for nothing.
OK, maybe I'm being a little sarcastic, a little :rolleyes:
If you truly believe there are no good raws out there why buy any UGL product? Why not stick with pharma? I'm cannot vouch for the purity of my raws bc hey weren't mass spec'ed but I'm quite pleased with how my oils turned out. The raws came from china as well.
Doc I would gladly go with 100% Pharma, the problem is where to get it? From what I hear, the so called Pharma gear sold by Naps and a couple others is still faked and usually underdosed
I believe you have WP and I hope to one day see some properly dosed gear myself someday soon but I think I'm finally getting how this works. Get some gear and automatically double your dose, that way it not all for nothing.
OK, maybe I'm being a little sarcastic, a little :rolleyes:

I honestly think labmax glow test is pretty solid. I think mercury is right. The more is glows, the more hormone within the oil (more or less). But, bloods are the only real way to know. It's always easier to taper up, then get hit with nasty sides and taper down.
I'll answer that one Doc as i have had several pharma hook-ups in the past. In previous years i had multiple sources for pharma gear. All have spent jail time or disappeared over the years. 15 years ago you could buy good stuff on the net without much of a hassle. Mexican gear, vet gear, euro pharma, all with just a little digging. Now any moron with a computer connection has realized the money they can make putting crisco in a vial, 10% product, or even going to great lengths to counterfeit even the cheapest test amps.

You can't be sure of any source as what is perfect today may be garbage tomorrow. I can attest to this just like many other members. My first few years dealing with Alin many, many years ago was spectacular. I was getting omnadren/sustanon amps that were full bore. Counterfeit? I don't think so at the time. I'm not sure when things went south, but he know puts out garbage that is counterfeit or devoid of anything at all.

Until people start compiling a shit list of bad suppliers/re-sellers this isn't going to change. Hell, most don't even bother changing names now. Alin is still going strong though i know he is a selective scammer at best. The young guys are all too ready to give up money for even the slightest chance of partial product. Sure, the suppliers are definitely the root of the problem, but the eager beavers are fucking it up for the rest of us and helping to create the environment as much as the bad suppliers.

When i say hold people accountable i don't mean hop on a jet to Europe and smoke someone. Obviously that isn't feasible. We can quit giving people slack in dealing with them. Two bad bloods, kick them to the curb. Fails a labmax and a bad blood, same shit. I know i don't jump on a source immediately here for fear of being burned or injecting estrogen because some dipshit mislabeled a vial/tab.

It is possible we may never find good sources through testing. It may turn out they are all bullshit and underdosed. I can tell you this though, i'm not pinning 2 grams+ of long esters a week to make up for some guy not washing his raws and trying to squeeze every little bit of efficiency he can out of things.

I wouldn't give Darius the time of day if he sent me garbage one time. Why the fuck do i want his replacement garbage? He told me they were testing, so what the fuck is up with that then? His word is shit as far as i am concerned and i consider myself lucky that i didn't get involved. As many others have pointed out, this is a tale that has been repeated far too many times here yet people keep jumping in the fire.

You raise some good points. I personally don't believe 1 or 2 bad bloods is enough to seal the warrant bc you don't know pinning locations, pinning time between last pin and blood draw, etc all of which can make a difference in results not to mention the fact there are probably as many reverse scamming customers as there are scamming sources (that's an assumption in my part I'll admit). I'm personally not sold on labmax at all. I honestly don't even consider it myself for better or for worse. Mass spec would be the gold standard but there are even ways around that.

My point is this is an illegal market and by entering into an illegal market you must accept the risks involved. Thankfully unlike recreational drugs we don't have cartels massacring entire families but it is an illegal drug trade nonetheless. The biggest risks are receiving unsterile product and getting scammed. But you either accept these risks and enter into the market or you don't accept them and buy your gear from AAS friendly countries, get it through a doc/clinic, etc or refrain from the gear game completely. Obviously for most the reward is worth the risk otherwise we wouldn't see so many stories.

I'm not saying you have to be completely ok with it or not attempt to drive change, but when push comes to shove the buyer has the final send funds or not. Posting blood work helps bring out the bad guys, posting experiences helps, getting mass spec's helps but mixed in between all that we have a bunch of complaining that really doesn't do jack to help the situation. It's like sitting around the campfire telling scary stories. They end up drowning Out the ppl with real evidence to out forth. What good is it to post you just bought X amount of gear and you're afraid it's bunk before you even tried it and had bloods or another test done? Wait until something concrete is in your hands.

As to Darius, I really don't care much. To me he seems like he's acting in good conscience but I'm not invested in him one way or the other. It was mentioned how a slick video campaign by pharmacom was able to attract many buyers who believed the video. If Darius was fooled by the same tactics why do we bash him and not the buyers also? He could be a victim just as well or he could be in cahoots. We don't know yet. That's why ill reserve my judgment until after I see how he handles the issues and the customers. I'm not saying he's good bad etc. Just that I don't think we have enough info to say he's a sack of shit like some other sources.
Doc I would gladly go with 100% Pharma, the problem is where to get it? From what I hear, the so called Pharma gear sold by Naps and a couple others is still faked and usually underdosed

You could go to a country that allows OTC purchase of steroids. If you don't want to accept that risk of importing the drugs back into the country then you should seriously think about how,much it's worth it to you or if you'd rather face the alternative of which we have now with UGLs. I'm not saying that to be a dick either just to create some discussion.
You could go to a country that allows OTC purchase of steroids. If you don't want to accept that risk of importing the drugs back into the country then you should seriously think about how,much it's worth it to you or if you'd rather face the alternative of which we have now with UGLs. I'm not saying that to be a dick either just to create some discussion.
If the US did allow OTC sales of gear then this would be a non issue
Makes the lab change names... in other words, nothing. Anxiously awaiting Millard 's tests however.

I really hope Millard's project breaks headway. Part of the problem with testing is impartiality and I'm sure we can all agree Millard would be one of the most impartial ppl to set something like this up.
You could go to a country that allows OTC purchase of steroids. If you don't want to accept that risk of importing the drugs back into the country then you should seriously think about how,much it's worth it to you or if you'd rather face the alternative of which we have now with UGLs. I'm not saying that to be a dick either just to create some discussion.
Didn't take it as being a dick. I used to quite frequently go to a couple different countries and do just what you mentioned, it was wonderful! And again, like you mentioned my life situations had changed and so did my choices. I occasionally get lucky with friends south of the border and they'll bring me some gifts. I get it, where I'm at now, UGL's are it for me it's just taken me time to decide what it's worth to me and what I'm willing to live with.
Didn't take it as being a dick. I used to quite frequently go to a couple different countries and do just what you mentioned, it was wonderful! And again, like you mentioned my life situations had changed and so did my choices. I occasionally get lucky with friends south of the border and they'll bring me some gifts. I get it, where I'm at now, UGL's are it for me it's just taken me time to decide what it's worth to me and what I'm willing to live with.

Same for me and I brew my gear. I'm at the mercy of my supplier as much as the next guy. I'd be pissed of I was competely ripped off just like anyone else but at the same time I knew the risks before ordering and by ordering I obviously accosted them.

Maybe we should all chip in, charter a jet, and take a gear holiday in the Phillipines or somewhere similar lol.
@Docd187123 I've purchased a bunch of gear in mexico. Mainly testoprim. It had some NASTY pip, way worse than a lot of UGL's. Honestly, Mexican pharmacias are sketchy at best.