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Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT defending the source at all. Only pointing out that people need to be smart around here when they listen to these stories
All I'm saying is I made it to where I am today off under dosed gear... So I don't wanna hear the fucking whining. Train right and blast your under dosed gear and pray to Jesus you get some good the next time around.
No blood tests to prove it but my Dbol is definitely underdosed and I'm starting to think my Test E is as well. On Test e 600 mg/wk and dbol at 40 mg/day. Dbol no doubt underdosed. I can feel the pumps esp in my back, but they are weak. I'm bumping my Test E up to 900 mg/wk starting tomorrow so we'll see if that helps. Thinking about doing 1g/week.
Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT defending the source at all. Only pointing out that people need to be smart around here when they listen to these stories

Well you've got a source posting up videos and pictures of their expensive testing equip and state of the art production line, coupled with products coming in highly polished packaging complete with inserts, nice boxes, etc. And let's not forget the prices that are much higher than the average UGL..most average joe guys around here are going to be impressed with the product and certainly be under the impression they're getting something good and paying a premium for it. The buyers aren't exactly gullible in this situation, pharmacom just went to unheard of lengths to trick people into buying their garbage. If anything, they're probably just normal guys that have been burned a few times and impressed by the videos, packaging, website, etc. decide to fork out some extra cash in hopes of getting something proper for once, instead they get some of the worst testing gear we've seen. Pretty damn sad honestly
Well you've got a source posting up videos and pictures of their expensive testing equip and state of the art production line, coupled with products coming in highly polished packaging complete with inserts, nice boxes, etc. And let's not forget the prices that are much higher than the average UGL..most average joe guys around here are going to be impressed with the product and certainly be under the impression they're getting something good and paying a premium for it. The buyers aren't exactly gullible in this situation, pharmacom just went to unheard of lengths to trick people into buying their garbage. If anything, they're the opposite, probably normal guys that have been burned a few times and decide to fork out some extra cash in hopes of getting something proper for once, instead they get some of the worst testing gear we've seen. Pretty damn sad honestly
Spot on. I paid the extra premium for what I thought would be at least decent gear. $300 for some severely underdosed shit sucks.
Why is that? I use 25g no pip unless the gear is just harsh.

Just never had an issue again after I switched. Couldnt tell u the exact reason, perhaps its because the oil concentrated too much in one spot. I also warm the barrel with warm water as well.
[QUOTE="Darius PharmacomStore]
I worked with several manufacturers during my business and always assumed responsibility for the good parts.
I can personally attest that everything seen in the Pharmacom production line videos are real, from my personal trip to Asia. Huge investments were made this year in the manufacturing process, staff, packaging and anti-counterfeiting in order to propel this lab. I will wait for all the tests made here to be concluded and I'll have a talk with the Pharmacom owner for an official position.
Long time, Darius.Good seeing you. After reading the above sentiments I'd be remiss if I didn't ask if you met many other ugl owners/investors on your trip to Asia? Specifically, the OG grifter, Karl?
Let me make this clear since people don't quite seem to understand... They are glorified drug dealers. Back in the day I didn't call my dealer up and say hey, this gram of coke is stepped on, you need to make it up to me. You're right @CensoredBoardsSuck They did lie. What I'm saying is this is not regulated. It's part of it. So don't cry like a little girl because you got burned. Chalk it up as a loss. I bust my ass for every dollar I earn every day but when I get burned I knew the risk.
All I'm saying is I made it to where I am today off under dosed gear... So I don't wanna hear the fucking whining. Train right and blast your under dosed gear and pray to Jesus you get some good the next time around.
I have to respectfully disagree. This is the one board that holds the glorified drug dealers accountable. And people learn from the whining and complaining not to trust or fall in love with these idiot shake oil salesman. I didn't buy anything from these guys because of all the lessons I learned on this board
I have to respectfully disagree. This is the one board that holds the glorified drug dealers accountable. And people learn from the whining and complaining not to trust or fall in love with these idiot shake oil salesman. I didn't buy anything from these guys because of all the lessons I learned on this board

And what specifically has this accountability accomplished?
And what specifically has this accountability accomplished?
I'm guessing it will help the next guy avoid paying ridiculous prices for underdosed crap, as well as not have so much trust in the next idiot ugl that comes along
And this isn't too say what the guys that did buy his stuff did anything wrong. I've been there myself and will probably get fucked again. Just trying to give myself a better chance
The point being we are buying illegal drugs not one if you is gonna get your money back stop complaining
Look what happened to Mike strong everyone bitch talk a lot is smack but no one got.shit in return it's a gamble if not this source then the next one will be under dose try to have your private go to guy and even he isn't reliable
I'm guessing it will help the next guy avoid paying ridiculous prices for underdosed crap, as well as not have so much trust in the next idiot ugl that comes along

And it takes whining to accomplish that? Blood work isn't enough?

You purposely and knowingly are buying illegal products from non-pharmaceutical sources and you think you're going to get the best steroids on the planet? This is the drug business, ppl sell fake shit all the time to make a hustle. Whining about things isn't helping get legitimate sources nor is it saving someone from buying bunk product. Blood tests, personal experiences, labmax tests (I'm not sold on them but many are), mass spec, etc is what's saving ppl.
And it takes whining to accomplish that? Blood work isn't enough?

You purposely and knowingly are buying illegal products from non-pharmaceutical sources and you think you're going to get the best steroids on the planet? This is the drug business, ppl sell fake shit all the time to make a hustle. Whining about things isn't helping get legitimate sources nor is it saving someone from buying bunk product. Blood tests, personal experiences, labmax tests (I'm not sold on them but many are), mass spec, etc is what's saving ppl.
Exactly, that's what I come to this board for