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Well at least Darius uses a lot of kind words and lube before fucking everyone in the ass. Frank on the other hand just hits it dry and angry.
I have to give props where props are due.

For Darius to fund the mass. spec. testing showed a lot of character to me.
I have to give props where props are due.

For Darius to fund the mass. spec. testing showed a lot of character to me.

Im just taking shit. Darius is a pretty cool dude. He actually gave me a huge discount on my dbol so in reality I didnt take a loss at all. He also takes everything in stride as is professional. Frank on the other hand.

Which way did you like it the most?;) Sorry, just had to do it!

Dry and angry
Im just taking shit. Darius is a pretty cool dude. He actually gave me a huge discount on my dbol so in reality I didnt take a loss at all. He also takes everything in stride as is professional. Frank on the other hand.

Dry and angry
Darius was very reasonable with me, both publicly and over emails/PM's. His pricing discounts also were enticing. However, discounts on bunk gear are rather pointless.

The bunk-ness of said gear is yet to be determined. I'm not sure if I'm thrilled or terrified that I currently have a large stock of 3 out of 4 of the hormones MB is having tested by Pharmacom. If they do fail, I am curious to see how deep Darius' pockets are for refunds/ other means of making it right.
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Darius was very reasonable with me, both publicly and over emails/PM's. His pricing discounts also were enticing. However, discounts on bunk gear are rather pointless.

The bunk-ness of said gear is yet to be determined. I'm not sure if I'm thrilled or terrified that I currently have a large stock of 3 out of 4 of the hormones BR is having tested by Pharmacom. If they do fail, I am curious to see how deep Darius' pockets are for refunds/ other means of making it right.

Im interested to see how everything is handled as well. The dude has a pretty good rep so I cant imagine he would do everything in his power to do right. I think BB69 knows about him so he would be a good guy to ask. Im also interested to see how these tests play out. In that aspect I am wishing for the best but expecting the worst.
Im interested to see how everything is handled as well. The dude has a pretty good rep so I cant imagine he would do everything in his power to do right. I think BB69 knows about him so he would be a good guy to ask. Im also interested to see how these tests play out. In that aspect I am wishing for the best but expecting the worst.
Well, I don't even know what the next course of action will be. I suspect the claim will be (assuming the tested gear is bunk)-
"a bad batch was tested (as he eluded to new batches every 2 weeks!) and that your stuff is good to go. If you wish to test your current batch, go ahead and post results, you'll be sent more gear from a different batch etc etc."

Most people will not test their products. Labmax will certainly continue to be damned, as will the __x rules for TT levels etc etc. It's a circular battle that I'm not sure we can win.

AND! If this tests well, how can we know if our gear is good if each batch is made every 2 weeks??? That's fucking impossible to keep up with without accurate batch numbers. Also note, batch numbers from UGL's are NEVER to be trusted.
Im interested to see how everything is handled as well. The dude has a pretty good rep so I cant imagine he would do everything in his power to do right. I think BB69 knows about him so he would be a good guy to ask. Im also interested to see how these tests play out. In that aspect I am wishing for the best but expecting the worst.
I'm doing the same, hoping for the best. I too am invested in this. Lab. Not a shitload but enough.
I will say I'm feeling a bit of sides now since I've boosted my prop to 100mg/day. I'm not surprised, I knew the P had hormones just seemed low per my bloods.
Wouldn't it be funny if it was just mislabeled and I couldn't get a good blood count in 3 weeks if it was E instead of P?
Shit, that would mean I'm injecting 300/mg a day..... Fuck!
I'm doing the same, hoping for the best. I too am invested in this. Lab. Not a shitload but enough.
I will say I'm feeling a bit of sides now since I've boosted my prop to 100mg/day. I'm not surprised, I knew the P had hormones just seemed low per my bloods.
Wouldn't it be funny if it was just mislabeled and I couldn't get a good blood count in 3 weeks if it was E instead of P?
Shit, that would mean I'm injecting 300/mg a day..... Fuck!
This is why I am not a huge fan of what a lot of guys do here.

Most guys just double up their doses if they think it's underdosed. You did the right thing with bloods, so props on that for sure. But, yeah, it COULD be enanthate. However, unlikely they'd mislabel a more expensive product, right ;)
This is why I am not a huge fan of what a lot of guys do here.

Most guys just double up their doses if they think it's underdosed. You did the right thing with bloods, so props on that for sure. But, yeah, it COULD be enanthate. However, unlikely they'd mislabel a more expensive product, right ;)
Well I'm doing more bloods in 2 week under the assumption I've been using 700mg/wk of P. We will see
No but Ive been wrong and had to eat my words on serveral occasions. Hopefully in the interest of everyone that took a loss Ill do the same in the near future when everything is made right.
You know what? I've talked some shit here, too...and I hope I have to eat some humble pie here myself. I spent quite a few dollars with Pharmacom, so I hope I turn out to be the asshole, that talks too much shit.
In the end there is no winning. Once bad reports surface the next course of action by the source is to pass the blame. Normally this blame is attached to the customers who are complaining at first as they are painted as inexperienced or reverse scammers. Later on if more testing is done to substantiate the reports of bad gear then the excuse will be of a bad batch.

I personally don't care how nice a source is considering it means nothing. When sources come here and use their "we produce pharm grade,we check our purity..blah blah" then they should have to live up to the standard they imposed on themselves when they arrived.

Ask yourselves what is more likely? Did Pharmacom just have a bad batch of several items only when meso members started ordering? Or has this been a issue and it's just been swept under the rug? I know what my conclusions are.
You know what? I've talked some shit here, too...and I hope I have to eat some humble pie here myself. I spent quite a few dollars with Pharmacom, so I hope I turn out to be the asshole, that talks too much shit.
I like the attitude here. Our negativity will do nothing for us at this point. Worse yet, we can dig ourselves graves, in the eyes of Darius, that are too deep to be deserving of refunds/recompensement.
In the end there is no winning. Once bad reports surface the next course of action by the source is to pass the blame. Normally this blame is attached to the customers who are complaining at first as they are painted as inexperienced or reverse scammers. Later on if more testing is done to substantiate the reports of bad gear then the excuse will be of a bad batch.

I personally don't care how nice a source is considering it means nothing. When sources come here and use their "we produce pharm grade,we check our purity..blah blah" then they should have to live up to the standard they imposed on themselves when they arrived.

Ask yourselves what is more likely? Did Pharmacom just have a bad batch of several items only when meso members started ordering? Or has this been a issue and it's just been swept under the rug? I know what my conclusions are.
Your opinions are 100% valid here. I, however, have a fair bit of skin in the game by purchasing pharmacom products. So, I am along for the ride and hoping for the best.
I have been on 100 mg a day of the var for 9 days. I dont know how I am supposed to feel on a dose that high of var, but I certainly do not feel any different. I was hoping for a nose bleed or something.

I've taken close to 100 mg of var in past, at 9 days in at that dose you should of started to at least feel intense pumps during work outs, almost hurts too much to do another rep. It's not like test kicking in but if you feel nothing for another week then chances are it's severely underdosed or bunk. Hopefully your on the lean side already, I don't recommend var unless you are. Did you get yours from Darius?
In the end there is no winning. Once bad reports surface the next course of action by the source is to pass the blame. Normally this blame is attached to the customers who are complaining at first as they are painted as inexperienced or reverse scammers. Later on if more testing is done to substantiate the reports of bad gear then the excuse will be of a bad batch.

I personally don't care how nice a source is considering it means nothing. When sources come here and use their "we produce pharm grade,we check our purity..blah blah" then they should have to live up to the standard they imposed on themselves when they arrived.

Ask yourselves what is more likely? Did Pharmacom just have a bad batch of several items only when meso members started ordering? Or has this been a issue and it's just been swept under the rug? I know what my conclusions are.
Gig you're right, this Shit happens all the time around here I'm just trying not to go off on too much of a rant. Honestly I know there's nothing I can do to remedy things. All I can do is give my experience with certain labs should someone want to know
Gig you're right, this Shit happens all the time around here I'm just trying not to go off on too much of a rant. Honestly I know there's nothing I can do to remedy things. All I can do is give my experience with certain labs should someone want to know
It is unfortunate for the people who are stuck and I hope everything works out for you guys. Sadly this is usually never the case.