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I've taken close to 100 mg of var in past, at 9 days in at that dose you should of started to at least feel intense pumps during work outs, almost hurts too much to do another rep. It's not like test kicking in but if you feel nothing for another week then chances are it's severely underdosed or bunk. Hopefully your on the lean side already, I don't recommend var unless you are. Did you get yours from Darius?

Yea im at around 13%. I have used var before. Who knows how well that was dosed in the past getting it from various labs. I know its not right when I can dead lift and then do bent rows without locking up. Maybe not as bad as d-bol pump wise but something should be going on. At least I just got some tren ace in. Tren not from Darius.
Not mad clearly. I just see through bullshit better than most. Your first post here was a cycle log 4 weeks in. You constantly stressed and wrote in every message that the gear was from Darius. Including who the gear was from in the initial post was sufficient but you included it in every single post. Odd?

Now bad reports are surfacing and here you are posting pics of a supposed fresh order singing praise again. It really doesn't take much intellect to see the motives here.

I am all for people posting experiences good or bad but your remarks go a few steps passed simple experience.

Just want to say a couple things.. First, I apologize in the way that I came off. That wasn't a nice thing to say, especially since j am a newer, registered member to the board.

Second, being newer here, I see how it looks on my behalf coming in here posting TD pics amongst some things. Clearly I have missed a few things in this thread (as I am not reading back on every old post) so again, my bad. I also don't want to come off as a dick rider and I know that is exactly how I appear and I don't like it.

Third, I enjoy it here and want to continue to post/read on meso... Please take this FWIW. I will go back and read the old comments, posts, etc. Again, my mistake man...
Im interested to see how everything is handled as well. The dude has a pretty good rep so I cant imagine he would do everything in his power to do right. I think BB69 knows about him so he would be a good guy to ask. Im also interested to see how these tests play out. In that aspect I am wishing for the best but expecting the worst.
I think you're right @Ozzy619 if anyone will do what he can to make things right, I believe Darius will. He seems to have a good rep here, and has always been helpful and knowledgeable to questions I've asked him. I've dealt with both Pharmacom reps here, and I will say, that I will just as soon cut my losses, rather than have to deal with the "other" rep on, I'm just going to hang back and look for the test results on this thread. No more shit talkin for me! :rolleyes:
Well at least Darius uses a lot of kind words and lube before fucking everyone in the ass. Frank on the other hand just hits it dry and angry.
Yeah but sometimes it's best to know when you're being fucked as soon as it's put in. Otherwise you might be getting fucked just as hard, but continue smiling and asking for more :eek:
Anyone have experience with the Pharmatest P 100 base? I ordered that instead of the Pharmatest P a few days before I gave bloods on the P and it just came in.
Don't think I'll be able to provide bloods afetr 3 weeks of 100mg/day of P because I just ran out and don't think the base is the same stuff.
It says it's suspension but with a Propianate esther. Dont get it....
for those of you that know me know i do not endorse or kiss up to anyone ever...
but do you guys read the news at all ,
a few months ago Tylenol settled out of court receiving a fine of 23 million dollars for having trace metals in one of their children meds,
this is a huge company that made a mistake dont you think that maybe a small underground lab could also make mistakes ? give this time for more bloods to be posted maybe its crap maybe not ,
for those of you that know me know i do not endorse or kiss up to anyone ever...
but do you guys read the news at all ,
a few months ago Tylenol settled out of court receiving a fine of 23 million dollars for having trace metals in one of their children meds,
this is a huge company that made a mistake dont you think that maybe a small underground lab could also make mistakes ? give this time for more bloods to be posted maybe its crap maybe not ,

We allready know that its crap mate.

One bad thing is that both are still continue to sell their gear, they both know about the accusations from alot of people.
Yeah but sometimes it's best to know when you're being fucked as soon as it's put in. Otherwise you might be getting fucked just as hard, but continue smiling and asking for more :eek:

Shit I think we are turning pro and figuring it out now. So far its either janky labs or labs that are too good to be true with the same quality of product coming from both. Your comment reminds me of mike strong. Nicest guy in the world with a victim card. I even felt bad for the little guy.
We allready know that its crap mate.

One bad thing is that both are still continue to sell their gear, they both know about the accusations from alot of people.
God damn dude, I could've predicted you'd have some negative comment about Pharmacom here.

IW, you above most others know my situation and opinion of pharmacom and Darius. I believe millard's testing will be a huge deciding factor. Then, depending on results, it's up to Darius to decide how he wants to react. I honestly hope he can say "fuck you guys, I told you the gear was good." That would make me happiest. But, I have no idea yet.
Shit I think we are turning pro and figuring it out now. So far its either janky labs or labs that are too good to be true with the same quality of product coming from both. Your comment reminds me of mike strong. Nicest guy in the world with a victim card. I even felt bad for the little guy.
Aww, shit bro you've ruined it and mentioned ms. I got robbed on a small order by that arse, while everyone came out telling me how honorable he was. Then the bloods came in, and oh well we know the rest. You're right though, a perfect example that nicities and longevity in this game doesn't ensure everyone is getting good gear
Aww, shit bro you've ruined it and mentioned ms. I got robbed on a small order by that arse, while everyone came out telling me how honorable he was. Then the bloods came in, and oh well we know the rest. You're right though, a perfect example that nicities and longevity in this game doesn't ensure everyone is getting good gear
No doubt. But wouldn't you rather be in this situation with a seemingly honest guy, than with a dude who has zero history and less to lose?

I would.
No doubt. But wouldn't you rather be in this situation with a seemingly honest guy, than with a dude who has zero history and less to lose?

I would.
Maybe, but in essence we should hate being in this position at all. Whether with a friendly guy or not. Easier said than done though eh
Maybe, but in essence we should hate being in this position at all. Whether with a friendly guy or not. Easier said than done though eh
There is no argument on my end there man... I agree. But, some of us early adopters need to jump and try these new sources in order for the rest to know. Props to those who have, and are going to, gotten bloods, mass. specs. and labmaxes. They are the true heroes in this story.

I hope everyone is made whole of the gear is problematic. Still in my opinion too early to judge. But, weariness from our community is beyond understandable.
God damn dude, I could've predicted you'd have some negative comment about Pharmacom here.

IW, you above most others know my situation and opinion of pharmacom and Darius. I believe millard's testing will be a huge deciding factor. Then, depending on results, it's up to Darius to decide how he wants to react. I honestly hope he can say "fuck you guys, I told you the gear was good." That would make me happiest. But, I have no idea yet.

There is no argument on my end there man... I agree. But, some of us early adopters need to jump and try these new sources in order for the rest to know. Props to those who have, and are going to, gotten bloods, mass. specs. and labmaxes. They are the true heroes in this story.

I hope everyone is made whole of the gear is problematic. Still in my opinion too early to judge. But, weariness from our community is beyond understandable.

Jesus fuck, I don't have time to read 120 pages for the 8 pages that tell me anything. What the hell happened with pharmacom? Couple shitty blood tests?

Someone pitty me and cliff note it up? As far as large scale UGL go, these guys are about as good as it gets if you believe what they put out. Shitty, unreliable and constantly changing raws from China are the nature of the beast when it comes to UGL - any UGL. Eventually, even the best get burned by a bad batch and a rash of negative posts. You guys do realize that literally no UGL can withstand the scrutiny here, right? You guys eventually tear them all apart, even the decent ones. Most of the time it's deserved. But damn, nobody weathers the storm here.
Jesus fuck, I don't have time to read 120 pages for the 8 pages that tell me anything. What the hell happened with pharmacom? Couple shitty blood tests?

Someone pitty me and cliff note it up?


As far as large scale UGL go, these guys are about as good as it gets if you believe what they put out. Shitty, unreliable and constantly changing raws from China are the nature of the beast when it comes to UGL - any UGL. Eventually, even the best get burned by a bad batch and a rash of negative posts.

Thanks for letting us know, Captain Obvious.

You guys do realize that literally no UGL can withstand the scrutiny here, right? You guys eventually tear them all apart, even the decent ones. Most of the time it's deserved. But damn, nobody weathers the storm here.

You'll have to excuse us for demanding that our gear contains what it's supposed to contain. We're funny that way.