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Ah, CBS. I see where you're coming from man. But, for those of us who have pharmacom gear, might as well hope for the best, yeah? I'm not encouraging anyone else to order from them, but what else can we do? Lol!

There's nothing wrong with hope, WP. Hopefully everything works out for you - one way or the other.
There's nothing wrong with hope, WP. Hopefully everything works out for you - one way or the other.
Fuck me sideways! Is that the first positive post I've ever read by you?!

In all seriousness, what else can we do? Lol. I was terrified and thrilled simultaneously to see MB is testing 3/4 of the products I have. So, at least I will have some idea what the fuck is going on. I can move forward accordingly after that... :)
Fuck me sideways! Is that the first positive post I've ever read by you?!

I don't know. I hope not. I hate seeing anyone get taken.

riousness, what else can we do? Lol. I was terrified and thrilled simultaneously to see MB is testing 3/4 of the products I have. So, at least I will have some idea what the fuck is going on. I can move forward accordingly after that... :)

Millards tests will tell the tale, for sure. There are going to be a lot of excuses coming in the days ahead. I'm sure those four labs are sweating right now - as they should be.
I don't know. I hope not. I hate seeing anyone get taken.

Millards tests will tell the tale, for sure. There are going to be a lot of excuses coming in the days ahead. I'm sure those four labs are sweating right now - as they should be.
So here's my issue with the program, and it's nothing we can prevent: Batches.

Darius claims pharmacom produces a new batch every 2 weeks. How the fuck could we ever know/predict the next based off the previous? Even recent bloods from the sustanon compared to the enanthate indicate such a variation between compounds/batches.

This is a great program and I hope it forces sources to at least give us BETTER products. Regardless, we still take the risk. I appreciate the community's desire to mitigate those.
Darius claims pharmacom produces a new batch every 2 weeks. How the fuck could we ever know/predict the next based off the previous? Even recent bloods from the sustanon compared to the enanthate indicate such a variation between compounds/batches.

You can't predict which batches are going to be good. Millards testing program won't make a difference over the short term. It's over the long term - after repeated, RANDOM tests on each lab - where it starts to shine.

To give an example, sourcing is a competitive business. If Geneza's Test E passes three random tests and Balkan's Test E fails three random test, what do you think is going to happen? Balkan's Test E customers are going to start buying their Test E from Geneza. Therefore, Balkan will have no choice but to improve the quality of their Test E in order to compete with Geneza. Same thing with other compounds and other sources.

The magic is the unpredictability of it all. The testing program will work because sources will never know when they will be tested or what is going to be tested. If the source wants to pass the test, and they will if their competitors are passing, they'll have no choice but to ensure ALL their gear is legit ALL the time. I really believe this could be a game changer and that's why it's so important to donate.
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You can't predict which batches are going to be good. Millards testing program won't make a difference over the short term. It's over the long term - after repeated, RANDOM tests on each lab - where it starts to shine.

To give an example, sourcing is a competitive business. If Geneza's Test E passes three random tests and Balkan's Test E fails three random test, what do you think is going to happen? Balkan Test E customers are going to start buying their Test E from Geneza. Therefore, Balkan will have no choice but to improve the quality of their Test E in order to compete with Geneza's. Same thing with other compounds and other sources.

The magic is the unpredictability of it all. The testing program will work because sources will never know when they will be tested or what is going to be tested. If the source wants to pass the test, and they will if their competitors are passing, they'll have no choice but to ensure ALL their gear is legit ALL the time. I really believe this could be a game changer and why it's so important to donate.
Ah, yes, that makes more of an impact.

Thanks for letting us know, Captain Obvious.

You'll have to excuse us for demanding that our gear contains what it's supposed to contain. We're funny that way.

How are us common folk suppose to follow up the crap talk with all your fancy highlighting of words and breaking down of commentary :(

I was gunna say I have a dick that needs riding but damn, now Im just going to read.
You can't predict which batches are going to be good. Millards testing program won't make a difference over the short term. It's over the long term - after repeated, RANDOM tests on each lab - where it starts to shine.

To give an example, sourcing is a competitive business. If Geneza's Test E passes three random tests and Balkan's Test E fails three random test, what do you think is going to happen? Balkan's Test E customers are going to start buying their Test E from Geneza. Therefore, Balkan will have no choice but to improve the quality of their Test E in order to compete with Geneza. Same thing with other compounds and other sources.

The magic is the unpredictability of it all. The testing program will work because sources will never know when they will be tested or what is going to be tested. If the source wants to pass the test, and they will if their competitors are passing, they'll have no choice but to ensure ALL their gear is legit ALL the time. I really believe this could be a game changer and that's why it's so important to donate.

It is most definately a game changer. I have a question and not sure if you can answer it. But these testing threads, how can we make them the first thing to pop up under a google search? I would love them to be the first source of info for any potential consumer.
It is most definately a game changer. I have a question and not sure if you can answer it. But these testing threads, how can we make them the first thing to pop up under a google search? I would love them to be the first source of info for any potential consumer.

That's where Millard will have to work his magic with Google's SEO rankings.
That's where Millard will have to work his magic with Google's SEO rankings.

Yea, way over my head. For instance, when I type in pharmacom steroids their site pops up first as well as some other stuff, thinksteroids is #6 and a post from 2011 which actually promotes them. I figured it was how many hits each site gets but not certain. Millard seems to set the standard in this game so lets all pitch in and see the magic put in action.
I'm here and for those of you who didn't noticed, yesterday I wrote a pretty detailed opinion about the recent events.
I read all of your posts and already started an investigation. I have never discredited and never will, the tests and bloods made here, but I can't jump to conclusions after only 2 blood tests being made. Many guys have results using the same products and my inbox is full of positive feedback.
More than 80% of my clientele are returning customers with dozens of orders placed. Those are facts, PharmacomStore is 7 years old.
For me that's pretty reassuring concerning the Pharmacom's quality.

From what I heard, thanks to Millard we now have a place where all the things can be tested so we could send more products that way for a concrete analysis. Who's interested in sending the gear there, PM or e-mail me and I'll pay the testing cost through bank transfer.
The same for those of you who can perform any kind of test, I'll cover the costs.

Pharmacom manufacturers a new batch each 2 weeks, for all the line, except the HGH. If a certain batch had a dosing problem, we'll have to identify it. I'll take all blame for it and reship all the products from a new batch, which will be prior tested by Millard, to ensure a proper concentration is present.

I don't expect you guys to believe it or take Pharmacom presentation videos as a proof of a certain manufacturing quality standard, but the owner invested almost half a million in the last 6 months in the brand development, equipment, staff. You just can't put that amount of money, without having serious intentions, in a business that has its success directly correlated with the customer's feedback on the boards.
Feel free to disagree but that's my logic.

Even if your utopian and absurd scenarios that Frank will never answer again and Pharmacom will disappear will come true, I'll still be here and make things right if that will be the case.
Now please let me know if me - Darius, as a reseller, something else I can do to reassure all of you of my total cooperation in this matter and the certainty that I'll be responsible for everything I sell or sold.

this response gets my respect
Respect ? For what ?

If he really makes things right at the end, ok. But we will never find out, how many people was scammed by him till this day.
Respect ? For what ?

If he really makes things right at the end, ok. But we will never find out, how many people was scammed by him till this day.

if darius is willing to do all this just to make a point then that should get respect cause he (or anyone) don't have to do anything to prove shit to anyone but he's obviously willing to do that so in my book that definitely gets my respect
I order dbol from d But got 2 meaning one came from him another from his reseller one was pinkish with like white spots the other pink started the pink one at 20mg and felt good went to 30mg really kicked in kept taking at 40mg for the last 2 more weeks really nice back pumps (tighting in the back) I'm thinking one is good the Other no good
Same as my test p I order 2 vials but got 3 no charge maybe they new it was under dose and he but the test p and second dbol (pinkish white spot) where from reseller not d

Probably a stupid question but how do we know which is from a reseller? All my stuff came from Europe which is where he said he ships from..

We never shipped orals from resellers.
We used a reseller only for a limited number of orders, 2 months ago.

It would be much easier for me to blame a fictive reseller for some bad packaging, a big delay or a product with less expected results. That's not the case, if you ordered from PharmacomStore I'm directly responsible.

I said fuck it and took 100 mg dbol pwo yesterday...nothing. Severely underdosed.

Pharmacom DBOL passed all Labmax tests conducted here, 3 of them.
Being the cheapest raw powder a manufacturer can buy it would be absurd to produced it under dosed. What other expectations can you have from the rest?
Even if 3-4mg of active substance were present in a pill, multiplied by 10 (pills), it will still result in a 30-40mg concentration of methandienone. Another member reported a 150mg intake pre workout also with 0 results.
I will not comment or incriminate these kind of feedback, I'm sure it was meant to be an honest review for the community but I can't take it seriously.

Dbol is one of my best sellers, which runs out of stock very fast. Obviously, that's not a batch quality indicator but my clientele being formed 80% of returning customers, it's an indicator of positive results over the long term.

It is most definately a game changer. I have a question and not sure if you can answer it. But these testing threads, how can we make them the first thing to pop up under a google search? I would love them to be the first source of info for any potential consumer.

That won't be possible.
First page of Google, probably, top 5 definitely not.

A manufacturer/source has much more resources to invest in SEO ranking than a board or a non profit organization.

After all the current tests will be finished I've decided to sponsor Millard's testing campaign to have 1 Mass spec conducted on 5 Pharmacom products each 2 weeks.
All purchases will be of course made anonymously and the products being selected the most popular (test, tren, eq, deca ..)
I'm doing the same, hoping for the best. I too am invested in this. Lab. Not a shitload but enough.
I will say I'm feeling a bit of sides now since I've boosted my prop to 100mg/day. I'm not surprised, I knew the P had hormones just seemed low per my bloods.
Wouldn't it be funny if it was just mislabeled and I couldn't get a good blood count in 3 weeks if it was E instead of P?
Shit, that would mean I'm injecting 300/mg a day..... Fuck!

holy hell I hope its not test e with 300mg a day. you are gonna have som nice tits :eek:
@Darius PharmacomStore

Big props for your plans with millards mass spec. At this point i really cant believe that you knew about the bunk gear.

BUT iam one of those who took up to 150mg of pharmacoms dbol and felt nothing.

Few month ago i had dbol from another lab, 50mg wad enough to give me good pumps and crambs after few days.

I have no reason to lie about this. I really prayed to god that we finally found a legit source with pharmacom...
After all the current tests will be finished I've decided to sponsor Millard's testing campaign to have 1 Mass spec conducted on 5 Pharmacom products each 2 weeks.
All purchases will be of course made anonymously and the products being selected the most popular (test, tren, eq, deca ..)

I think you'll find that sources can contribute funds to the testing programme, as anyone can, but will not be able to request that particular labs or products get tested. this has been addressed in the relevant thread