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I can safely say the tren is severely under dosed.

But you said you were getting great results before. I'm one of the types to read and read just because I like learning. But when one person says they get results and then all the sudden change their mind I get curious because I want to know if it's getting good results or bunk. So why the change of heart?
And guys dont forget, i got pretty good results on their sus 300 and blood work came back decent.
Im only saying this because you guys sound like you've lost all hope but if the sus is decent im hoping alot of the vials that you have all yet to open might be decent as well.
Im starting there mix 2 now and i have ran that mix from another lab before, so i know what to expect and i will let you all know what i think.
But you said you were getting great results before. I'm one of the types to read and read just because I like learning. But when one person says they get results and then all the sudden change their mind I get curious because I want to know if it's getting good results or bunk. So why the change of heart?
Oh shit! Lol
Oh shit! Lol

I'd say the results came from switching over from a cut to a bulk. The test is underdosed, we know that much from bloods. The tren barely gave me any sides at 150mg/day, same as nitro at that dose.
I haven't lost hope. I believe Darius will make it right. My concern is that i have possible underdosed dbol coming. I'll still be placing orders for different products.
I'd say the results came from switching over from a cut to a bulk. The test is underdosed, we know that much from bloods. The tren barely gave me any sides at 150mg/day, same as nitro at that dose.

So you are saying that it was getting good results from a cut but not a bulk?
We can all speculate, but until we get the lab results, all this banter is moot...I realize, that some guys are having bad results, or a "lack" of results on some gear, myself included. But I'd like to get some concrete evidence first, you dig?
I am having positive sides from their deca 300. Obviously bloods are out of the question on deca. Hoping MB's tests will be conclusive (as much as they can be).
Regarding Meek, LOL, I don't think he has a whole lot in his life figured out. Apparently he is suffering from a sexual identity crisis. I doubt the quality of his gear is a pressing issue in his world.

I don't think he was even on.gear never was never will
You're paying a premium price, about double, of that of smaller labs and the blood work is coming back worse than that of sad smaller labs with less expensive products. I'm not OK with getting severely underdosed products and paying a premium. I'll admit, I was overly hopeful about pharmacom, but I'll never purchase from them again. I made a mistake.
You're paying a premium price, about double, of that of smaller labs and the blood work is coming back worse than that of sad smaller labs with less expensive products. I'm not OK with getting severely underdosed products and paying a premium. I'll admit, I was overly hopeful about pharmacom, but I'll never purchase from them again. I made a mistake.
Are you referring to the price posted on his site, or after he applies whatever discount he chooses? It seems to vary a little, not sure if it's due to different markups on each product, or what...

After the discounts it seemed to fall right in the average price range for me. I am sure we pay a few bucks more for the packaging, which doesn't thrill me. Oh well.
I am having positive sides from their deca 300. Obviously bloods are out of the question on deca. Hoping MB's tests will be conclusive (as much as they can be).
Agreed @Wunderpus I'm running some NPP as well, started 8 days ago. I am noticing some strength gains so far, and am hopeful it'll only get better. But, like you said, impossible to track with blood work...
My only reason for bringing this up is I don't know any of you personally. I don't know if your the most honest person in the world or not. But to me when someone is happy with the gear he got one day then less than 30 days later when a few bad reports go out he changes his mind. It seems to me that the reasoning behind that is one of a few things. If replacements go he doesn't wanna be left behind. He just wants to join the pharmacom bashing party to be cool and get a few extra posts. Or he just has no clue about any gear he is running. Like @johnnyrotten94 said lets just wait for the test to be released. Why all this uninformative shit. I just want to learn all I can about everything I can in this game with minimal BS along the way
Agreed @Wunderpus I'm running some NPP as well, started 8 days ago. I am noticing some strength gains so far, and am hopeful it'll only get better. But, like you said, impossible to track with blood work...
NPP I normally can feel around that point. I think it's a 5 day halflife (I think?), so that's about right. Normally it starts with my joints, and then I start to feel really full, especially while lifting. NPP is a great AAS.
I was thinking D was gonna make a run for it and not deal with the backfire on meso, but if he does make it right with the members that got screwed and supports millard's program, I see him taking the steps on the right direction.
And guys dont forget, i got pretty good results on their sus 300 and blood work came back decent.
Im only saying this because you guys sound like you've lost all hope but if the sus is decent im hoping alot of the vials that you have all yet to open might be decent as well.
Im starting there mix 2 now and i have ran that mix from another lab before, so i know what to expect and i will let you all know what i think.

I heard the pip was bad let us know how it works out for you
So here's my issue with the program, and it's nothing we can prevent: Batches.

Darius claims pharmacom produces a new batch every 2 weeks. How the fuck could we ever know/predict the next based off the previous? Even recent bloods from the sustanon compared to the enanthate indicate such a variation between compounds/batches.

This is a great program and I hope it forces sources to at least give us BETTER products. Regardless, we still take the risk. I appreciate the community's desire to mitigate those.
^^^ This^^^

Been reading this whole thread for a while now and this is what I keep coming back to mentally. Basically any lab that has/claims high volume will always have this excuse ready for deployment. Really only 100% consistent blood work would counteract it. Which isn't going to happen.

Post a good blood test and the lab will point and say "See? Our shit is primo!"

Post a bad set of number or get manifestly under dosed dbol/anavar and the lab says, "It was a bad raw supplier, we don't work with them now, only part of a 2 week run!"

Really only a lab who claims that they use one raw source consistently and posts consistent blood work without crazy anomalies would seem to be immune to this problem?

Then again, I might be crazy.
But you said you were getting great results before. I'm one of the types to read and read just because I like learning. But when one person says they get results and then all the sudden change their mind I get curious because I want to know if it's getting good results or bunk. So why the change of heart?

You are a very sharp individual to notice/remember something like that and I agree with what your saying 100%