MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008

Everybody sides are different when on gear I don't get to oily from test e but test p for get it don't sweat alot on tren a as to tren e dreams about the same on both I'm rich then I wake up
Also you all know it's gear not a magic position you need to eat right and train hard as if without gear
Also forgot to mention, i also ran the npp at 100 mg eod and it treated mr real nice. Shoulders felt better than they have in years.
Package landed from darius, and included around 80 clen pills when i ordered 20. No complaints.

No complaints? As in "no complaints other than the fact that there is enormous concern about the legitimacy/potency of all of this sources products"? Did you mean like that kind of "no complaints"?:confused:
Well the pills are dosed a 4mg each. I'm not gonna take a whole one to find out lol. This would be my last post!

It's albuterol not clen btw and you would take a full one and work your way up to well as much as you can (possibly up to 20mg a day spread out). it's not mcg like clen. It's defiantly legit btw the albuterol, I have some I got for my wife.
You guys should go check out Millards test results your gonna be surprised, optimistic even.