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@Darius PharmacomStore

Big props for your plans with millards mass spec. At this point i really cant believe that you knew about the bunk gear.

BUT iam one of those who took up to 150mg of pharmacoms dbol and felt nothing.

Few month ago i had dbol from another lab, 50mg wad enough to give me good pumps and crambs after few days.

I have no reason to lie about this. I really prayed to god that we finally found a legit source with pharmacom...
On the flip side...The best DBOL I ever used and used it many many times was Jelfa Metanabol 25mg to 40mg ...I never got all the typical sides most get when using various ugl dbol but my results were far more impressive then any other dbol I've used till date..I think the reason was that it was it was real methandienone ...You would be surprised how much dbol out there is methyltest and that stuff will give you the impressive pumps,bloat, and everything else it hits the body hard...Maybe a lot of you never actually had real dbol to begin with..!
now their is no way you can do better than this

After all the current tests will be finished I've decided to sponsor Millard's testing campaign to have 1 Mass spec conducted on 5 Pharmacom products each 2 weeks.
All purchases will be of course made anonymously and the products being selected the most popular (test, tren, eq, deca ..)[/QUOTE]
We never shipped orals from resellers.
We used a reseller only for a limited number of orders, 2 months ago.

It would be much easier for me to blame a fictive reseller for some bad packaging, a big delay or a product with less expected results. That's not the case, if you ordered from PharmacomStore I'm directly responsible.

Pharmacom DBOL passed all Labmax tests conducted here, 3 of them.
Being the cheapest raw powder a manufacturer can buy it would be absurd to produced it under dosed. What other expectations can you have from the rest?
Even if 3-4mg of active substance were present in a pill, multiplied by 10 (pills), it will still result in a 30-40mg concentration of methandienone. Another member reported a 150mg intake pre workout also with 0 results.
I will not comment or incriminate these kind of feedback, I'm sure it was meant to be an honest review for the community but I can't take it seriously.

Dbol is one of my best sellers, which runs out of stock very fast. Obviously, that's not a batch quality indicator but my clientele being formed 80% of returning customers, it's an indicator of positive results over the long term.

That won't be possible.
First page of Google, probably, top 5 definitely not.

A manufacturer/source has much more resources to invest in SEO ranking than a board or a non profit organization.

After all the current tests will be finished I've decided to sponsor Millard's testing campaign to have 1 Mass spec conducted on 5 Pharmacom products each 2 weeks.
All purchases will be of course made anonymously and the products being selected the most popular (test, tren, eq, deca ..)

I appreciate you trying to make things right but your Dbol is underdosed or bunk. Point blank and simple. I did take 100 mg pwo and had slight back pumps but I've been taking 40-50 mg/day with no water retention. I've taking Dbol and Superdrol before and this is shit in comparison. Maybe I got a bad batch. I will say that the Test E at least has some hormone in it. Slight estrogen sides at 1g/week but none at 600mg/week and I am prone to high estrogen during a cycle. I also have no reason to lie about this. I really wanted pharmacon to work out but it has been a huge disappointment so far. I haven't given up on it yet because mistakes do happen but it's disappointing to say the least.
And I hate the argument "why would I do that? Dbol is so cheap, why would we sell it underdosed?" I honestly don't give a fuck, but you did. The worst part about this whole thing is that I planned a 13 week cycle but now that I have to double my dose of Test E, it's not going to last anywhere near that long. Blood tests and personal experience tell me the oil is underdosed and nothing can be said to change that.
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@Darius PharmacomStore

Big props for your plans with millards mass spec. At this point i really cant believe that you knew about the bunk gear.

BUT iam one of those who took up to 150mg of pharmacoms dbol and felt nothing.

Few month ago i had dbol from another lab, 50mg wad enough to give me good pumps and crambs after few days.

I have no reason to lie about this. I really prayed to god that we finally found a legit source with pharmacom...
Nitro, I suppose you're starting to see my earlier statement coming true. I am pro-Darius, not pro-Pharmacom.
I agree. I think D is a good guy trying to make things right. But the sooner he accepts the fact that his shit is bunk, the better things will be for everyone.
Well, I am curious to see these tests that're being performed. I think we should just standby. Hopefully these results will be in soon. I'm tired of staring at all of these Pharmacom boxes and not knowing if they're bunk or good.
Well, I am curious to see these tests that're being performed. I think we should just standby. Hopefully these results will be in soon. I'm tired of staring at all of these Pharmacom boxes and not knowing if they're bunk or good.

I'll help you out with that last concern... They're bunk.
And so as for the person that has started this thread...wonder if he even realizes he got bunk garbage...
I'll help you out with that last concern... They're bunk.
Thanks, but that doesn't really help in anyway. Nor, do you have any evidence to support each individual compound is bunk. I realize having issues with common products, such as Dbol becomes an indicator. However, it's not a deciding factor.

Have you seen any testing done on their deca? What about the mass spec that was done on the EQ as well as the labmax. Their was definitely EQ in that oil, the level at which there was, who knows?

I understand your pessimistic view here. I'm not sure if you're in a similar situation, or if you're just chiming in to this thread to provide your input.
And so as for the person that has started this thread...wonder if he even realizes he got bunk garbage...
Regarding Meek, LOL, I don't think he has a whole lot in his life figured out. Apparently he is suffering from a sexual identity crisis. I doubt the quality of his gear is a pressing issue in his world.
Regarding Meek, LOL, I don't think he has a whole lot in his life figured out. Apparently he is suffering from a sexual identity crisis. I doubt the quality of his gear is a pressing issue in his world.

Depends on which "gear" of his you're talking about...
We never shipped orals from resellers.
We used a reseller only for a limited number of orders, 2 months ago.

It would be much easier for me to blame a fictive reseller for some bad packaging, a big delay or a product with less expected results. That's not the case, if you ordered from PharmacomStore I'm directly responsible.

Pharmacom DBOL passed all Labmax tests conducted here, 3 of them.
Being the cheapest raw powder a manufacturer can buy it would be absurd to produced it under dosed. What other expectations can you have from the rest?
Even if 3-4mg of active substance were present in a pill, multiplied by 10 (pills), it will still result in a 30-40mg concentration of methandienone. Another member reported a 150mg intake pre workout also with 0 results.
I will not comment or incriminate these kind of feedback, I'm sure it was meant to be an honest review for the community but I can't take it seriously.

Dbol is one of my best sellers, which runs out of stock very fast. Obviously, that's not a batch quality indicator but my clientele being formed 80% of returning customers, it's an indicator of positive results over the long term.

That won't be possible.
First page of Google, probably, top 5 definitely not.

A manufacturer/source has much more resources to invest in SEO ranking than a board or a non profit organization.

After all the current tests will be finished I've decided to sponsor Millard's testing campaign to have 1 Mass spec conducted on 5 Pharmacom products each 2 weeks.
All purchases will be of course made anonymously and the products being selected the most popular (test, tren, eq, deca ..)
To be honest Darius I don't think you intentionally put out bunk d Bol on purpose. I just think you didn't know and maybe you have all returning customers because maybe all your stuff was good and this is just a bad batch?? Either way when someone take 109 mg d Bol a day and does not feel anything something is up.. There is no denying that. Real correctly dosed d Bol is so effective and noticeable at 40 mg a day... I think other compounds it's safe to say m u may not really feel anything but with a Bol that's different you feel it big time. This is defiantly a bad batch.. Exactly why I don't believe that they test every batch.... I mean 100 mg a day and nothing???like u said even if it was 70% under dosed he would still get something so it makes me believe it's just completely bunk... Darius let's be honest if u took 100 mg a day and we're not getting major pumps and did not just bloat up like a balloon after a week are so wouldn't u think the same thing? I have took 20 mg of the pink Thais before and after a week I was bloated and getting insane pumps...
I've taken close to 100 mg of var in past, at 9 days in at that dose you should of started to at least feel intense pumps during work outs, almost hurts too much to do another rep. It's not like test kicking in but if you feel nothing for another week then chances are it's severely underdosed or bunk. Hopefully your on the lean side already, I don't recommend var unless you are. Did you get yours from Darius?
If you can manage 100mgs of var in a day, it's either low dosed, or you are monstrous body size! Good var doesn't take a lot. At 50mg you know it's in ya.
I'll help you out with that last concern... They're bunk.

I'm really confused because a little less than a month ago you were defending pharmacom and saying you were getting great results from their test p and tren a.

I have no bloods to back up the dosing, but I'm making good gains with the prop and tren a. I've mentioned that in the thread already. Interested in bloods on the prop to see the potency of it

So which is it? Are you getting good results or is it bunk?
I'm really confused because a little less than a month ago you were defending pharmacom and saying you were getting great results from their test p and tren a.

So which is it? Are you getting good results or is it bunk?
I think that the first quote was only referring to the dbol. Which i have ordered unfortunately.
I'm really confused because a little less than a month ago you were defending pharmacom and saying you were getting great results from their test p and tren a.

So which is it? Are you getting good results or is it bunk?

I can safely say the tren is severely under dosed.
I think that the first quote was only referring to the dbol. Which i have ordered unfortunately.
He has been trash talkin the tren as well saying this and that and was over on 24k getting their tren because pharmacom was crap. I'm not trying be a dick I just want to know why the sudden change of heart?