I see your point about making him feel ganged up on. It's not that deep. He called Sciroxx tabs garbage, I quoted another veteran members review in order to show a different side of the coin. It's a forum for the exchange of opinions, since I have spent the last 2 months dealing with sciroxx customers I think my UNBIASED opinion on their tabs would be valuable no?
Yeah. Obviously my telling you I was going to quit wasn't a legally binding statement. LOL.
I had planned on quitting, in hindsight, I'm very happy I didn't. At the time, I was going to quit but when it came time to do it, I felt as though I was running from the confrontation. I wanted to stay long enough to leave on my own terms and not feel forced out. My decision was made back when we spoke (2 months not 90 days) I just didn't want to feel like I was tucking tail.
I'm sorry. Please quote the post where I said what I did was "nothing".
I said, my time as a REP shouldn't damage my credibility as an honest contributing member. My point in bringing up the time frame of 2+ months, was to compare and contrast my time as a member (38+months) roughly 5% of my time as a meso member was spent as a REP. That was signifigant in my mind.
I don't think there are members that are "stressing". And you say I am going to "bow out when they need me"?!?! REALLY?
How the fuck do you know I didn't tell them what my real name was and told all of them to stay in contact with me, so I can help them until they score a touchdown?? Right. You don't fucking know, cause you make guesses, and act like it's a fact.
Anyone who cares to cosign this feel free^^ Because I DID provide those concerned customers with the means to stay in touch with me.
Nope. No residuals. Sounds like I need to get an agent before signing on with a new company[

)] You interested?
Just because I don't get residuals, doesn't mean I don't feel a responsiblity to the members who order from SF. The feeling of responsibility won't last forever, but right now, I feel very obligated to continue assisting them. I also feel for the owner, I like the guy, and I want to see him do well. But he isn't paying me a fucking dime anymore.
When have you seen the SF account shirk responsiblity by fingerpointing?? It hasn't happened to my knowledge. I was the only person to respond to PM's or post to the open forum as SF since I took over the account in mid FEB. (aside from the posting the owner made during the paypal debacle)