Steroidsfax Test e/Deca/Dbol/Proviron

As suspected you ventured nowhere of this board for answers! (See paragraph three of my last post)
Hey, Iatola, what do think of the dbol? I'm currently running them with test and have mixed feelings so far...
Hey Jack, I haven't started my cycle yet so I can't say.

Why do you say you have mixed feelings? What's your dosage and time on?
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I'm running 40mg a day, it will be 2 weeks Monday, I'm running it with test cyp at 500mg a week. It hasn't hit me like dbol usually does, Its still early but most the time within a few days I'm feeling it. I'm going to switch it up and take it an hr b4 I workout instead of twice daily
Last cycle I ran Russian dbol. I did the same thing and split the dose 3x per day (10mg tabs) and I felt the same way. Actually the only thing that made me think the Russian stuff was even legit was that I was getting some pretty intense lower back pain while on but I didn't notice a huge difference on the gym.

Let me know if the single dose changes anything. It may be worth a try.
Underdosed D? Maybe there is a reason certain SF tabs have been out of stock for a while now. Its funny cause they got rid of the comments on their website's page about the same time the tabs seemed to have been in question. Is sciroxx f@#%ing up or is SF? Maybe just a bad batch?
Underdosed D? Maybe there is a reason certain SF tabs have been out of stock for a while now. Its funny cause they got rid of the comments on their website's page about the same time the tabs seemed to have been in question. Is sciroxx f@#%ing up or is SF? Maybe just a bad batch?

Gotta love the rumor mill.

One person says "mixed feelings" and all of a sudden, we are removing comments, and intentionally keeping tabs out of stock. :rolleyes:
... I would have pointed out the fact this was eb's second post, but hey I can't say much about post count :D
Underdosed D? Maybe there is a reason certain SF tabs have been out of stock for a while now. Its funny cause they got rid of the comments on their website's page about the same time the tabs seemed to have been in question. Is sciroxx f@#%ing up or is SF? Maybe just a bad batch?
Gotta love the rumor mill.
One person says "mixed feelings" and all of a sudden, we are removing comments, and intentionally keeping tabs out of stock. :rolleyes:

hypothetically, lets say they did have a bad batch. wouldn't it be a good thing that they decided to bin it all, and wait for better supplies?
hypothetically, lets say they did have a bad batch. wouldn't it be a good thing that they decided to bin it all, and wait for better supplies?

Hypothetically, yes. But the honorable thing to do, would be to refund everyone who received the "bad batch". So far, I have heard one questionable review.

I'd say more then likely... they just ran out :)


No real change from taking dbol pre work out, It's been almost 3 weeks @ 40 day

So are you saying you feel nothing through 3 weeks?
No I wouldn't say I don't feel anything, some strength and endurance increase. But typically by the end of my 2nd week with dbol my strength is jumping by the day, and thru the third
people ask what I'm on. I'm also on 500mg of ur cyp frontloaded.

SF I am not trying to bash, I was seeking another opinion on this.
No I wouldn't say I don't feel anything, some strength and endurance increase. But typically by the end of my 2nd week with dbol my strength is jumping by the day, and thru the third
people ask what I'm on. I'm also on 500mg of ur cyp frontloaded.

SF I am not trying to bash, I was seeking another opinion on this.

I must do something to make people think I am jumping on them if there is a problem.

I'm not trying to discourage you, I want to know whats going on. The confusion for me is, you were sold product from a batch that just sold out, and you are the only one reporting mixed results. So its not just a simple case.

If there is anyone else having similar dosing concerns on the dbol, post up here or PM me.
Hey Jack, SF. I'll be starting soon so I'm interested to see what happens now too. I'll post up results once I'm in it.