STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

This is a stealth sales tax. This reminds me of countries like Cayman Iskands where they tarriff the crap out of imports in order to fund no/low tax regimes. This has got to be an indirect way he wants to either “get rid of income tax “ or fund the permanent extension of 2017 cuts
Where's the pics bro?
You need them? Ok, let me strip the EXIF. Actually, fuck that, I'll just post them. Happy? Don't believe the FUD from Frankenberry and Automatic, ask and I'll tell you why..m


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idk about usa really, eu shops are starting getting back slowly. i see no reason for it to go wrong in merica

Between this and Milkbone's brilliant analysis, I'll have to check to see if Millard can delete the thread, it's really not relevant any longer since everything's is back to normal,
Let's keep an eye on this for today and tomorrow. Trump has suspended imposing tariffs on Canada & Mexico for 30 more days, after saying, "there is nothing that can be done" on Friday.

This. Whatever Trump is trying to do (my guess is he just wants the "news press") with China, we'll probably find out another suspended tariff for them after CNY (tomorrow).
Shall I show the 2nd pack too? Don't get sucked in to a narrative placed by people not aligned with us
You need them? Ok, let me strip the EXIF. Actually, fuck that, I'll just post them. Happy? Don't believe the FUD from Frankenberry and Automatic, ask and I'll tell you why..m
Talk shit now Frankenberry. Automatic are you there? Reminds me of my favorite song....
i hope you know how shit useless customs is. im living in scandinavia one of the "riskier regions" to send stuff to. they most likely wont open your package, just scan through their system if customs & everything come back as green(nothing shady or wrong labeled, if customs is not paid etc it'll go come back as red) even through airport they dont care. the police dogs is trained for sniffing hard drugs, guns, bombs etc. no xray if u dont mess up sending the package. Its supringsly easily to get stuff out if its not a mass operation or big packages. And they defiently wont do this in america since u guys get so many packages yearly and have less strict customs.
I appreciate your sentiment, but this is a completely different subject. This is me speaking out against a couple of cheese eaters (aka RATS) spreading FUD. If I somehow insulted your intelligence please know that it was unintentional, my insults are quite directed to the filth that somehow still exists here on Meso. Not at all towards people like minded to most of us, the ones looking to help others and avoid any sort of harm, be it physical or financial.
I appreciate your sentiment, but this is a completely different subject. This is me speaking out against a couple of cheese eaters (aka RATS) spreading FUD. If I somehow insulted your intelligence please know that it was unintentional, my insults are quite directed to the filth that somehow still exists here on Meso. Not at all towards people like minded to most of us, the ones looking to help others and avoid any sort of harm, be it physical or financial.
oh i just read few pages back, i dont wanna be involved in your guys personal issues and you're both spreading misinfo cuz you're arguing. customs is shit, and china men is already starting their operation again. my conclusion from being forced to read few pages back: you are a troll, ghoul is suffering from roid anxiety.
oh i just read few pages back, i dont wanna be involved in your guys personal issues and you're both spreading misinfo cuz you're arguing. customs is shit, and china men is already starting their operation again. my conclusion from being forced to read few pages back: you are a troll, ghoul is suffering from roid anxiety.
Chinamen?! This isn't 1963 anymore you worldly traveler, this is about facts. Facts obviously above your level, so stay right where you are, with automatic and franken douche.If, IF you had a clue what misinfo was you would retract your statement instead of playing into the created scenario, created by Count Chocula and especially Automatic. Wish you well in your chosen alliance, but will not bail you out even if dive into money like Scrooge McDuck. Know the enemy my guy, research and learn. Some people contribute, some just observe and report. Pick the winning team or be a rat like the automatic and BooBerry
And it is far from personal, if it were Id be calling out Iris as the tranny he is.

Is this how you ask me for a dick pick?

Mine is very nice.
You'll see.

Why are you mentioning me here?

I got nothing to do with US customs, new taxation, new scanners and so on.

U weird...

Still, you asked and so that dick pic is coming to you, darling.
Don't be jealous.
I am naturally gifted.

A few people could use some time with their noses in the corner
As far as stocking up on glp1's, specifically semaglutide. When the patent starts to expire and generics are approved I wonder if access will be easier.
"Here are the latest developments.

Moments after President Trump’s 10 percent tariff on all Chinese products took effect just after midnight, Beijing struck back with tariffs on U.S. coal, gas and other goods, restrictions on exports of some minerals and an antimonopoly investigation into Google. Some trade experts suggested that China’s response to the tariffs — which Mr. Trump has called an “opening salvo” — was calibrated to do little short-term damage while underscoring the full range of actions it could take should the trade dispute intensify.

China’s tariffs will not take effect until Feb. 10, according to the Chinese government, meaning there is still some time before the countermeasures fully take effect..."

Moments after President Trump’s 10 percent tariff on all Chinese products took effect just after midnight, Beijing struck back with tariffs on U.S. coal, gas and other goods, restrictions on exports of some minerals and an antimonopoly investigation into Google. Some trade experts suggested that China’s response to the tariffs — which Mr. Trump has called an “opening salvo” — was calibrated to do little short-term damage while underscoring the full range of actions it could take should the trade dispute intensify.

Without delving too much into politics. China doesn't have much leverage here, at least from the perspective of imports. From the US they import agricultural products, crude oil, and LNG.

Without the agricultural products, they'll have difficulty feeding their populace. The same is true for LNG, which they primarily use for fertilizer production. They're also desperate for crude, so I doubt they'll want to curtail those imports much either.

The leverage they do have is in their exports of cheap finished goods to the US, which folks here have become accustomed to. Aside from that, there are a number of intermediate products that come from no other place in the world. Certain rare earth elements, lithium, for example, graphite for batteries, etc.

I'm guessing this is a bit of bluster. Ultimately, if folks in the US can't get their iphones, they're going to be troubled. Then there's the prospect of inflation for common goods.

As an aside, I just ordered some PTFE tubing from China for a project I'm working on. I'm wondering if it ever arrives.
So after lots of waiting for the shoe to drop, it's finally here.

De minimus exemptions, ie, bypassing normal customs procedures, for Chinese packs officially ends tonight,

Even if it returns (and it may very well), it will never be as porous as it has been until this point. The idea you could expect controlled substances to be shipped directly to you from a foreign country with almost guaranteed success has been an anomaly many seemed to think was normal.

Customs is far more strict in nearly every other country, the US is simply aligning with those norms.

Now we'll get to see how the Chinese vendors respond. Ship from a 3rd party country? Or just smuggle in the more conventional manner to stock US warehouses and sell locally?

Just a few days ago I thought this wouldn't happen until April or later, but here we are.

I hope some Chinese vendor has the brains to "go legit" with peptides at least, and continue offering them at low prices as "research chemicals".

There's no need to ship them like they're scheduled drugs.
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