stomach bloat

pretell then, dr dipshit, why aren't their kidney's distended out of their backs? And why, for christ's sake, isnt my brain exploding out of my skull (given its extraordinary overusage)?
it is from the HGH and slin - also when the body gets to a certain point it cant grow fast enough anywhere else so the stomach extends - usually after the athlete goes past his possible genetic potential to the nth degree - of course there is always the elf explanation!
"pretell then, dr dipshit, why aren't their kidney's distended out of their backs? And why, for christ's sake, isnt my brain exploding out of my skull (given its extraordinary overusage)?"

Are you a fucking ass? seriously maybe the elf explanation makes more sense to you. how many retarded people are on this fucking board? NO one ESPECIALLY some ass kissing fuckhead like you can make any comment that disputes the fucking science of what I am saying so you make an assanign statement? congratulations you are an ass kisser! it is the fucking elve!!!!!!!!yea !!!!!!! ASK A FUCKING DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!! THE HIGHER YOR BMI THE BIGGER YOUR ORGANS!!!!!!!!!! if this does not compute then YES THERE IS AN ELF IN YOUR ASSHOLE BLOWING UP YOUR ORGANS.
So far Im going with the Elf Theory.

Lets see some websites or studies showing organ growth across the entire population based on bodyweight or BMI. So far all youve said is "large people have large organs." Now lets see some evidence.
ASK A FUCKING DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!! THE HIGHER YOR BMI THE BIGGER YOUR ORGANS!!!!!!!!!! .... I don't think this is right at all. I disagree 100%. the Elf Theory sounds alot more believable than yours. Sorry bro but your wrong wrong wrong LOL
Organ weight in 684 adult autopsies: new tables for a Caucasoid population.

Estimation of liver size for liver transplantation: the impact of age and gender.

Chouker A, Martignoni A, Dugas M, Eisenmenger W, Schauer R, Kaufmann I, Schelling G, Lohe F, Jauch KW, Peter K, Thiel M.

Department of Anesthesiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.

In general, the liver is considered to be larger in males than in females. In the present study, data on liver weight from 728 legal autopsies were analyzed with respect to gender, age, body height (BH), body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), and body surface area (BSA). Descriptive statistics revealed that liver weight increases with age, reaching maximum values between 41 and 50 years in men and between 51 and 60 years in women. Thereafter, liver weight decreases again. Because this loss in liver weight starts earlier in men while liver weight continues to rise in women, the difference in liver weight between men and women is lost above the age of 50. Thus, this age defines a threshold value below which gender is expected to be a critical factor in the calculation of liver weight. When demographic data mentioned above were subjected to multiple stepwise linear regression analysis, liver weight (LW) was best predicted in younger people (16-50 years) by body weight, age, and gender: LW (g) = 452 + 16.34 x BW + 11.85 x age - 166 x gender (r(2) = 0.381; "gender": 1 = female, 0 = male). In contrast, in elderly people (51-70 years) LW was best predicted by BW and age only. Gender was not a significant factor. LW (g) = 1390 + 15.94 x BW - 12.86 x age (r(2) = 0.35). When these formulas were applied to demographic data from 97 organ donors and compared to published formulas (which, however, do not consider the age-dependent effects of gender), the new formulas best predicted male to female liver weight ratios in younger and elderly donors. In conclusion, the new formulas might better predict liver weight in organ donors and transplant recipients to avoid liver size mismatch.
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liquid said:
OOPS worng study, these are OLD people who died, organ weight decreases with age, I will get a better one , I know for transplants as I stated before tyhe calculation for volume is based off of BMI, disregard above.
No NO NO! that's it you get one chance and no more!
Estimation of liver size for liver transplantation: the impact of age and gender.

Chouker A, Martignoni A, Dugas M, Eisenmenger W, Schauer R, Kaufmann I, Schelling G, Lohe F, Jauch KW, Peter K, Thiel M.

Department of Anesthesiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.

In general, the liver is considered to be larger in males than in females. In the present study, data on liver weight from 728 legal autopsies were analyzed with respect to gender, age, body height (BH), body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), and body surface area (BSA). Descriptive statistics revealed that liver weight increases with age, reaching maximum values between 41 and 50 years in men and between 51 and 60 years in women. Thereafter, liver weight decreases again. Because this loss in liver weight starts earlier in men while liver weight continues to rise in women, the difference in liver weight between men and women is lost above the age of 50. Thus, this age defines a threshold value below which gender is expected to be a critical factor in the calculation of liver weight. When demographic data mentioned above were subjected to multiple stepwise linear regression analysis, liver weight (LW) was best predicted in younger people (16-50 years) by body weight, age, and gender: LW (g) = 452 + 16.34 x BW + 11.85 x age - 166 x gender (r(2) = 0.381; "gender": 1 = female, 0 = male). In contrast, in elderly people (51-70 years) LW was best predicted by BW and age only. Gender was not a significant factor. LW (g) = 1390 + 15.94 x BW - 12.86 x age (r(2) = 0.35). When these formulas were applied to demographic data from 97 organ donors and compared to published formulas (which, however, do not consider the age-dependent effects of gender), the new formulas best predicted male to female liver weight ratios in younger and elderly donors. In conclusion, the new formulas might better predict liver weight in organ donors and transplant recipients to avoid liver size mismatch.
Ok, so liver size according to this one study.

How about the stomach, and large and small intestines?
liquid said:
"pretell then, dr dipshit, why aren't their kidney's distended out of their backs? And why, for christ's sake, isnt my brain exploding out of my skull (given its extraordinary overusage)?"

Are you a fucking ass? seriously maybe the elf explanation makes more sense to you. how many retarded people are on this fucking board? NO one ESPECIALLY some ass kissing fuckhead like you can make any comment that disputes the fucking science of what I am saying so you make an assanign statement? congratulations you are an ass kisser! it is the fucking elve!!!!!!!!yea !!!!!!! ASK A FUCKING DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!! THE HIGHER YOR BMI THE BIGGER YOUR ORGANS!!!!!!!!!! if this does not compute then YES THERE IS AN ELF IN YOUR ASSHOLE BLOWING UP YOUR ORGANS.

damn Bob you do bring out the best in your followers - anyone ban him yet?
im new to this board but i cant understand why you think GH doesnt contribute to larger organs. the fact is (no i dont have studys on hand to post and defend myself, but have read them) GH not only makes your intestines and other organs grow, it enlarges your heart as well. i wouldnt be surprised to see ronnie coleman and some others drop dead within the next 10-15 years because of this reason. an enlarged heart isnt good. it also makes your bones grow and this is very evident in the the face with enlarged cheek bones and an enlarged skull overall. take a look at ronnie back in the day and look at him now, his head is bigger. and something a little off the topic that leads me to believe barry bonds has used GH is the fact that his hat size has increased several sizes since the early 90s. anyway the research is out there to prove this fact. i dont have the time to pull it up right now, but if you disagree do a search for yourself.
Now that you mention it,my head is alot bigger now than it was when i was younger .. I think even working out makes the heart grow,not to mention PGF Slin and i'm sure a bunch of other things and i disagree that a large heart is a bad thing. People always say AWWW YOU HAVE SUCH A BIG HEART and i take it as a good thing. why should i have to look it all up? I am the one disagreeing.
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Now that you mention it,my head is alot bigger now than it was when i was younger .. I think even working out makes the heart grow,not to mention PGF Slin and i'm sure a bunch of other things and i disagree that a large heart is a bad thing. People always say AWWW YOU HAVE SUCH A BIG HEART and i take it as a good thing. why should i have to look it all up? I am the one disagreeing.
Lifters in general have enlarged hearts (left ventricle, IIRC). There have been a number of studies done that show this. I dont think anything conclusive has been stated about this, only that it happens. I dont think it contributes to any heart problems like you may normally think of with an enlarged heart.

Whore, has your gf taken over your comp tonight, cuz youve made some really gay comments this evening. Just wondering. :D
No i just forgot to my my Smilies in :-) .. I just took the meanest SHIT ever,right after 2ML of PGF . How's that for gay :-)
im basing this off pics of coleman in 1991 and pics from 2005. if my memory serves me correctly i think he is 42 now. how much larger do you think his facial structure and his skull in general would grow naturally in that time frame? being that he was what, 28 in 1991.
Size reduction of small bowels from adult cadaveric donors to alleviate the scarcity of pediatric size-matched organs: an anatomical and feasibility study.

Delriviere L, Muiesan P, Marshall M, Davenport M, Dhawan A, Kane P, Karani J, Rela M, Heaton N.

Department of Liver Transplant Surgery, King's College Hospital, Camberwell, London, United Kingdom.

BACKGROUND: Small bowel transplantation in children weighing less than 10 kg is hindered by the lack of size-matched donors. The ability to create reduced size small bowel grafts from adult cadaveric donors suitable for use in young children has been studied. METHODS: Volumetric assessment of computed tomography scans were used to evaluate abdominal cavity and small bowel volumes in children. Small bowels were retrieved from adult cadaveric donors and reduced in size. RESULTS: Computed tomography studies of the abdominal cavity showed that the mean volume available for a small bowel graft was 260 ml in children less than 5 kg (n = 5) and 460 ml in children weighing 5-10 kg (n = 5). Fifteen small bowels were successfully reduced to provide an ileal graft of one meter while keeping the whole length of the superior mesenteric artery and vein after their dissection in the proximal part of the mesentery. The mean volume of the grafts created was 270 ml in seven thin patients (body mass index [BMI] <25), 390 ml in five preobese patients (25< BMI<30), and 490 ml in three obese patients (BMI>30). Mesenteric transillumination in thin donors allowed safe dissection and complete hemostasis. No diameter reduction was required. Technical modifications permitted the creation of two grafts, one ileal and the other jejunal from a single donor. Volumetric and surgical data show that implantation of up to two meters of ileum from a thin adult weighing up to 80 kg is feasible in children weighing less than 10 kg. CONCLUSION: Size reduction of adult cadaveric small bowels can provide suitable grafts for children of less than 10 kg and could expand the potential pool of donors for these patients.

YEA I know not the most applicable but the only one I could find, basically it states the higher the BMI the larger the bowels, which is what I have been saying all along, now where is that fucking elf????????
you REALLY came through with the goods there LIQUID (dr dipshit). I think i'll go with the GH as causing the bloat. As for retards on the board, dipshit, how bout you look up the spelling of "asinign"? Get back to me on that one.

PS - loved your reference to 'we as bodybuilders'. I'll bet you're huge... like MASSIVE!!!

PPS - get a dog up you

PPPS - those arent pecs, they're bitch tits
liquid said:
YEA I know not the most applicable
Youre right, that study has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with the topic we are discussing. Comparing organ sizes in kids under 25 pounds has no relevence to full-sized adults. I dont think any of us are arguing that organs of babies are smaller than organs of adults (except for eyes, which dont change with age). But thats not what any of us were talking about.
Let's put it this way .. Arnold probably ate a ton of food and had a waist smaller than mine ... I do believe HGH ... I'm not saying this couldn't be the reason but HGH was around before Arnold and used by the Pros of his day .. I say the insulin has alot to do with it since it wasn't... or at least i don't think it was used much back then. I really do think Visceral fat has alot to do with it. . I could be wrong but i've seen guys who are not BBers with the same deformity. .. jackie from the Howard Stern show being one of those guys.