stomach bloat

"I dont think any of us are arguing that organs of babies are smaller than organs of adults (except for eyes, which dont change with age). But thats not what any of us were talking about."

Don't know how you read that into the study, all it said is bowels mass is dependent on BMI.

"The mean volume of the grafts created was 270 ml in seven thin patients (body mass index [BMI] <25), 390 ml in five preobese patients (25< BMI<30), and 490 ml in three obese patients (BMI>30). "
Yes GH and IGF are a factor as I stated in my previous posts, but ALSO as BMI increases organs increase in size as well.

NOOOO WAIT that is too fucking crazy (despite the studies that state just that) you guys must be right there is an elf.

As far as brbb you have no clue who I am, but judging by your comments I am guessing you are 12 so I have no more replies for you.

This would be somewhat entertaining if anyone could dispute any of what I said or was posted. Let me put it in a simpler way, a 300lb bodybuilder will have bigger organs and a bigger gut than a 250lb bodybuilder. I find it amazing that anyone can disagree with this. If you were to gut 2 pigs the organs of the 300lber would obviously be larger, Now if that 300lb hog was shredded at 5% BF it's gut would appear larger proportionately to a 250lb ripped 5%BF hog, because in fact the organs would be larger. Is this too hard to understand????
liquid said:
Now if that 300lb hog was shredded at 5% BF it's gut would appear larger proportionately to a 250lb ripped 5%BF hog, because in fact the organs would be larger. Is this too hard to understand????
Yes, apparently so. Lets eliminate juiced up pro BBers and look at natural athletes. A 180 lb 5% natural BBer will not have any noticeably smaller stomach than a 200 lb 5% natural BBer or a 225 lb 5% BBer.

The only time you see BBers with distended bellies are the ones who are blatantly juiced to the gills and loaded up on who knows what else. Look in the General Discussion forum at the " your heart out" thread. There is a perfect example of a 265 pound PLer who has mid-single digit bodyfat and yet has a very small and tight ab region. You dont see that with the GH monsters of heavyweight BBing.
Bob the only other consideration is height here. You note a 265lb body builder. If we averaged 10, 250lb bodybuilders that all were 5'10'' I guarentee they would have larger organs and "gut" measurements than 10, 200lb bodybuilders that were also 5'10".