Stopped trt


not sure how you guys run these long cycles with many compounds in such high dosages, pct then come off and bounce back.

I was on trt for like 4 months and stopped for health reasons. They kept me on hcg. After like 3 weeks I started to get emotional slightly. More like edgy/snappy. But the sex drive is gone. How can I have crashed for such a small amount of time and conservative dosing?

I’m sure I’ll bounce back to where my normal was before starting trt but man, how the hell do you guys just carry on after pct? Everything just bounces right back? Or is there a period that sucks?

I couldn’t imagine how bad coming off a cycle must be if stopping 4 months of trt is this bad.

Idk. Maybe just my chemistry
How old are you? Age is definitey a factor for recovery, among others like timing and compounds used in PCT.
Whether coming off TRT or grams of stronger anabolics you are still shutdown. So the recovery depends more on length of shutdown, rather then dosage.
Whether coming off TRT or grams of stronger anabolics you are still shutdown. So the recovery depends more on length of shutdown, rather then dosage.
I went through a week of being a little bitchy. That’s over with now. The sex drive is just gone. About 4-5 weeks off trt. Everything else seems ok like sleep and energy.
Anxiety is really high. Not sure if that’s something else though
What PCT were you on and what were the health reasons that made you stop after just a couple of months?
I came down with a heart condition (pericarditis)
Rheumatologist recommendation was to come off to let my immune system rest and to take out anything exogenous. So I did.

I didn’t really do pct per say.
I stayed on hcg if that counts as pct.
I was only on trt for 4 months.
I came down with a heart condition (pericarditis)
Rheumatologist recommendation was to come off to let my immune system rest and to take out anything exogenous. So I did.

I didn’t really do pct per say.
I stayed on hcg if that counts as pct.
I was only on trt for 4 months.

Sorry, typo, I meant to ask ask what TRT were you on, not what PCT.
Sorry, typo, I meant to ask ask what TRT were you on, not what PCT.
Test cyp 170mg e/w

By weeks 3 and 4 I never knew I could feel so good. So content with life. On top of my game. By week 5 I got nailed with this pericarditis. Stayed on trt hoping the condition would pass but it got worse.
So I’m a month off now and I still have pericarditis. Symptoms still there. Not nearly as bad. But still there.
We canceled a beautiful trip to Italy because of this back in September
so you didn't do pct at all . no wonder you feel like you do.
you will recover but without pct it will take longer.
Wow. Didn’t realize hormones are that powerful. Just a couple months of trt can shut you down temporarily.

Good advise and thanks. Makes me feel better there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Is anxiety a symptom of coming off testosterone? That’s also increased on me during this period
Yeh bud deff should pct usually but in your case if health affects out way the well being its not worth it if any pct meds aggravate your condition I would say just strap in ur almost done
OK, was your TRT doctor prescribed or self prescribed?

I am not a medical expert but I don't see your TRT being responsible (not impossible but infection or some inflammatory problem are more likely).

But having seen this thread I think you should read up more on everything to do with TRT/steroids.
OK, was your TRT doctor prescribed or self prescribed?

I am not a medical expert but I don't see your TRT being responsible (not impossible but infection or some inflammatory problem are more likely).

But having seen this thread I think you should read up more on everything to do with TRT/steroids.
Nobody ever blamed trt on my condition. (Prescribed trt btw)

Once it reached a chronic stage the doctors suggested to stop hormones

I’m leaving out that I have autoimmune issues as well. So they wanted anything exogenous removed.

I’m feeling better. I just didn’t expect to have literally no sex drive from just a few months of trt
I’m sure you’ve communicated this with your doc, correct?

Sorry to hear about the health struggles and the issues coming off. I’m guessing your feeling anxiety and no sex drive is secondary to the concerns about your health given the other issues.
I’m sure you’ve communicated this with your doc, correct?

Sorry to hear about the health struggles and the issues coming off. I’m guessing your feeling anxiety and no sex drive is secondary to the concerns about your health given the other issues.
Yeah man. I spoke with them.
I had maybe a week of some edginess but the anxiety is crippling for me. Seems to come in waves. Very strange.

The heart condition is improving just slowly
Nobody ever blamed trt on my condition. (Prescribed trt btw)

Once it reached a chronic stage the doctors suggested to stop hormones

I’m leaving out that I have autoimmune issues as well. So they wanted anything exogenous removed.

I’m feeling better. I just didn’t expect to have literally no sex drive from just a few months of trt
OK, autoimmune issues are the probable reason, but right now your health must come first. Sorting our your hormones can come after everything else is sorted/under control.

Probably worth pushing to see an endo to get some real testing done by an expert with all the complications you have.

Good luck
OK, autoimmune issues are the probable reason, but right now your health must come first. Sorting our your hormones can come after everything else is sorted/under control.

Probably worth pushing to see an endo to get some real testing done by an expert with all the complications you have.

Good luck
Thanks man. Right now under the care of a cardiologist and a rheumatologist. Did extensive labs and everything is good. Just fighting the battle.

I’m hoping to recover in the coming months. Trt made me feel whole.

I appreciate the responses. And I agree. I don’t think trt caused any of this.