Strength Training Thread

Just a little update. This program is pretty fucking hard, aint even going to lie. However, my strength is in fact going up.

Benching 275 3 to 5 times
Squatting 315 pretty easy, 315 used ro be my 1rm
DL is still the same :( but havent pushed myself as hard as the other lifts

I fucked around today and did ohp, I used to max at 155 and today I hit 185 one time. Also incline 225 is starting to feel like bitch weight :)

First thing that popped into my head was "last week fucked around and got a triple double"
Sounds like today was a good day
Just a little update. This program is pretty fucking hard, aint even going to lie. However, my strength is in fact going up.

Benching 275 3 to 5 times
Squatting 315 pretty easy, 315 used ro be my 1rm
DL is still the same :( but havent pushed myself as hard as the other lifts

I fucked around today and did ohp, I used to max at 155 and today I hit 185 one time. Also incline 225 is starting to feel like bitch weight :)

Good shit Oz. Everything coming along smoothly?
What do you guys think about using bill starr's 5x5 as a low-volume strength program during my rugby season? The goal being to possibly make small neural adaptations and gain a little possible strength with all the muscle I've gained from high volume training on my first cycle, which is just ending.
What do you guys think about using bill starr's 5x5 as a low-volume strength program during my rugby season? The goal being to possibly make small neural adaptations and gain a little possible strength with all the muscle I've gained from high volume training on my first cycle, which is just ending.

The real 5x5 by Starr is probably going to be too much volume for in season training. You could make it work by cutting back some of the volume, running gear, or just trying to battle through it but off the top of my head id think it would set back your performance. His 5x5 was meant for off season training not for in season.
You're doing Sheiko right? Which phase are you on?

Yea. Im still on #29 week 2. Today was dl to the knees, never done those before, some bench with flys and deficit dl followed by lunges. Felt very fatigued and lagged big time today, felt sick yesterday so didnt meet my macros for carbs, Im sure that was the cause of it.
Yea. Im still on #29 week 2. Today was dl to the knees, never done those before, some bench with flys and deficit dl followed by lunges. Felt very fatigued and lagged big time today, felt sick yesterday so didnt meet my macros for carbs, Im sure that was the cause of it.

I'm a week behind you lol
I'm a week behind you lol

Shit now the pressure is on. Its a lot harder than I expected, doing the compounds lifts back to back taxes the shit out of me. I have to take 3 to 5 minutes before each set, Im used to working intensity. I am stronger, basically to where I started off before my last cut.
Shit now the pressure is on. Its a lot harder than I expected, doing the compounds lifts back to back taxes the shit out of me. I have to take 3 to 5 minutes before each set, Im used to working intensity. I am stronger, basically to where I started off before my last cut.

Remember, #29 is just a preparatory block. It's to get you used to the volume of sheiko. 30 and 31 are MUCH harder
Remember, #29 is just a preparatory block. It's to get you used to the volume of sheiko. 30 and 31 are MUCH harder

Haha definately not used to it yet man, but Im adaptable and sure I will catch on pretty soon. I notice if I dont eat before the gym it kills everything, thats my main problem now, eating before I lift.
Haha definately not used to it yet man, but Im adaptable and sure I will catch on pretty soon. I notice if I dont eat before the gym it kills everything, thats my main problem now, eating before I lift.

I didn't have much food with me yesterday for my first workout so I ended up at McDonald's. 3 mcdoubles no ch**se, 3 mcchickens, 3 4pc nuggets and a large fry about 45min before the gym. Still felt like I should've eaten more
I didn't have much food with me yesterday for my first workout so I ended up at McDonald's. 3 mcdoubles no ch**se, 3 mcchickens, 3 4pc nuggets and a large fry about 45min before the gym. Still felt like I should've eaten more

Damn that sounds pretty fucking good. Havent had mcds in forever. Some double cheesburgers sounds pretty good, like 10 of them
Haven't been on meso in a minute. Did a few different routines for strength but found I hated strength straining. Too much time between sets, too few days to work out (I like going 5 days a week) and hated skipping accessories.

Actually just started doing my own thing in the gym, basically whatever I feel like working. I'm the lightest I've been in awhile 190 but also the strongest I've ever been. Hit 315 flat awhile ago which was my primary goal, incline is up to 265, ohp is 205, deads are close to 405 and my squats still suck.

Don't know what happened but my strength barriers are being smashed and every week I feel stronger.
Haven't been on meso in a minute. Did a few different routines for strength but found I hated strength straining. Too much time between sets, too few days to work out (I like going 5 days a week) and hated skipping accessories.

Actually just started doing my own thing in the gym, basically whatever I feel like working. I'm the lightest I've been in awhile 190 but also the strongest I've ever been. Hit 315 flat awhile ago which was my primary goal, incline is up to 265, ohp is 205, deads are close to 405 and my squats still suck.

Don't know what happened but my strength barriers are being smashed and every week I feel stronger.

It's evolution :eek:

You'll be a Blastoise in no time.
Haven't been on meso in a minute. Did a few different routines for strength but found I hated strength straining. Too much time between sets, too few days to work out (I like going 5 days a week) and hated skipping accessories.

Actually just started doing my own thing in the gym, basically whatever I feel like working. I'm the lightest I've been in awhile 190 but also the strongest I've ever been. Hit 315 flat awhile ago which was my primary goal, incline is up to 265, ohp is 205, deads are close to 405 and my squats still suck.

Don't know what happened but my strength barriers are being smashed and every week I feel stronger.

welcome back bro.

Its just like my pappy always told me "son if you dont like something, quit"... :confused:
welcome back bro.

Its just like my pappy always told me "son if you dont like something, quit"... :confused:

Programs are too much like homework for me. I go to the gym to kill the demons inside and enjoy my alone time. Shit has been epic since I'm doing my own thing. I'm looking alot more cut and strong as fuck, for me anyways. My diet is good but I stopped watching my macros and just eat when I'm hungry. Actually consuming alot less than before.